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Chapter 139

The most obvious solution — at the first opportunity, use chains to prevent the Jinchuriki from using Biju chakra and apply the sealing technique to cut off the connection with the beast and virtually deprive the most powerful shinobi of his strength. Nothing else will work on these chakra monsters, and if we deploy heavy artillery, we should definitely order a coffin in advance, as shinobi from all around will converge on us.

— Down!

Jumping into a small ravine that was completely unnoticed even from a couple of steps away, I looked questioningly at Hizashi.

— Set up the barrier and pray we're not spotted!

Setting it up took only a few seconds, and then we all pressed ourselves to the ground, trying to become as inconspicuous as possible.

— Taicho, what happened? — Tsume dared to whisper after a tense ten seconds of waiting.

— Roushi, — Hyuga whispered with his lips only.

— Who? — the kunoichi asked back, with a puzzled look.

— Jinchuriki, — the commander replied, clearly indicating that if she didn't shut up, death at the hands of enemies would seem merciful.

However, Tsume was a smart girl and was aware of who they were, as she turned very pale and even started to tremble. Yeah, the reputation of Jinchuriki precedes them. I even had to take her hand to calm her down a bit. To Ishii's puzzled face, I just silently waved "later." The three minutes it took for Roushi and Co. to pass by and disappear from my senses felt like an eternity, but when Hizashi finally relaxed and wiped the sweat from his forehead, a very good idea struck me on how to get out without losses and keep my abilities a secret. Major abilities, as some things would need to be revealed.

— So why is everyone so twitchy? — my teammate asked, puzzled.

— We nearly ran into a Jinchuriki — a host of a Tailed Beast, — I explained, observing with some satisfaction as Ishii paled, realizing what a big mess had just passed us.

We could have gotten caught.

— Taicho, I have an idea on how to get us out of here without losses and much faster, — I addressed the now-relaxed Hizashi.

— It can't get worse, so go ahead, — he waved his hand.

— Actually, it's quite simple — I'll seal you all in here, — I patted the pouch with the case, — summon a creature that seals me inside, then it swallows the scroll and runs back to our territory much more stealthily than an entire team of shinobi and, in most cases, faster. Once on our territory, it will perform the reverse procedure. It's straightforward and almost safe.

— You have a summon? — Tsume asked, surprised, while the commander rubbed his chin in thought and nodded a moment later.

However, I wasn't surprised after the recent encounter with the Jinchuriki, and he had already appreciated the convenience of transporting the wounded in the scroll.

— They're cats, so it's better if you don't encounter them, — I honestly warned the kunoichi, who was practically vibrating with curiosity.

Sealing three people took only a few moments. After that, I didn't use the summon but focused and created a shadow clone.

— You know what to do, — I nodded to him and placed my hand on the empty seal on the scroll.

In a small puff of smoke, the remaining one in the ravine, the clone, who only resembled his creator in form, calmly folded and put away the scroll in the case, retrieved the barrier seals, and swallowed everything with an unnaturally wide-open mouth. After that, he stepped into the densest shadow and vanished without leaving a trace of his existence behind.

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