WebNovelRed Nara38.93%

Chapter 53

Sometimes a single eye-to-eye glance is enough to determine if there are brains inside someone's head. Well, this woman certainly had plenty of them.

"Good day," I greeted everyone, nodding my head slightly.

"And good day to you too, Nara-san," the jonin nodded, "not that I'm chasing you away, but we have training planned right now..."

"...where you'll be a hindrance," remained unsaid. Straight to the point? Fine by me.

"Oh, I won't take up much of your time," I waved my hand, "I just need to talk to your students about... the inadmissibility of certain actions towards my friends."

If I spoke respectfully to Sensei Hadashi, then at the end of my sentence, casting a glance at a couple of wary genins, my voice dropped so coldly that even an idiot would understand the threat contained in it. The jonin just chuckled approvingly, looking at her student.

"Perhaps that's a worthy reason to postpone training a bit," she smirked, "I hope they'll be able to move independently by the end of this 'discussion'?"

"Absolutely, Hadashi-san! And if not, I can always heal them to the necessary condition."

"Excellent, and you can just call me Kio-san."

"Then I'm just Ryo."

With mutual chuckles, she and I completely ignored the startled simultaneous exclamation of "Sensei" and the dumbfounded expressions of the genins. The kunoichi pulled Hitomi along, and I was left alone with the pale-faced boys. Well, no wonder they paled; back in the academy, I could knock down all my classmates literally in a matter of seconds without even trying.

"So, gentlemen, your hormones acting up? Fond of harassing orphans? Since there's no one to defend them, you thought you'd feel up a pretty partner? To your misfortune, she has one big and very angry friend!" I ominously uttered, clenched my fists dramatically, and took a step forward.

"Hey, hey, wait, Ryo," Inuzuka quickly interposed with his palms raised, "what the hell are you meddling in here?"

"Yeah, we haven't harmed anyone, and your unwarranted interference could lead to serious trouble for Nara," the second idiot quickly picked up the idea.

Of course, they'll try to pressure me with clan affairs, since they don't stand a chance against me together.

"Exactly, you don't want to incur the wrath of three clans against Nara, do you?"

Idiots! Barely restraining the urge to facepalm, I just shook my head. For such weaklings, no one would even raise an eyebrow, just like with Hitomi. If they were heirs or from a ruling family, that would be different. But this lot brought it upon themselves, so they'll pay the price. Without wasting more time listening to them, I switched to more forceful methods of education on "how not to behave with my acquaintances."

The idiots didn't last even three minutes, though it's a much better result than in the academy. You can tell right away they had a good instructor, or rather, instructress. Surveying the bodies groaning on the ground, I just shook my head and approached closer, lifting their heads by their hair.

"Listen carefully to me, and don't say later that you didn't hear — if Hitomi complains about you again, I'll mix you up with the dirt and sterilize you like the sheep you are," I quietly issued the warning, shaking their heads a bit for better understanding, and turned to the ringleader in this pair, "and as for you, Tsume once invited me over, so mentioning your behavior to her parents won't be difficult for me. Imagine what the head of a clan, whose daughter is growing up under his care, would do to you?"

"P-please, no! I understand everything!" the genin whispered, practically turning pale with horror.

"Good, and remember — there won't be a second warning," I released my grip, stood up straight, and turned to the kunoichi who had just approached, "They're all yours, without a single fracture, fully capable of continuing training from here until late at night."

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