Chapter 72: Don't Underestimate Bandits

"These Barlow people, I must admit, they are quite numerous," Alexander said coldly as the Barlow infantry charged towards him. Behind them, a group of archers had already drawn their bows, aiming at Alexander and the cavalry under his command.

He raised the Executioner's Greatsword in his hand and shouted, "Warriors of the Redemption Knight Order, we shall pursue this path!"

"Until the end!"

This time, Alexander didn't lead the charge himself. All the Saint Martin light cavalry surrounded Alexander and Otto in the middle and charged directly in one direction.

Facing the Saint Martin cavalry, Daniel dared to split his forces. Although he occupied both sides of the road, intending to encircle Alexander, dividing his forces meant weakening defenses in one direction.

Alexander chose only one direction—the direction where Daniel was.

Charging might not guarantee their escape, but catching Daniel would definitely ensure their survival.

"You fools, how dare you underestimate the valor of the Barlow people! My warriors, withstand the charge of their cavalry... What is this?"

Daniel's eyes nearly popped out when he saw the scene before him:

The Barlow archers were indeed accurate. In one volley, they had taken out nearly half of the Saint Martin light cavalry under Alexander. After all, Saint Martin light cavalry lacked heavy armor, but their speed was enough. The two sides were already close, so by the time the Barlow people fired a second volley, the light cavalry protecting Alexander and Otto had already reached one side of the infantry line.

At the moment of contact, the light cavalry suddenly dispersed to both sides, revealing Alexander and Otto among them.

Two muscular men wrapped in armor entered the fray!

No need to say much about Otto; he had already switched to a large hammer. With his exaggerated muscles, he rode a Saint Martin warhorse like a tank and charged into the infantry line, instantly sending soldiers facing Otto flying several meters high.

Alexander's side was even more extraordinary. Unlike Otto's extreme charging style, all the enemy soldiers around him fell like harvested wheat. No matter what kind of equipment they had, they couldn't withstand Alexander's sword, which moved so fast it was almost invisible.

He was an absolute god of slaughter on the battlefield.

You should know, Alexander has completely transcended the realm of ordinary people now, with his attributes:

[Level]: 10

[Strength]: 18

[Agility]: 15

[Intelligence]: 15

[Charisma]: 12

[Available attribute points]: 0

[Experience]: 50000/51200

[System coins]: 30000

This is the result of a month of devil training. His attribute points are too abnormal. Just look at his strength. With the blessing of the Strength Guardian (Strength +2) and the War Knight set (Strength +10), he reaches a whopping 30 points.

Who could withstand the swing of a two-handed sword with 30 strength?

And look at his agility. With a base of 15, boosted by the buff of the Decapitator Greatsword, it reaches a terrifying 18 points.

Imagine a super warrior swinging a two-handed sword so fast you can't see it clearly charging at you. Are you afraid yet?

It's like facing someone on a modern battlefield with a Barrett and a machine gun combined into one. And you have to face this person head-on.

Initially, his attribute points increased rapidly. Now, Alexander feels that relying on regular training to increase his attribute points has become extremely slow. It might take two or three weeks of training just to increase one point.

But it doesn't matter. His opponents can't withstand his attributes anyway!

The tactics of the Balos people are always so simple. Their infantry stands in front of the archers, holding the geographical advantage firmly, waiting for their own archers to kill the enemy one by one — provided that the infantry can hold on.

This is where the disadvantage of splitting the troops becomes apparent.

If more than fifty infantry gather together, Alexander would have a bit of trouble breaking through the infantry line.

The problem is, now only half of the infantry is resisting Alexander, while the other half is hustling over here as fast as their little legs can carry them.

With a total of only twenty to thirty people in the defense line, Alexander instantly slays seven or eight of them.

Add to that Otto's heavy hammer and the merciless lances of the Saint Martin cavalry. As soon as they engage, over a dozen people from the Balos side fall, and the infantry line instantly becomes thin.

"Damn it, focus fire! Take down that guy!" Daniel shouts nervously, ordering his archers to immediately shoot at Alexander.

Alexander squints at Daniel. He's getting closer. Once he captures this guy, he and his men will be safe, basically.

The hidden effects brought about by the increase in intelligence make Alexander's thinking on the battlefield extremely clear.

"Forget about those infantry; they can't stop us anymore. You guys charge from the left, I'll charge from the right, and let's capture their lord alive!" Alexander shouted, charging directly to the right without any Balos soldier daring to intercept.

However, that didn't mean Alexander would have a smooth ride all the way.

"Mounted men, don't get too cocky!" a roar sounded from behind Alexander.

This puzzled Alexander. He was charging so fast, yet warriors from the other side were charging at him? He turned around to see the Balos cavalry charging toward him. These guys, riding their Balos-style mountain ponies, were a head shorter than the Saint Martin cavalry, almost like a miniature version of cavalry. But their pace was not slow; they wielded their large shields and long spears, heading straight for Alexander.

"Restricted area here!" The Saint Martin cavalry saw the situation and turned their horses around, charging toward the Balos cavalry, and the two sides clashed directly.

Alexander didn't pay attention to the battle behind him. He raised his knight's kite shield to protect himself and charged sideways toward Daniel, who was hiding among the archers.

Daniel only had a dozen or so archers by his side, all of them crazily tilting their arrows toward Alexander.

The archery skills of the Balos people were extremely high. Even a swiftly moving warhorse couldn't dodge their arrows.

Just as Alexander's warhorse approached them, he suddenly felt a softness beneath him — his warhorse had been pierced by arrows and finally couldn't hold on, collapsing.

Alexander fell from the warhorse along with it.

"Opportunity!" Daniel's eyes lit up. He drew his longsword and charged forward. Several Balos archers beside him also drew their longswords and followed him, no one could resist the glory of capturing an enemy noble.

"Ha! Here comes Otto!"

As they charged toward Alexander, they failed to notice someone who neither was blocked by infantry nor was entangled with the cavalry, had quietly circled around to their rear.

Otto, with his hammer, horse, and armor, charged straight into the crowd. His heavy armor and terrifying brute strength made these Balos noble archers suffer greatly.

In fact, it wasn't that the Balos archers' archery was weak; on the contrary, their melee skills were even stronger than ordinary infantry. But it all depended on who they were comparing to.

Encountering monsters like Alexander and Otto, they didn't stand a chance.

At that moment, Alexander slowly got up from the ground, feeling a bit dizzy from the fall. He discarded his shield, which was already filled with arrows, and pulled out the arrows from his armor, some still dripping with blood. It was clear that Alexander had sustained some injuries.

However, Alexander couldn't feel any pain at this moment. He looked towards Daniel, who was not far away. The deep killing intent in his eyes sent shivers down Daniel's spine.

For some reason, Daniel instantly lost the resolve to confront Alexander and instinctively turned and ran. Balos archers tried to stop him, but with reinforcements closing in, Daniel had already secured his victory. There was no need to risk his life, especially not against that killing machine.

Feeling safe behind a tree, Daniel glanced back towards Alexander's direction. Thankfully, Alexander and his group seemed to be held up.


Suddenly, a shadow appeared behind him. The intruder struck Daniel on the head with a stick, causing him to black out.

Who was this intruder?

It was none other than the forgotten highwayman number one.

As soon as the battle began, this guy exhibited the fine qualities of a highwayman — he immediately lay down and pretended to be dead. While everyone's attention was on Alexander, he had planned to quietly slip away.

As a Saint Martin, riding a horse was no big deal for him. He instantly got up and mounted the fallen Saint Martin warhorse, ready to make his escape. However, as he ran for a short distance, he saw Daniel, frantically running towards him.

With a quick wit, he charged towards Daniel and struck him with a stick.

When Daniel woke up again, he found a longsword hovering over his neck. Not far away, his own troops were following closely, but clearly wary of getting too close.

They were nearing the border between the two countries. On the other side of this mountain was Saint Martin territory.

"Boss, he's awake!" a Saint Martin soldier shouted.

Alexander immediately drew his sword, "I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!"

"Wait, wait, my lord!" Several remaining Saint Martin soldiers hurriedly stepped forward to stop Alexander. If they killed Daniel now, they might not make it out of Balos territory alive.

Alexander was furious because he had lost most of the soldiers he had brought with him. Only Otto, Highwayman Number One, and five injured Saint Martin light cavalrymen remained.

Everyone else had died in battle. Even the prisoners they had captured earlier either died or escaped, leaving none behind.

This trip to Balos Mountain Country was a waste.

Seeing Alexander about to strike, Daniel's men surged forward again, but they only dared to surround Alexander and his men, not daring to attack. After all, Alexander only needed to make a move, and Daniel's neck would be slit.

"Let me go, and I'll let you leave Balos Mountain Country," Daniel said. He knew he was captured, but he couldn't let Alexander take him to Saint Martin. After all, he had intended to capture Alexander, and being captured in return would be too humiliating.

"What if I don't?" Alexander was infuriated by Daniel's audacity.