WebNovelRed Nara69.52%

Chapter 41

After so many years of visiting the founding clan, I was at least superficially familiar with at least half of its members. It wasn't that it was particularly difficult—after two wars, the clan had been significantly reduced and now consisted of about one hundred and fifty active fighters and approximately half that number in the form of elders, children, ordinary people, and those who had retired.

Given the considerable advantages over ordinary shinobi, almost everyone chose a military path, leading to a quite obvious result. Only in the past couple of years have the Senju women started to give birth more frequently, beginning to offset natural losses. However, the situation of the Nara clan is even worse—during the hostilities, a third of the fighters were lost, and in the past couple of years, only one child was born. Maybe in peacetime, the situation will improve, but the Shadow Lords have never been numerous, unlike the brainiacs, in contrast to the fatties.

Passing through the protective kekkai, I pushed away heavy thoughts and smiled upon seeing several small red-haired figures vigorously sparring in taijutsu and Mito observing them nearby. And judging by the lack of additional protection in front of the house, they weren't training ninjutsu.

— Hey, hi Kushina-chan, Mito-chan… — I waved my hand to get their attention and barely managed to correct myself after catching a warning glance from the older red-haired beauty.

— Hello, Ryo-kun, — Mito nodded.

The second greeting did not follow, and I turned to Kushina… the Kushinas, who had stopped and were now staring at me intently. With an eyebrow raised questioningly, I was treated to quite an amusing sight—meeting my gaze (since I wasn't wearing glasses), the original began to blush almost to the level of her hair, then mumbled something incoherent and rushed into the house.

— Eh?

Somewhat taken aback, I turned questioningly to Mito but found her almost in the same state.

— What was that?

— I don't know, but Kushina-chan has been off lately, — the beauty shrugged in confusion.

— You shouldn't have acted like rabbits without raised barriers, — one of the clones muttered quite quietly but distinctly while turning away. — The moans were heard throughout the house, and the boss naturally couldn't resist getting curious—at her own peril, seeing all the details…

The second clone dispelled the first with a sharp blow and, judging by his appearance, was desperately wishing to sink through the floor from embarrassment, while I began to feel myself slowly blushing despite all my skill in medical ninjutsu. At least I was glad for the mask.

However, the older Uzumaki wasn't much different from me, hiding her face in her hands and quietly groaning, and I realized why Kushina's gaze had been trying to slip from my face to my waist since the moment we met. Frantically trying to recall what exactly we had been doing last time with Mito in bed, I suppressed the urge to groan as well—suffice it to say that we weren't limited to just classic moves and, completely absorbed in each other, didn't hold back our feelings.

At least, for this reason alone, one could overlook the enormous chakra battery nearby, which was the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails. Damn, how embarrassing! An older brother, passionately engaging his mentor in various ways—not exactly something to be demonstrated to an impressionable girl just entering puberty. Although she had recently turned twelve, looked a bit older, and had surpassed most of her peers by a head in height, noticeably rounded in the right places, she was still too young for anything more than a budding interest in the opposite sex.

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