Gilbert was fascinated, the golden brown curls were chining in the kind evening sun. The yang man's Bronze skin was glowing. And his bulging muscles were tense from nervousness. He looked strong. Probably from all the labor he did before.. he can fight .. Gilbert smiled at his silliness as if his monster was easily defeated by a fistfight. < look at me .. > Gilbert demanded despite himself, and Maxim obeyed.

 Gorgeous, absolutely beautiful gems, Gilbert thought to himself. These eyes that now shone a bit of green and a bit of bleu like a gemstone under the light stared at him. Gilbert couldn't help it, he took a deep breath and closed the distance between them, he held the surprised yang man's face in his hand and closed the distance between their faces leaving only a breath < amazing .. beautiful .. I .. I have never seen eyes like yours before .. how many colors I can use just to paint them .. > muttered Gilbert to himself as he stared at Maxim with wide eyes.

Ah .. so that's why he paid so much for him .. maxim surprised eyes dimmed. It was as if it lost its light. He was indeed ignored most of the time. His old master may have been cruel but he made sure the yang boy he bought with precious gold was protected. He would yell and curse him yet he would hide him away from the lustful eyes of the sailors at night. He would punish him severally when made a mistake yet he would beat a strange man who tried to undress him. His old master was mean and hateful yet he was a good father that protected his useless son. That was why Maxim never thought of leaving the elderly man and was a bit disappointed when he was sold, yet he knew it was unavoidable as he grew older and stronger. his old master must have wanted to remedy his asset before it decided to run away. Maxim is just glad the elderly kept him these years. He was not stupid and he knew how his life could have been way worse.

He knows now what his master wanted, and he doesn't know how to feel about that… will he be even able to please him? He may have played around when yang boys and older men and women seduced him, yet all those were just commoners like him … he knew nothing of nobles and their bedroom habits … 

Gilbert completely ignorant of the turmoil the man in his hands was feeling jumped and grabbed his white canvas. he was walking back and forth holding his brushes and paint As he made up his mind he grabbed his new model and made him sit on the window seat. And he just stared. 

Like an angel .. he thought as he grabbed his tools and started getting busy < don't move!> He snapped when Maxim fidgeted, and the poor man froze.

Is he just painting me? Wandered maxim to himself feeling confused even more. The way his master looked at him and almost kissed him made him think his new duties were bedroom duties. He started to doubt his judgment again, thinking maybe his new lord just wanted to paint him.. he was embarrassed by his high self-esteem.

Gilbert noticed the blush that spread to Maxim's ears and smiled loving the effect that blush had on the beautiful man.



Hours passed as Maxim just stood there obeying his master not daring to move despite the fatigue. He just stared at the young man who now owned his labors and may own his body. His master was always talking about how beautiful Maxim was as if he didn't look at his reflection golden hair was messily tied and yet some silky stands escaped here and there refusing to obey their owner. His skin was pale, transparent as if has no color to him. Maxim's eyes darkened as he wondered how would it feel if he touched it, if he squeezed a bit too hard would his imprint be left on that translucent skin? He squeezed his fist as his gaze moved to the eyes that were looking at him and yet didn't see him. Light green as if spring is spreading its green wings on the land. Maxim swallowed his dry saliva as he stared at these lips, so pale with a hint of pink as light as a Peony flower, so full, so tempting.. maxim stared wanting to take a glimpse of that tang nestling deep inside. 

A husky voice snapped him out of his daze as he looked up to stare at his master. he averted his eyes as he realized where his thoughts were.. how dare he ???!! No matter how beautiful or tempting his master is how could he think that? 

Gilbert was tired from standing, he knew that long hours had passed when the light started to dim and he was struggling to see, yet he noticed his new servant didn't complain and didn't move from the spot he was ordered into. Feeling guilty he put down the brush reluctantly.

 < maxim ..> He called again as he walked to the small lamp by the table. < you must Be tired and hungry .. ah .. sorry .. I.. I tend to forget myself .. >

Maxim didn't answer and Gilbert didn't expect one from him. As he lit the lamp the door was pushed open and Gilbert flinched and almost dropped the lamp burning everything in his studio. If it wasn't for Maxim's fast reaction in grabbing the lamp and steadying it may have been dire. 

Gilbert froze. He can't help it. Only one man would push his door rudely.