WebNovelRed Nara61.66%

Chapter 160

The light from the fire provided me with enough shadow for the second clan technique, causing dozens of thick needles to rise from the ground and pierce the jonin's body through and through.

— You... Nara..., — the "Butcher" mumbled through his blood, remaining alive for a few more moments despite the critical injuries to his internal organs, — ...k-k-k-k-k-k-k!

After standing for a few more moments and confirming that Goto was indeed dead with the final blow (a shadow spike to the head served as an ironclad guarantee), I dispelled the henge jutsu, allowing his body to fall to the ground. I then bowed my head in respect — he was a strong opponent and had a real chance of winning if luck had turned in his favor.

Of course, I could have used my trump cards from the start, but there was no guarantee he wouldn't have managed to survive and then escape with new information about my fighting style, which I certainly didn't want. After taking one last look at the fallen enemy, I ran toward the camp, where the battle was just beginning to reach its inevitable conclusion.

During the fight with the Iwa jonin, we had moved quite far from the main clash, so within the half-minute it took me to reach my allies, most of the attackers had been dealt with. Even the two remaining chuunin would have been taken out without my help. Not that it would have been without additional losses, but a pair against six is always going to lose.

 I simply accelerated the process by charging at them at full speed, breaking one guy's neck with a powerful strike and easily knocking out a kunoichi with a blow to the back of her head. Their attempts to defend themselves against a much faster and stronger opponent were laughable.

Then I had to hurry to assist the wounded, joining the clone — despite our qualitative advantage over the attackers and the support of the kage bunshin, two dozen or so genin were still able to sufficiently distract attention to execute the crushing maneuver against the small number of defenders.

As a result, only five relatively lightly injured chuunin and three heavily wounded remained in our ranks, one of whom fell only after the danger had passed. The others had been killed before there was a chance to help them.

As I mechanically treated the wounds of the unconscious shinobi, I glanced around quickly and couldn't help but grimace — half of the camp was devastated, more than half of the remaining forces were destroyed, and I had to clean it all up as the strongest of the remaining!

— By the way, where is Chifuyu-chan? — I asked the clone working nearby. — She was supposed to be in charge of the infirmary, even if there were only a few wounded left there?

— Chifuyu is on patrol — before heading to the village, she decided to get some more combat experience to qualify for the field promotion to tokubetsu jonin, — he explained.

Nodding in understanding, I sighed with relief, as the absence of the student's chakra nearby had been quite stressful, even though I hadn't thought about it at the moment of teleportation.

— Alright, next, — I waved to the nearest shinobi, who was currently bandaging a wound on his thigh after finishing with the chest wound of the previous patient.

— Take care of me, Ryo-sama, — mumbled the Senju guy.

Nodding, I got to work. With two pairs of hands, the wounded were quickly taken care of, and I had to organize a little more than a dozen people (all the genin survived) to tidy up the camp and improve its defensibility. The bodies of the fallen had to be dug up and prepared for sealing for identification and transport to Konoha, the bodies of the dead enemies needed to be gathered into one pile for the same purpose, and the living ones placed into the trophy scroll.

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