Chapter 67: Muscleman Odo

Sure, here's the translation into English:

**Versailles, Versailles Literature** in Chinese networks has a special meaning, referring to a style where one blatantly tries to show off in content but restrains the desire to express actively, achieving a "casual display."

For example:

- Jack Ma: "My biggest mistake was creating Alibaba... I've never touched money; I'm not interested in money."

- Playing the piano and instruments at midnight. Netizens remind me to be careful not to disturb my neighbors. But, since I own 10 villas nearby, the range is quite large, so it shouldn't bother anyone, right?

"These are just some basic knowledge for now. Take your time to look through them, and feel free to come to me if you have any questions." Alexander said in the most modest tone, while actually speaking in the most Versailles-like manner.

In reality, he wasn't being modest at all. As a low achiever in academics, he had almost forgotten everything his physics teacher had taught him. At least he could recall some classic physics-related formulas. This was largely due to his habit of not doing exercises but only memorizing formulas, so most of them were deeply ingrained in his memory.

"May I ask, my lord, how did you learn all this knowledge?" Hertzog tightly held onto the notebook, showing no intention of returning it to Alexander. However, he appeared extremely respectful, clearly completely impressed by Alexander's erudition.

"Well, it was taught by a teacher, but she's not in this world anymore," Alexander casually replied.

"I see, that's a pity," Hertzog nodded vaguely, not fully understanding. What he didn't say was, "I hope your teacher rests in peace in heaven."

Yes, he misunderstood Alexander's meaning, thinking that Alexander's teacher had passed away.

At that moment, in a certain middle school, a middle-aged female teacher with black-framed glasses was constantly sneezing uncontrollably. She didn't know why, but she always felt like someone was cursing her.

"Oh, there's nothing to regret. Mr. Hertzog, please take a look first. After you've mastered the contents of the notebook, I'll give you your first task," Alexander said as he turned to leave. It was time for his training session with Gofrey.

In the days that followed, Gofrey and Victor witnessed a spectacle: two people in a small village who were studying and learning tirelessly as if possessed.

"Could it be that our little village is about to produce a prophet?" Victor half-jokingly remarked.

"I think that's not quite right, probably two," Gofrey corrected him.

"Oh, by the way, old Gofrey, why did you send Odo to my prison today?" Victor asked with a hint of dissatisfaction.

"For training, almost forgot to tell you. Please arrange it. Issue the order that whoever can defeat Odo in combat will be granted the status of a free person," Gofrey replied, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

"Are you out of your mind, old Gofrey? My prison doesn't have many people left, and now you're giving them a chance to leave when they're already making wine, building the knight's church, and tilling the land," Victor said, slightly annoyed.

Gofrey smirked, "Did I?"

Victor suddenly remembered something and calmed down, "I think it's better to consult the boss first."

Gofrey nodded and said, "I've already discussed this matter with the lord. No need to worry."

Why did Victor calm down as soon as he thought of Odo? Because in the village of Kalyss, it wasn't just Alexander who was undergoing specialized training under Gofrey.

Another one was Odo...

When Victor announced this rule in the prison, the whole place erupted. They couldn't believe that the sadistic old pervert warden, who enjoyed tormenting people, would be so kind. All they had to do was defeat a guy named Odo in single combat to gain their freedom. Wasn't this underestimating them, a bunch of thugs?

In the entire village of Kalyss, when it came to fighting, the only person they were afraid of was crossing paths with Alexander. After all, a considerable number of people in the prison had witnessed Alexander's skills. From their descriptions, even the slaves who hadn't fought against him had definitely heard the legends of Alexander.

Rumors in the prison grew more and more outrageous. Alexander became a fierce man who tigers had to be careful of, and even bears had to bow three times. As for this guy named Odo, he was just an unknown, small-time figure. No one had heard of him.

For a moment, everyone in the prison was rubbing their hands in anticipation. Until they saw a figure slowly walking in through the prison gates, and the entire room fell silent.

They didn't even want to call this newcomer a person. The person who entered from outside the door was so tall and big, he was like a humanoid beast. The magnificent knight's armor draped over him was like a tight-fitting shirt that couldn't cover his exaggerated muscles. His arms were thicker than a normal person's thighs, and his shoulders were so broad it made people doubt he was a wall.

But this guy actually had a ridiculous pot cover on his head, and his expression looked silly, clearly not very bright — this person was Odo.

After he started hanging out with Alexander, his food improved dramatically. He could fill his stomach every meal, and at the same time, his body visibly swelled at an explosive rate. His originally massive body started to grow explosively in terms of muscle, becoming a devilish muscleman.

This made Alexander briefly suspect that this guy wasn't a purebred human either. Similarly, Odo displayed the principle of being strong and powerful without any deficiency.

In the Redemption Knights, there was more than just Alexander who could wield a two-handed sword with one hand, and Odo was one of them. However, even though Odo looked tough enough to not be messed with, the slaves in the prison weren't planning to let this opportunity for freedom slip away.

Of course, they weren't fools either. Most of them knew their own capabilities well. Ultimately, those who dared to challenge Odo were the tough guys in the prison. The first one to step up was a captured Imperial soldier. His combat prowess was unquestionable, and with his wealth of battle experience and robust physique, he quickly established his dominance in the prison, becoming a ruler in his own right.

"Does being strong matter?" This Imperial soldier sneered at Odo, pointing to his head. "Battle relies on brains."

With that, he charged at Odo, his movements agile, his steps steady and nimble, fists clenched in readiness, clearly a skilled fighter.


Odo landed a simple and unadorned straight punch, knocking the soldier flat on his back. The so-called skilled fighter lay on the ground, eyes rolling back.

Odo, who had undergone Gofrey's devilish training, wasn't just a big guy with strength. He was also a big guy with an extremely rich combat experience.

"Next, next, hurry up and take him away, don't waste time," Victor impatiently waved his hand. His relationship with Odo was really good, after all, he was one of the first to follow Alexander, so he was willing to find some people here to accompany Odo in training. But these guys were too weak. Being killed instantly didn't serve as much of a training purpose.

Fortunately, the next challenger should have some skills.

Because the next challenger wasn't anyone else, it was Gorba, the leader of the Forest Rangers.

After all, he was the leader of a knightly order, so this guy's combat prowess was assured. Moreover, the people of Baro weren't just skilled in archery. How could their melee combat skills be weak?

As expected, the powerful leader Gorba lasted for three rounds against Odo before... also being carried away.