WebNovelRed Nara34.08%

Chapter 24

— "Exactly, and right now I'm escorting these weaklings home after celebrating our first completed C-rank mission."

With a groan, Inuzuka buried her face in her hands.

— "Sunk so low, already throwing myself at genins…" I heard murmuring just within earshot.

— "Well, these things happen," I chuckled.

— "Ryo-kun, right?" she asked, after straightening up and giving me another careful once-over. "Oh yes, you have a Hyuga as a mentor, don't you… Anyway, thanks for bringing Tsume-chan."

— "Considering there was no one else available, it was no big deal," I waved off, nearly dropping the mentor, "take them off my hands and I'll go deliver the rest home."

— "Still, thank you. It's late now, but next time drop by for a visit — the clan's doors are always open to friends of my little girl," Cebami shook her head, taking her daughter from the guard and then removing the puppy from me.

Given my small stature and the need to stretch to reach her head, I unexpectedly got a very-very attractive view down her dress neckline. Well, my teammate still has a long way to go before she's like her mother…

— "More like we could call ourselves competitors at best," I corrected.

— "Oh really? I heard something else," Inuzuka suddenly smirked conspiratorially. "Something about a monstrously strong and pleasantly smelling Nara sitting next to me in the squad…"

— "Eh?" was all I could manage to say at such unexpected news.

— "Yes, yes, and Tsume also likes tall and strong boys," the kunoichi's eyes were literally sparkling with barely contained laughter.

She's teasing me!

— "Well then, I better get out of here before I hear anything more embarrassing, otherwise Tsume will definitely kill me," I muttered, shaking my head. "Nice meeting you, and all the best."

Bowing in farewell to the grinning Inuzuka pair, I quickly retreated towards the nearest roof. As they say, from love to hate is just one step? Count me out of that! Besides, I'm permanently on Tsume's blacklist now.

Shaking my head in an attempt to clear my thoughts running in the same direction, I set my next destination and dashed towards a small dormitory where Ishi resided. Only halfway there did the thought hit me — why am I hauling everyone myself when I have clones?!! No, alcohol definitely affects the ability to think clearly, even if I haven't drunk enough for real intoxication!

 Creating two shadow clones, I handed over the unconscious bodies to them and headed home. Hopefully, Ma won't scold too much and will give me something to eat, because right now, all I want is food and sleep.


— "Kanade, Kanade, wake up!"

— "Ugh," was all the girl could manage to say in her half-asleep state as someone shook her shoulder.

— "Kanade, if you don't get up right now, I'll be angry!"

Recognizing that familiar voice, Hyuga quickly opened her eyes and sat up in bed, ignoring her body's weak protests and worsening headache from the hangover.

— "I'm up, I'm up," she muttered, struggling to focus her gaze and look around.

Indeed, beside her bed stood her mother — Hyuga Tayumi herself — who was now disapprovingly observing her daughter.

— "Mom! Did you really have to wake me up so early!?"

A glance at the sky just beginning to lighten outside the window convinced the girl of the lost opportunity to sleep for at least a couple more hours before any need to get out of bed arose.

— "Firstly — it's high time, and secondly — I want to know how your drinking binge went yesterday," the older woman frowned, "but judging by your appearance and lack of signs of nocturnal activity, you didn't manage to lure Ryo."

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