What is Suki?

They started training

Principal Yaga and Principal Gakuganji were sitting on the bench.

Yaga: Suki is more powerful than we expected. We need to be careful.

Gakuganji: We are here to see Suki, to see how many techniques she has and how dangerous she is.

Yaga: She is not like her father. She is kind. She does not look like her father, with two faces and four arms.

Gakuganji: But our senior said to kill her immediately, but Tengen sir is saving her. 

Yaga: She doesn't know that Sukuna is her father. 

Gakuganji: We need to find Sukuna's fingers.

Yaga: Our senior gave us this mission to find Sukuna's fingers and destroy them. 

On the other side, the students were training.

Panda and Inumaki were training with Suki. Panda and Inumaki were attacking Suki and running to catch her. 

Suki: Catch me if you can, haha.

Inumaki: salmon roe

Panda: Enough; I give up. 

Suki: I tried.

Inumaki: Salmon 

Maki and Megumi were sword-tranning.

All the Kyoto students were training and watching Suki. 

Mai: She is acting dumb.

Nishimiya: I thought that she was a very serious girl.


Suki shouted, "Hey, you, Kyoto animals, train well because if you don't train, you will lose. By the way, it's very cold here. We have a hot spring here, and after training we will freshen up!"

Mai: she is annoying.

Noritoshi: She is something else.

Mai: What you mean?

Noritoshi thinks that why she is not showing her techniques.

Noritoshi: Blood Manipulation attacked on suki with blood arrows.

Suki: Wow, Blood Manipulation, Cursed technique of the he Kamo Family, Interesting.

Suki gets close to him, bites Noritoshi's neck, and drinks the blood.

Megumi: Hey, stop.

Suki stops drinking Noritoshi's blood and says your blood is tasty. She looked like a vampire at that time.

Noritoshi: what the hell.

Miwa: Are you fine Noritoshi senior.

Megumi hugs Suki and said calm down if you want to drink the blood so drink my blood.

Suki bites Megumi neck and starts to drinking blood.

Maki: Megumi, what are you doing.

Megumi: it's okay.

Suki suck Megumi blood.

Miwa: Stop her, Megumi would unconscious.

Suki stops, Megumi feeling pain.

She looks strange.

Inumaki: Suki Sleep.

Suki was fell in sleep.

Noritoshi: she is vampire?

Megumi picks her, goes to room and lay her on the bed.

Principal Gakuganji: Now what a joke that girl is also a vampire.

Yaga: I didn't know that Suki is also a vampire, her power is completely separate from other worlds.

All the students of Kyoto gave a report to Gakuganji That she is not showing her technique to anyone.

Gakuganji: We have to depend on her to see if he has any other dangerous powers.

In another room.Yaga, Maki, Inumaki, Panda and MegumiSuki was worried that she was also a vampire.

Yaga: Did you guys already know that Suki is a vampire?

Megumi says that maybe the Gojo Sensei knows that In Sokhi is also a vampire.

Megumi knew that Suki was also a vampire, Gojo had forbidden him to tell her that no one would know that Suki was a vampire and that she was very dangerous.

In the meantime, Gojo returns from his work and goes to their room, where they are sitting and talking, Gojo asks them what happened and, is there any problem.

Yaga says Gojo did you hide from us that Suki is a vampire.

Yes, I hid it because our seniors wanted to kill him quickly, so I didn't want our seniors to know that he was also a vampire because our seniors were so afraid of her.

Meanwhile, all the students of Kyoto and Principal Yaga go to this room and say what are you, guys going to do with Suki's up?

Gojo says hey Principal Gakujanji why are you so worried about her are you so afraid of her?

Gakuganji: you worthless shut your mouth.

Gojo laughs and says you guys don't worry she won't do anything to you guys if you guys don't do anything to her then she won't do anything to you guys so stop being afraid.

Maki says to Gojo, don't you guys see that mark on Mangami and Noritoshi's neck?

Suki drank their blood and Suki drank a little too much of Megumi's blood.

Gojo: So what happened in this Suki has already drunk Megumi's blood.Yaga told Gojo if our seniors get to know about this, then they know what they will do with you.

Gojo said I am not afraid of my senior, they can't even do anything to Suki.Yaga told Gojo if our seniors get to know about this, then they know what they will do with you.

Gojo said I am not afraid of my seniors, they can't even do anything to Suki.

Gakuganji: we have to find and finish Sakuna's fingers soon. If Suki finds out that Sakuna is her father. So what if she destroys the whole world.

Todo says, "Principal sir, you are going too far. I don't think that girl will do such a thing."

Noritoshi says that for now we should all keep an eye on him, both techniques and his powers are hiding things, we all know that she has techniques and powers but they alternate They are bringing those things in front of us, but there are also some things that they are hiding, so we should keep an eye on it.

To Be Continued...