WebNovelRed Nara33.54%

Chapter 22

— "Ara, they passed out after just two?" I smirked, shifting my gaze to the mentor.

— "Y-yes, it seems... not used to it...," she nodded distractedly, surveying her sleeping charges.

Yep, she herself has quite a bit under her belt already, considering the four empty bottles and one half-full one in front of her. Well, for her size, she has a decent alcohol tolerance. With my weight over ninety kilograms, a couple of liters won't do anything to me, especially with resistance to various poisons.

— "So, should we stay a bit longer or head out?" I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

— "Let's stay! I h-haven't had a decent drink since I took your trio, so I deserve it!" Kanade muttered immediately. "Better get a couple more bottles from Kei for us. I th-think that'll be enough for today."

— "Alright, let's stay then," I sighed, getting up and heading to the counter.

And why do I have a feeling I'll have to escort everyone home? Receiving a respectful look from the man and paying for the sake, I headed back.

—"...dragged her brood here and thinks she can brag," I caught a snippet of conversation passing near one of the tables, "thinks that since she got the Tokubetsu Jonin rank so early, she's now out of the weaklings?"

—"As shameful to the clan as ever!"

Turning my head, I spotted a couple of Hyuga from the main branch, judging by their looks—probably at the Chunin rank. Hmm, seems like Sensei's got some issues in the clan, especially with such a weak Byakugan. Well, not my business. Pushing aside what I heard, I unloaded the sake at our table.

—"The drinks have arrived!"

—"Well then, let's toast!" the kunoichi declared, grabbing her half.

While I wasn't looking, she managed to finish off the fifth bottle and the remnants of mine.

—"I don't mind," under the influence of alcohol, I relaxed a bit and found the situation amusing.

—"Ah, I'm tired of teaching," the mentor confessed to me after a couple of cups, "you're a decent guy, but... these two..."

—"What about them?"

—"They lack the same determination, and without proper training, no one will let our team out in the field because of you."

—"Because of me?" I was slightly surprised, leaning in closer with interest. "How am I involved?"

—"Ah, you're too valuable to the village to let you perish on the first B-rank," the mentor waved off, "so let's drink to a swift return to the field, even if it's not expected for another year!"

Hmm, that explains the presence of the ANBU on our mission, which I sensed right after leaving the village. Turns out, he was keeping an eye not on Tsume, but on me. Seems like someone doesn't want to lose such a valuable asset as myself. Not bad. It means we'll have backup from one of the experienced shinobi further on, and if necessary, they can pull me out of a mess since an ANBU order surely exists for that. But I need to gather more information while I still can.

—"Sensei, who orders... hmm..."

Unfortunately, I didn't get to complete my thought. Noticing the kunoichi, I found that Hyuga was quietly dozing off, resting her head on folded arms on the table. Darn, she's already drunk. It's hard to keep up drinking kegs with me as equals. Sighing, I shook my partners awake and made sure they weren't going to wake up. I shook my head. I'll have to escort everyone home. Luckily, during this time, I learned who lives where. True, it will be inconvenient to carry all three, but where there's a will, there's a way.

—"Well, looks like you'll have to trot on all fours," I addressed Kūromaru, who was stirring in Tsume's pocket. "Or do you prefer riding on my head?"

The puppy looked at the floor, wrinkled his nose at his owner, and assertively barked.

—"Well, on the head it is," I shrugged.

Grabbing the dog by the scruff, I landed him on my head, then hoisted one carcass after another onto my right shoulder and held them with my hand, securing them with chakra for safety. Now it's just the mentor's turn. Only they didn't let me bypass the table—a somewhat tipsy couple Hyuga blocked the passage.

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