Chapter 59: When the Flames Die Out

The Vid warriors assaulting the city had no idea what was happening above. They just saw their comrades falling from the walls one after another, but this was a common sight during a siege, nothing out of the ordinary.

Alexander, on the other hand, was having a field day. He had lost count of how many enemies he had dispatched. Just as he began to feel a bit tired, the system's voice suddenly rang out.

**[Detected: Lord Alexander has slain fifty enemies consecutively]**

**[Battlefield God of War achievement upgraded - More Enduring Battlefield God of War]**

**[Reward: Stamina Plunder]**

**[Killing enemies will allow you to plunder a portion of their stamina for your own use]**

Alexander was taken aback. He quickly killed the next enemy and felt his fatigue noticeably diminish. This discovery thrilled him—it was true that he could absorb his enemies' stamina, which would enable him to fight for longer durations in the future.

However, Alexander could still fight, but the enemies were almost gone. The remaining Vid soldiers, realizing they couldn't capture this point, picked up their ladders and fled.

Alexander watched helplessly as these cowardly foes retreated. Each one was a walking bundle of experience points! What a pity!

He and Viktor had to once again become battlefield scavengers, looking for another good spot to collect more heads.


By this time, the battle had entered its later stages. Many Vid warriors had already scaled the walls, and intense fighting broke out in the narrow passageways.

The Vid soldiers who had made it onto the walls demonstrated astonishing infantry combat skills. Their fierce attacks inflicted heavy casualties on the Saint Martin cavalry.

Compared to the fearless Vids, the Saint Martins lacked some of that wild ferocity.

These brash youths from the frigid north truly embodied savagery to its fullest. Their throwing axes and large shields had become the nightmares of the Saint Martin warriors.

But the Saint Martins were no pushovers either. They were also descendants of conquerors, and war was a part of their daily lives.

Both sides were now fighting with a bloodlust. The walls were covered with bodies, and people fought while treading on the corpses, only to become part of the pile themselves.

On this battlefield, where human lives were as insignificant as blades of grass, two units stood out particularly brightly.

One was a group of fifty Vid Royal Guards, a force of elite warriors. The King of Vid knew that a fist made up of all five fingers could deliver a more powerful punch. By gathering these Royal Guards together, they formed an unstoppable force, bulldozing their way across the walls.

The other was the Blazing Sun Lion Knights. Like fire chiefs, they would appear wherever the defense was failing, and any enemy they faced would be reduced to ashes.

These two outstanding units were bound to clash eventually, given the limited size of the battlefield. And indeed, they encountered each other at the city gate.

The Vid Royal Guards aimed to seize control of the gate, opening it to let their outside forces pour in. Meanwhile, the Blazing Sun Lion Knights had received orders to hold the gate at all costs.

Naturally, they met. The elite warriors from the frigid north faced the elite knights who held fervent heat as their creed.

"The blazing sun will consume everything, even the darkest night will be ignited!"

"When the flames die out, the dawn will arrive!"

The Blazing Sun Lion Knights shouted their battle cry as they saw the Vid Royal Guards charging towards them. However, their declaration seemed more like an ancient incantation than a motivational chant.

Sure enough, an astonishing scene unfolded as they finished their chant.

Their weapons suddenly burst into fierce flames, the intense heat warping the air around them. No one doubted that being struck by such weapons would leave nothing behind, not even ashes.

"Holy crap, what is that?" Alexander and Viktor, watching from a hidden spot, were shocked. Their jaws nearly dropped.

"Are they... using magic?" Alexander pointed incredulously at the Blazing Sun Lion Knights.

Viktor, equally stunned, was at a loss for words. As a commoner, he had never seen such an extraordinary power.

Compared to their shock, the Vid Royal Guards remained much calmer. Their eyes were still cold and indifferent, looking at the Blazing Sun Lion Knights as if they were merely lambs to be slaughtered.

However, these "lambs" proved to be exceptionally formidable.

As soon as the battle began, the once invincible and relentless Vid Royal Guards realized they had met their match. These were no ordinary lambs; they were like horned demons!

Under the intense heat, shields and armor became almost useless, causing burns upon contact. In this high temperature, the warriors of the Blazing Sun Lion Knights seemed unaffected, indicating that this was no ordinary fire—it only harmed their enemies. Alexander, observing from the side, concluded that the spellcasters were immune to the flames they wielded.

The fifty Vid Royal Guards were thoroughly suppressed by the hundred Blazing Sun Lion Knights. Their strength and combat skills could not be fully utilized. In the brief skirmish, the Vid Royal Guards lost over twenty soldiers, a rare and severe loss for them. Sensing the gravity of the situation, the Vid King quickly ordered a retreat to save his valuable elite troops.

Without the support of the Vid Royal Guards, the defensive line collapsed under the relentless assault of the Blazing Sun Lion Knights, pushing the Vid forces back. If even the mighty Vid Royal Guards couldn't hold their ground, the regular soldiers had no chance.

Amidst the rising flames, the brave Vid warriors were reduced to ashes. The air was thick with the stench of blood and charred flesh, making it nauseating. The Blazing Sun Lion Knights, like demonic figures within the flames, left destruction in their wake.

"Quick! Charge and take them down!" Alexander's eyes lit up. His thoughts were always a bit unconventional—while others marveled at the Blazing Sun Lion Knights' overwhelming power, Alexander saw an opportunity to claim more kills.

He charged in from the side, wielding his executioner sword, startling several Blazing Sun Lion Knights who turned to defend, thinking it was an enemy attack. Upon realizing it was a noble from Saint Martin, they resumed their battle against the Vid soldiers.

Despite the fierce fighting, the battle was still undecided, as the Vid forces adapted their tactics again. Acknowledging that the Vid Royal Guards couldn't defeat the Blazing Sun Lion Knights, the Vid King redeployed them to other areas to deplete Saint Martin's forces. With their numerical advantage, they aimed to exhaust the enemy.

As a result, the outcome of the battle remained uncertain.