Everyone is Dumb

Megumi asked, "Why are you smiling?"

Suki looked around at the people and replied, "Can't you see how they are acting weird?"

Megumi: Yeah, I can see that they are acting weird. I think there are cursed spirits behind their back.

Suki: "I think they're going to jump on us."

They stood up, and Megumi said, "Get ready to fight!"

"The cursed spirits jump on Megumi and Suki and start to fight them."

Megumi and Suki were fighting with cursed spirits.

Suki said, "That's enough." She snapped her fingers, and the cursed spirits were blasted.

Megumi said, "How often have I told you not to use this technique?"

I believe you have mentioned this to me over 1000 times.

"Hey, why don't you understand? Look, our uniform is stained with blood."

"Oh, sorry. Please forgive me."

Megumi asked, "Now, what do I do in this bloody place?". "Should we call Gojo Sensei?"

"I think yes."

Megumi call the Gojo and Gojo arrived.

"Gojo: What is this? Who did that?"

Megumi asked, "Who do you think is going to do this bloody thing?"

"Gojo: Suki, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that bloody thing?"

"Sorry, forgive me."

Megumi: You do this every time.

Suki was smiling and said, "Sorry, I can't control myself."

"Gojo said, 'Now wash your uniforms; there is blood on them.' "I know that Suki does that, so I brought clothes for you."Now change your clothes.

Gojo handed over the bags of clothes to them.

They went to the cafeteria changing room and changed clothes.

After changing their clothes, they reacted angrily because Gojo bought them a couple's suit.

"Sensei Gojo, what is this? We look like we're a couple," Megumi and Suki exclaimed.

Gojo: it's okay.

It's okay?

To Be Continued...