Noritoshi's Jealous

Gojo takes Suki to Shoko and tells her to treat her.

Shoko saw Suki and started treating her, she noticed that her face was like that of a vampire.

Shoko says to Suki that I will have to cut your hair a little, if you ask me to cut your hair a little shorter, you will definitely look cute in short cutting.

Suki tells Shoko, yes you can cut my hair I don't care if my hair is long or short.

Shoko was shocked to hear Suki's words, she thought that Suki might cry at this, but she doesn't care.

Shoko cut Suki's hair as she cut Suki's hair her hair turned black.

As soon as Sukhi realized that her hair had turned black, she was completely surprised as to how her hair had turned black.

Shoko tells Suki that your hair is black because of your powers and Suki looks like a normal girl after a while.

Gojo notices that Suki looks completely changed so he asks Shoko what you have done to her, she doesn't look like Suki.

Shoko said to Gojo yes, I cut her hair, so her hair turned black, and she looks like a normal girl her eye color has also changed now its black instead of red.

Gojo starts talking, I think Suki will not be recognized, she looks completely different.

Suki says yes, I am looking completely changed, will Megumi recognize me.

Gojo says yes why not he will recognize you, but I don't know about the other students.

Gojo says goodbye to Shoko and leaves with Suki.

They reach the school and find Principal Yaga and Principal Gakuganji waiting for them. When they see Suki, they are totally surprised who is this girl.

Gojo: Hey Principal sir, you don't know, it's our Suki.

Principal Yaga and Principal Gakuganji ask Gojo that what did you do with her, it's Suki, didn't you bring another girl here to save Suki?

Gojo says hey principal Gakuganji, i am not as shameless as you that I should bring another girl here it is our Suki.

Suki says to Gakuganji hey principal sir it's me, you still don't recognize me, my hair and my appearance have changed, no one recognizes me anymore.

The principal Yaga says, "Suki, is it you?"

Sukhi says to the principal, yes, it is me, I am change because of my powers.

Gojo says to Suki, go meet the rest of the students and see if they recognize you or not.

Suki goes to the upper floor where Noritoshi are waiting for her.

Suki says to Noritoshi, what are you doing here do you want to talk to me?

Noritoshi says yes, I have to talk but not now see you later, and he leaves.

Incidentally Megumi was standing there and looking at Suki.

Megumi was totally surprised to see Suki how her hair and her eye color changed so much.

Suki saw Megumi and ran into him and hugs him.

Megumi smiled at Suki, and he said you drank so much of my blood that your eyes color and hair color became like mine.

Suki says yes drank a little more, will you give me more blood if I need it.

Megumi smiled and said yes why not.

Noritoshi was secretly watching the two of them from behind and was getting angry.

Noritoshi Leaves.

Maki, Inumaki, Panda arrives there and are surprised to see Suki if it is really Suki.

Inumaki: Mustard leaf

Panda: Are you Suki's twin sister?

Maki: No that's Suki.

Suki: yes, this is me.

Megumi: Maki senior how did you know that she was Suki.

Maki: I know this because you hug her.

Megumi gets Shy.

To Be Continued...