WebNovelRed Nara49.21%

Chapter 105

"Such rules fit the world we live in," I shrugged and soothingly patted her back. "Though, the situation is noticeably improving now."

"Why is that?" Inuzuka raised an eyebrow.

"Because now even non-clan kunoichi are finally receiving such solid training at the academy that even those not too strong can live decently from earnings of combat missions. So, only those who see nothing shameful in it will take on 'honeypot' missions, giving others a broader choice. At least it's not like during the clan wars when a leader could summon any subordinate and simply order them to seduce someone or even bear a child from a strong enemy warrior. Refusal in such tasks was not even considered. Of course, such things can still happen today, as you can imagine from attempts to catch my attention at the academy, but these days a girl has the option to say no and at worst become simply clanless."

I didn't mention the Hyuga with their hideous seal of slavery, but the overall idea didn't change. With the creation of hidden villages, chakra users from clans gained more personal freedom and opportunities than during the times of clans, when everything was subject to strict hierarchy.

"Anyway, we've deviated a bit from the topic—even during long missions, it's not uncommon for partners to end up in bed with each other out of mutual sympathy. The body still demands its due, and even such a minor factor as excessive irritability can lead to fatal consequences for the team. Do you really think that isn't taken into account when forming teams? At least one kunoichi, but there's always a part of all newly formed genin trios, even if sometimes it's a sensei. The same logic guides the selection of teams for specific missions important for the village. Often, in a male company, kunoichi play the role of a kind of buffer between partners with dissimilar characters. The chances of killing each other in an all-male company in case of any friction are much higher than when there is at least one member of the opposite sex present."


"There you have it! And here you are getting all worked up over just one instance," I chuckled, pleased with the impression I made. "So as long as you remember that we are clan members with all the ensuing consequences, I'm quite willing to spend some nights in your company."

Having enjoyed watching Tsume blush and look away, I sighed and lifted her off my knees.

"And now that we've discussed everything, it's time for you to go find Kurōmaru—poor dog hasn't been fed since yesterday and hasn't shown up at my tent just because he understands the necessity of your rest."

"Right, Kurōmaru!" the girl immediately panicked. "I completely forgot about him!"

Jumping to her feet, she rushed towards the exit. But right at the threshold, she paused and turned back, sending me a dazzling, toothy smile.

"Thank you!"

With that, she slipped out of the tent. Well, that problem is sorted out; now it's time to simply relax—I've already forgotten when I could just lie down and nap without a care in the world. Tomorrow will bring a new day full of worries and anxieties, but for today, I rest. After all, I also have the lazy genes of the Nara clan in me.


Uzumaki Mito strolled leisurely and with dignity through the Senju quarter, following a route she had become well acquainted with over the past two weeks. Responding to the respectful greetings of her late husband's clanmates (once an Uzumaki, always an Uzumaki), the powerful kunoichi restrained her irritation at such a slow mode of movement simply because it wasn't fitting for a woman of her status to jump rooftops like a juvenile.

Ever since gaining her second youth, however, Mito wanted to move and feel the workings of her renewed body. Before Ryo left for the front lines, her pent-up energy had been released in battles and in bed; now, all that was left for Uzumaki was to be patient, to conduct the occasional training with Kushina (who had recently received her Uzushiogakure genin symbol from Mito's hands), and to practice meditation in hopes of Ryo's swift return.

Recently, however, she had taken on another activity that consumed a considerable amount of her free time: visiting a young mother who had only recently been freed from the burden of pregnancy just a couple of weeks ago. That was exactly where she was headed.

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