WebNovelRed Nara76.32%

Chapter 69

As it turned out a little while later, I was right.

- Nara-san, Uchiha-san, the Konoha teams have been spotted near the village, and our presence is needed at the finish line," Sakumo said, peering into the room.

We joined the commander and the visibly nervous mentors, and the Suna jonin led us to the entrance of the village. When I arrived, I was glad to see that the organizers had been smart enough to provide some cover from the blazing sun by erecting a few shade canopies and a small building for the iryo-nin's work. Looking around, I found that not only were we at the finish line, but also one of the Cloud jonin I knew, as well as the shinobi Iwagakure no Sato.

Prudently seating ourselves away from the latter, we began to wait. It seems that during this stupid chunin exam, that's all I have to do. Considering that I'm a workaholic, this waste of time was getting on my nerves. To distract myself a bit, I even told those who weren't aware of the information I'd gotten from the dispersed bunshin kage, which calmed my friend and Nui down a bit.

- Huh, "last chance," huh? - Hatake, who was seated to my right, tilted his head in interest, "Are you going to sell it?

- More like no than yes," I sighed, "the way they're made is too chakra-consuming.

- Well, I'm not a very good sensor, and that cloak of yours is getting in the way," he squinted at me, "but in my opinion, your chakra reserves are already one and a half to two times greater than mine, so it's possible to make two scrolls at a time.

- Maybe, but that's still no more than eight or ten copies a month, and there'll be a lot more people who want them," I shrugged, looking at a point on the horizon, "but it's too silly to charge money for such a unique item, so I don't think I'll get more than a couple of scrolls, and the rest will go to friends and acquaintances.

- Like Iyaku Fuuin? - Sakumo, who had also purchased a healing seal after we met, chuckled.

At a reduced price thanks to Mito-chan's request, by the way. He also bought other seals from me on a regular basis, getting a fifteen percent discount as a good friend and sensei of little Kushina.

- Almost, but the most wealthy shinobi occasionally buy seals, but compared to the sales of ordinary seals, it's a very small fraction," I nodded.

Given that the Hatake clan ran several blacksmith stores and a gun store, we'd talked about business and running a business more than once.

- They're coming," the Uchiha interrupted us, shining his activated sharingan.

I nodded as I looked at the dot that was slowly growing, but I could see the number of people approaching, even though the genin were still within my chakra sensitivity. Hardly anyone else from the other village could join forces to accomplish the task at hand - they'd rather set up rivals than help, and Kirigakure's shinobi were even capable of slaughtering an ally, if rumors were to be believed, let alone others.

Both teams made it to the finish line in about a dozen minutes, literally falling into the sand as soon as Suna's observer got the cylinders whole and counted them as passing, even if the last spurt had sapped all their strength.

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