Chapter 47: The Legend of the Sword in the Lake

Additionally, Alexander employed another small tactic. He told the slaves that they had to build their own cells and that their living conditions would depend entirely on how well they constructed them. This promise instantly lifted the spirits of the dejected slaves. They looked at the sun setting in the west and the harsh, cold surroundings. Even the most foolish among them understood what needed to be done.

Without the need for supervision or whipping from the Redeemer Knights, the slaves swung their axes with speed, cutting down trees, and swiftly carried stones and timber. As for why Alexander dared to give tools like axes to the captives, it was because he was confident. These guys couldn't beat Alexander and his men with weapons before, let alone with just small axes now.

Naturally, there were attempts to escape midway, but they were promptly thwarted by the well-prepared cavalry of the Redeemer Knights, who swiftly ran them through with lances. Seeing this, the remaining slaves hastened their work, fearing they might be the next to be pierced by a lance.

Geoffrey approached Alexander and suggested, "My lord, I think it's time to build a Knight's Chapel."

Alexander was puzzled, "What is a Knight's Chapel?"

Geoffrey explained, "Respected lord, a Knight's Chapel, also known as a Knight's Hall, serves as the main headquarters and office for the knight order. It can be used for hosting guests, receiving tasks, organizing meetings, and most importantly, it stands as a symbol of the knight order's prestige."

Alexander immediately understood. It was essentially a base and a stronghold. Many knight orders stored their acquired wealth in a secure location, and nothing was more suitable than their own headquarters.

While the Knight's Hall indeed needed to be built, now was not the time. Alexander called Victor over and gave him some instructions: "I need to make a trip to Lisbon. I'll leave things here under your watch for now."

He planned to sell their headquarters in Lisbon and then purchase a batch of building materials, furniture, and food. Although Lisbon was nice, it wasn't his territory. No matter how run-down Calyus was, it was his land. The warehouse and training grounds in Lisbon could barely serve as the Knight's Hall, but they might not be used again.

When setting out, Alexander only took eleven Saint Martin Knights of noble birth. Given their combat prowess, if they couldn't win a fight, they could at least escape, ensuring his safety.

With Alexander, there were a total of twelve people traveling lightly. Their speed was impressive, and within a few days, they arrived in Lisbon. At this time, Lisbon was still as bustling as when Alexander first visited.

Coincidentally, as Alexander prepared to enter the city, he ran into Ferdinand, the Grand Duke, who was preparing to leave the city for a hunt, despite supposedly being bedridden with illness. Ferdinand was clad in a red robe, one hand holding a bow and the other a rein, accompanied by dozens of men.

"Hey, Alexander, it's been a while. I heard of your achievements in the north. Our esteemed King has granted you a piece of land, Calyus Village... right? That's a good place," Ferdinand greeted Alexander warmly.

Alexander was speechless. "You're supposed to be sick in bed. Yet here you are, healthier than anyone else."

Ferdinand completely ignored his own supposed illness and continued, "Indeed, it's a good place. The development potential there is tremendous."

Alexander maintained the noble etiquette on the surface but was inwardly annoyed by Ferdinand's behavior. "That's true. You can see the huge potential for development there."

Ferdinand nodded earnestly. "Yes, if the war stops, we can enter the Vied Kingdom from there for mineral extraction. The iron ore quality there is really good, and it is said that rare ores have been discovered, turning some into wealthy merchants."

"Stop the war? Wait, iron ore?" Alexander's ears perked up at the mention of iron ore.

"What about iron ore? Don't you know that the Vied Kingdom is abundant in iron ore?" Ferdinand looked puzzled, thinking this was common knowledge even among three-year-olds.

The problem was that everyone assumed this was common knowledge, so no one had ever mentioned it to Alexander. He didn't even know that the distant Northlands were abundant in various ores.

After quietly questioning his knights, Alexander nearly jumped off his horse with excitement upon receiving confirmation. Iron ore meant he only needed to recruit a few blacksmiths to achieve self-sufficiency in equipment production, and he could even sell the surplus. The added value of turning iron ore into equipment was much higher than cultivating flax for quick money.

But that wasn't the main point. Alexander also noticed that the Vied Kingdom didn't just produce iron ore but also ores in general. Did this include saltpeter?

With saltpeter, he could step into the era of firearms. The recipe for gunpowder wasn't a secret; anyone with a little knowledge of chemistry knew how to make it.

Alexander suppressed the excitement in his heart and bid farewell to Duke Ferdinand. After all, he was now a small lord and no longer needed to depend on others.

"I didn't expect our parting to come so quickly. Your bravery and wisdom, Alexander, have left a deep impression on me. As an old friend, I have a gift for you," said Ferdinand.

He thought for a moment, then rummaged beneath his large robe and pulled out a parchment scroll, handing it to Alexander.

"It contains some rumors about the Sword in the Lake. I'm not sure if they're true or false, but the location is within the Barlow Mountain Kingdom. If you have the leisure, you can explore it," Ferdinand said seriously.

Alexander was about to decline, as he didn't even know what the Sword in the Lake was, and he wasn't particularly interested. Could it really be more powerful than his own Executioner's Greatsword?

Just then, the system's voice suddenly rang out:

[Triggered Epic Quest — New Clue on the Demigod's Whereabouts. Lord Alexander, please complete the quest according to the clues.]

[Current Progress: 1/9]

[Reward: Body of the Demigod]

Alexander's face showed surprise. Could this old map really be related to a demigod?

However, the system wouldn't lie. This was clearly something very important. He took the scroll from Ferdinand and thanked him.

Perhaps due to some ingrained genetic predisposition, Alexander felt uneasy about not reciprocating properly, so he asked, "Your Grace Ferdinand, before I leave, is there anything I can help you with?"

Without hesitation, Ferdinand replied, "Actually, there is something quite troublesome I need to deal with. Lately, there's been an increase in idle troublemakers in Lisbon. They gather to cause disturbances and get into fights, but they haven't broken any laws, so we can only temporarily detain them. As you know, Lord Alexander, our city's prisons for criminals and slaves are simply not enough. It's quite a headache."

Why were there so many idle troublemakers?

Well, thanks to Alexander's efforts to eliminate bandits in Lisbon, the city's security had improved significantly, making it more prosperous. And with economic prosperity comes a few who'd rather live by stealing and cheating than working.

As for the prison shortage, it was due to the recent wars where Ferdinand and his allies had won many battles and captured a lot of prisoners, squeezing the prisons.

"Your Grace, you've asked the right person. Perhaps my estate can accommodate those unruly individuals, including the ones you'd rather not see again. I'll certainly offer you a fair price, at least not lower than what slave traders would pay," Alexander assured him.