WebNovelRed Nara37.97%

Chapter 47

Persuading Uncle in certain cases won't be difficult, especially considering talents like Kabuto's and Anko's—here, even a small recommendation can help. At the same hospital, my word carries considerable weight. Also, personally involving myself in their fate is feasible, taking a bit of time away from training, so to speak, making a beneficial investment in the future generation and a reason to remind myself that life consists not only of missions and training.

Moreover, if one ingratiates oneself beforehand, it becomes much easier to fulfill planned acquaintances. After all, a childhood familiar shinobi, regularly donating to the shelter and occasionally playing with the children, will be much more trusted than some obscure guy from a clan making supposedly "selfless" offers.

"Good day, is Sasaki-san available?" I inquired of the elderly woman, who didn't even flinch at my appearance.

Typically, places like this employ disabled and chakra-incapacitated fighters, such as this former kunoichi who "burnt out" in one of the battles and lost the ability to use jutsu due to a severely damaged keirakukei, but didn't lose most of her skills over time.

"Good day, Nara-san, the manager is in her office," the caretaker replied with a respectful nod.

"Thank you."

"No need, we should thank you," she smiled back, returning to watching over the children.

Not wanting to delay, I opened the entrance door and entered the shelter. Since I had been here several times before, reaching the manager's office on the second floor was no trouble. Knocking and entering upon invitation into the room, I immediately noticed the woman seated behind the desk.

A typical lady in her forties with a small ponytail, chestnut hair, and a faint streak of gray already showing, common in Konoha residents who handle nothing more dangerous than a kitchen knife. Former as well. Five such women work here, caring for nearly fifty children aged two to eight. Just thinking about their workload sends shivers down my spine. Considering their meager salary, they practically work for free, driven solely by enthusiasm. And yet, they don't leave!

"Good day, Sasaki-san, am I interrupting you too much?" I nodded my head in greeting.

"Hello, Ryo-kun," she greeted warmly, tearing herself away from the papers, offering me a warm smile. "I wasn't expecting you this month."

"Alas, too much piled up, and I simply couldn't find the time, barely scraping by with my schedule," I shrugged. "How are the children? Does anyone need medical assistance?"

Oh yes, I also moonlight as a local healer when needed. Naturally, for free. Thanks to such practice, several older children now wish not to enroll in the shinobi academy but to train as healers under "their beloved Ryo-nii-san." Damn, it's nice!

"Thankfully, no, nothing serious beyond a few bruises and scratches that will heal on their own," she waved her hand dismissively. "Except maybe my eye acting up again."

"In that case, it's time to have a look at it," I responded.

The former kunoichi got up from behind the desk without objections and settled onto the old sofa placed in the corner of the office beside a round coffee table and a pot with a miniature bonsai. Clearly, it was troubling her significantly, as she complied without question—former ANBU staff aren't accustomed to complaining about their problems and only ask for help when things get really tough.

Fetching a visitor's chair, I sat beside the sofa and began the diagnosis after removing the bandage. The eye itself didn't leak after the glancing blow, but it was often inflamed, causing severe pain, as happened this time. Quickly reducing the inflammation, which caused the manager to sigh in relief, I allowed her to rise.

The worst part is that local artisans can replace eyes even in field conditions, with minimal preparation and just one field medical kit, but they can't repair a damaged organ containing a more complex "mechanism" than contracting muscles. Seal the injuries with partial organ function? Yes. Restore a completely non-functioning eye? No!

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