a gentle touche

Maxim left the window following his master. These 3 days he had not left this man's side. They have not spoken, not that he could answer. For some reason, Maxim could not look away from this man.

It started with pity, turned into curiosity, and exploded into lust when he was forced to guard this man as he took a bath.

Maxim knows he is no saint. He had his first man years ago when a little fox seduced him and emptied his pockets afterward. He had been scolded and beaten by his master for being so stupid.

He walked to his little corner and leaned on the wall. His eyes followed the moment of that delicate wrist then it was dragged to follow a sweat drop as it rolled from his lord's forehead to his jaw bone, slowly falling to his collar and sliding into the thin shirt, how easily would it be to be torn apart .. so thin in this heat sweat made it semi-transparent.. 

Maxim's jaw clenched and he closed his eyes. It has been a long time for him, but when did he turn into a lustful beast…

Knock knock 

< yang master ..your meal is ready> came the servant's voice. For 3 days he locked himself in his studio painting nonstop just to be reminded that it was mealtime by the servants. Gilbert sighed putting down his brushes and paints < come in ..> he ordered walking to the connecting bathroom. Maxim left the wall and followed his master as he had done these days. He slowly got used to the duties of an attendant. The door was pushed open and the old butler walked in with a servant pushing the food cart. As he reached the bathroom door Gilbert froze looking back at the old weasel. 

< I didn't know your duties included delivering my food .. > he commented mockingly. He hates this old dog. As a child, he bathed and prepared him to be delivered to the master's bedroom. And no matter how much he cried to him and begged him not he was ignored.

The old butler bowed deeply and answered < master orders this lowly servant to deliver this letter to the yang master .> he made a big show of putting an envelope by the table as the other servant settled the lunch. 

Gilbert scoffed at him and without hesitating he grabbed the string of Maxim's shirt dragged him to the bathroom and left the door a bit agar on purpose.

Maxim swallowed and obeyed his master following obediently. He had not forgotten what the old master said yesterday. He was well aware of what this man was doing, he was not confused or misunderstanding, yet as the yang man slowly removed his shirt threw it on the floor, and leaned on the sink making a show of his every move. The blond hair fell around his translucent skin as he tilted his head slowly to the side and smirked < had you gone silly already? Don't you know how to serve your master? > Maxim's face didn't show any change or stress. He was a slave, he knew how to control his expressions and reactions but he could not control his beating heart which was struggling to jump out of his ribs.

 Slowly the servant took a towel, felled a basin with warm water, twisted the dump towel skillfully, and approached him. Gilbert Glanced at the old butler who was still standing by the dining table waiting for his answer regarding the letter. The servant girl was trembling beside him peeking at him. He had deliberately picked this spot to be visible. A warm feeling on his skin made him jump and turn back to the man in front of him. His new attendant had his face down his bangs covering his eyes as he slowly and carefully held his his hand and wiped his fingers. 

His hands were warm … 

Gilbert stared at the man who was working diligently to get rid of the stubborn paint off his hands and nails.

 He had planned to bring back this man to paint, to put him to work somewhere in the stables or the kitchen, to ask him to be his model from time to time. He had never imagined making him his attendant, oh well he had his back to him, so that doesn't count as bathing an infant of him.

Gilbert hated anyone touching him he felt repulsed by others' eyes and touches. Josephine was the only one he felt warm toward and he welcomed her touches, presence, and looks. 

Gilbert felt a bit guilty. He knew he was using this man and maybe pushing the boundary. 

< here .. > he pulled his hands and pointed to his collar < don't you see the paint on my neck and face? > 

Maxim felt he may have had a heart attack. The way this beautiful man smirked and ran his slender finger on his neck reminded him of the name of a demon he once read about.

 succubus .. a sex demon that seduced poor souls and devoted them

Maxim squeezed the dump towel in his hand and reached up 

< no .. the towel is too ruff .. use your hands .. > and the seducing demon laughed < not like you haven't touched me before !> 

Anyone hearing these words would believe them, Maxim himself felt his hands tremble as he reached out. He is going to touch him .. he had been imagining how it would feel like and now he will touch this beautiful being that emerged from a dream.

As his fingertip touched the pale neck he noticed sweat beads rolling down, Maxim's eyes traveled down to his master's face, and behind the smirk was terror …

He was scared.

Maxim glanced to the side and walked a bit closer hiding his hands in the blond hair. 

The hand hovered on the skin and made a motion of circling as if he was cleaning the skin.

He didn't touch him. 

Maxim may have a lustful shout, he may fantasize about beauties. 

But he was no monster. 

He would never hurt someone the way sister Lily was hurt.