Dream Vs. Thoughts

What would I dream? If I did dream?

Would it be a beautiful place?

Would it be full of mysteries?

What could these beautiful fairy tails be hiding?

Will the truth be revealed?

I wonder what the truth really is. Should I even care. Are these the right questions to be asking?

Is everything twisted? Like in my mind when I make my own stories.

Are my nightmares true?

Is love a false hope?

If it is than what I have been thinking is true. That it is.....

A dream that will never come true.

These are the things that fill my thoughts.

They wind around twisting and spinning all day long. Even if it's true I'm more than positive that it will not come true for me.

So let me introduce you to my other thoughts and questions. 

Are the evils ones actually good?

Could the hero be the villain.

The villain the one who saves us all in the end?

The stories that they tell us seam to unravel as we learn for ourselves what the world is like. 

The hours tick by as I search for these answers in my mind. Trying to make since out of all of this in the world. 

The things people tell me give me no clear answers.

The story books beside me tell me nothing.

Leaving me alone to my thoughts as I have always been.

These stories all have their own tales to tell. Secrets to keep in tile you have read it all.

I want to tell my own stories.

One that no one will ever steal.

It will be my heart that I will lock away. Bits a pieces of the pain I want to give away. I every story there will be a part of me hidden inside.

My heart will be locked away from the visible eye to see. 

Where it can be read and worn. 

But no one will know that they hold my heart in their hands.

So fragile there I won't give my whole heart away.

With all the pieces attached.

Unless love does exist for me.

My what a bizarre thing for me.

The love between a boy and a girl. 

Could such a thing exist?

Would, could it happen to me?

I guess no one will ever know unless I tell them. 

This is a secret I'm willing to die with. 

I think I just might.

It will be mine to bare.

Along with the hatred that corrupts my heart.

That comes to consume me. Dragging the hours on. I dread those slow dreary hours that never seam to pass.

It feels like thee eternity, that I will spend alone.

Alone forever more.

Good bye friends.