Chapter 65: Unleashed Mad Dogs

Golba, a native of the Barosha Kingdom, former deputy leader of the Forest Rangers, and now their leader, hailed from a humble family of woodcutters. Enduring constant bullying, he developed a strong sense of justice from a young age, vowing to protect the weak. As he grew older, he joined the Forest Rangers, becoming a remarkable forest ranger with unparalleled archery skills, capable of hitting any part of an enemy's body with pinpoint accuracy from a hundred paces.

Alexander listened quietly as Victor reported, learning about Golba's background. He asked, "Strange, how did we offend them? Did I bully the weak?"

"Well, my Lord, they were hired by King Wilson of the Barosha Kingdom. It's said that it might be because of the white deer you accidentally hunted in the Barosha Kingdom," Victor explained.

"I see. Just for a deer? Is the Barosha Kingdom resorting to military action for this? Ridiculous! It seems they're taking me for a pushover," Alexander remarked.

He ordered all the captured Forest Rangers to be imprisoned and demoted to slaves, then reassigned manpower from the former slaves, selecting former bandits this time.

"Robbery is unjust and despicable. I, Alexander Castile, detest such behavior because I've always believed that labor creates wealth. So I've decided to give you a chance to engage in genuine labor for prosperity!" Alexander declared passionately to the carefully selected fifty "warriors".

One bandit asked in confusion, "My Lord, how shall we labor?"

"Go rob the Barosha Kingdom! From east to west!" Alexander shouted loudly. "Get everything you can lay your hands on, by any means necessary. And I mean ANY means necessary!"

This silenced the group of despicable bandits, hearing plunder spoken of in such a refreshingly noble manner for the first time.

"Now you're free. I'm revoking your slave status. You're free to leave, but I want to emphasize one thing: I will provide you with regular wages as operating funds. Additionally, everything you acquire can be sold in the village of Kalyss, where we'll buy it all. Moreover, we can also sell you weapons and other necessary supplies," Alexander's words seemed to possess a magical charm, deeply imprinting on the ears of these bandits.

This left the vicious band of bandits momentarily stunned, their minds unable to process what was happening. Until soldiers actually approached and unlocked their chains.

But not a single one left. These men, accustomed to bloodshed, now had their minds racing.

What would they do if they left? Return to the depths of the forest to live a life of uncertainty, never knowing when their next meal would come? And now, the conditions offered by this man were simply too generous for them to even dare to dream of.

"Sir... what exactly are our tasks?" One of the bandits asked, trembling, afraid this might all be too good to be true.

"Didn't I just say? Go to the borders of Barlosa and do what you do best," Alexander said, his brow furrowed.

The fifty "elite warriors" selected looked at each other, until one clever bandit shouted, "Understood, sir! From now on, we have no association with Calyss Village. All our actions are voluntary. Respected Lord Alexander, we offer you our sincerest respect. I will depart for Barlosa."

"Offering our utmost respect!" the other bandits quickly chimed in, fearing they might be too late and Alexander might change his mind.

Then, they quickly headed towards Barlosa, ready to make a name for themselves.

"Wait! Did I say you could leave?" Alexander spoke again.

His voice wasn't loud, but every bandit heard him loud and clear, and they felt a pang of anxiety – things were not as simple as they had imagined.

"Give them equipment," Alexander ordered his men, "Empty-handed? Do you all have a death wish?"

Carts full of equipment were brought over, filled with swords, hammers, axes, leather armor, and other mediocre gear. But compared to the scraps the bandits had before, it was quite luxurious.

They hurriedly picked out their preferred gear, with some even fighting over the limited stock of leather armor.

Of course, some of the smarter bandits began to recruit suitable individuals to form teams.

"Your current wage is only 10 Denars per week. Depending on your performance, I will increase your pay. Those who perform well may receive 100, or even 1000 Denars per week. I swear in the name of the Castile family," Alexander promised once more, painting a grandiose picture for these armed bandits.

"Off you go!" With Alexander's command, these pumped-up armed thugs charged towards the borders of Barlosa. 

As the captives departed, Viktor's eyes brimmed with reluctance. After all, Alexander had just promoted him to the position of prison overseer in Calyss Village. 

"My Lord, are you really letting these fellows go?" he whispered softly to Alexander.

"Don't worry, they'll be back soon," Alexander smirked.

Though it seemed he had granted these bandits their freedom, in reality, he held them firmly in his grasp. While the material chains could be removed, the mental ones were securely fastened. 

Viktor didn't live in the same world as Alexander. He naturally didn't understand what stable employment meant. Even if the income was low, at least there was a path for advancement.

These bandits still needed a stable fence to offload their loot, and Alexander's place would undoubtedly be their top choice. 

Moreover, Alexander could sell them supplies, which was the most enticing aspect. Besides Alexander's establishment, where else could they acquire a large quantity of quality gear? 

For Alexander, it seemed like a significant expense, but in reality, it was like not spending any money at all. Paying wages and purchasing goods would be offset by selling weapons and equipment.

Human greed knows no bounds. When these bandits traded their loot to Alexander, wouldn't they want better equipment and engage in more significant ventures? 

It was inconceivable otherwise.

Even when these bandits achieved success, they would disdain food and cotton, considering them worthless. However, these were essential commodities. Where else would they purchase them?

Of course, it would be from Alexander, indirectly boosting the village's economy and creating employment opportunities for the villagers.

In short, all things considered, Alexander had spent nothing. The Denars merely shifted from one hand to another, and he had essentially freeloaded these bandits to work for him.

He had truly achieved the concept of earning money locally and spending it locally. Everyone benefited in the end.