Chapter 109 Skill Tome: Stunning Strike

[Skill Tomb: Stunning Strike]

[Stunning Strike: Stun the target for 10 seconds making them incapable of doing anything.]

[Instant Cast]

[Cost: 5% Base MP] 

[30 Second Cooldown]

[Quest Item: Bandit Insignia automatically awarded] 

[Quest Update] 

[Bandit Insignia's: 9/25]

"ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE." Sarah shouted in joy.

"Is that what they call luck?" John asked in amazement.

"Apparently." Vulxis replied.

"See I told you, this is why I love looting so much for moments like this, it's better than sex." Sarah boasted.

"Ugh I'm not sure bragging that your sex life has been shit in front of John is a good idea." Vulxis stated.

"Bah whatever, the day someone gives me sex that's better than this moment I will take it back, anyway this skill tome does not have a class restriction so it's a free for all." Sarah stated.

John groaned as he knew what was coming and sure enough.

[You have selected roll on: Skill Tome: Paralyzing Palm]

[Ice Blue Queen has selected roll on: Skill Tome: Paralyzing Palm]

[Black Dragoon has selected roll on: Skill Tome: Paralyzing Palm]

[All party members selected roll on: Skill Tome: Paralyzing Palm]

[A roll will now happen, the results are:]

[Ice Blue Queen: 57]

[Vincarna: 1]

[Black Dragoon: 99]

[Black Dragoon has won the roll and been awarded: Skill Tome: Paralyzing Palm]

"HELL YEAH" Vulxis yelled in happiness.

"Damn." Sarah said with slight disappointment, even though she would have liked the skill as an extra life saving measure as a ranged caster it was not that needed.

Sarah looked at John before saying.

"I honestly don't think I have ever met anyone with such bad luck on roll's before, still not a score over ten and a one on the best loot so far."

"Well my luck has never been good, look what happened to me in Darnscape City." John replied.

Sarah could only nod at that before she moved to the last corpse that belonged to Galan.

[Available loot from Galan:]

[Wise Belt]

[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]



[DEF: 1]

[INT: 5]

[Requires Level: 15]

[Mystic's Breeches]

[Rank: Uncommon (Green)]



[DEF: 2]

[SPI: 6]

[Requires Level: 15]

[Quest Item: Bandit Insignia automatically awarded] 

[Quest Update] 

[Bandit Insignia's: 10/25]

[You have selected pass on: Wise Belt]

[You have selected pass on: Mystic's Breeches]

[Ice Blue Queen has selected roll on: Wise Belt]

[Ice Blue Queen has selected roll on: Mystic's Breeches]

[Black Dragoon has selected pass on: Wise Belt]

[Black Dragoon has selected pass on: Mystic's Breeches]

[Ice Blue Queen has been awarded: Wise Belt]

[Ice Blue Queen has been awarded: Mystic's Breeches]

"Ok and we are done for this room time to move on." Sarah said before the group of three left that room and returned to the hallway.

They moved along the hallway until they came to the next set of doors and Sarah went towards the one on the right.

As she listened at the door she thought she could hear rustling as if of movement on the other side but not much else.

Signaling the other two to keep quiet Sarah slowly opened the door and sawa bunch of animals in cages on the other side.

When she determined that there were no enemies in the room Sarah fully opened the door and they proceeded inside.

As soon as they entered all the animals went on alert and backed up in their cages as far from the door as they were able to.

Looking around John counted six different animals before he took a step forward and spoke to them.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to help, my name is Vincarna and I am a druid who has come to help you all escape this place."

The animals looked surprised that a human was proclaiming himself as a druid, one of the braver animals a wolf decided to test the human.

"If you are a druid and can understand us then answer my question, what is seven plus three?"

"Ten." John replied.

"Oh is it, I didn't know, it was just a random question to see if you really are a druid since they are one of the few humanoids that can understand us." The wolf replied sheepishly before saying.

"How do you plan to help us?"

"I will unlock the cages of each of you, then gather around me and I will teleport you to safety."

After saying this John went ahead and unlocked each of the cages and stepped to the side where the animals came and gathered around him before he said.

"Teleport: Emerald Enclave"

After ten seconds John disappeared from the dungeon and once again appeared in the Emerald Enclave.

When the animals saw that they were indeed free they made happy noises before leaving in different directions.

[Quest Update] 

[Number of animals freed and escaped the hideout alive: 13/20] 

"Druid Vincarna" A voice called out causing John to turn and see that the seven council members were all present and had apparently been listening to Bandit's story when John arrived with more animals causing everyone to look at him.

"Council members." John said with a slight bow.

"Bandit here has informed us of the situation and the fact that you are working to free these animals as well as a white tiger." Tiriana Thezorwyn said with a smile before adding.

"He has also informed us that you have formed a bond with him, congratulations are in order, it is very rare for one so young to already have two wild morph's."

"Don't worry bro I made you sound good." Bandit boasted.

"Thank you leader Tiriana but I really must get back to freeing the other animals and punishing the bandits for their actions."

"Of course, just know that we have already informed The White Tiger of the West Bengal about this matter and she is on her way here as we speak, when you find the white tiger return it to us here so that lady Bengal can assist in its recovery."

"Of course… Wait, Bengal is a female?" John asked surprised?

"Indeed why?" Tiriana asked with confusion.

"No reason I just always pictured a tiger named Bengal being male." John replied before saying.

"I will return when I find more animals."

"Teleport: Emerald Enclave"

Just before ten seconds had past John heard Triana say.

"We wish you look young Vincarna." Before he vanished.

After John returned to the dungeon he sighed causing Sarah to ask.

"Something wrong?"

"This just got way more complicated, I just spoke to the druid council who told me that they have informed Bengal about the situation and she is on her way to the Emerald Enclave as we speak."

Both girls showed surprise before they spoke at the same time.

"That makes it even more important that we rescue the white tiger." Sarah said.

"Bengal is a girl?" Vulxis asked.

"Apparently." John replied before saying.

"Nothing else in this room so let's move on."

The two women nodded and Sarah led the way out of the room and across the hall to another room.

As they listened at the door they heard nothing from inside so Sarah slowly pushed it open and what greeted them was a chest.

A treasure chest sat in the middle of the empty room all by itself.

They stared at the chest before John said.

"Why does this give me a bad feeling?" To which Vulxis nodded in agreement.

"Probably because it's a trap." Sarah said before explaining.

"Ask yourselves, why would a treasure chest be left unguarded in the middle of a bandit hideout?"

"If this was a standard cave or some out of the way place with no one around and you found a treasure chest sure, but a bandit hideout, no way that's definitely a trap."

"What happens if you fall for the trap?" John asked.

"Most likely you die." Sarah said simply. 

"There are all sorts of treasure chest's used to lure greedy individuals to their deaths in Genesis. It happens more often than you think so when you see a treasure chest make sure to consider the environment it's in before you decide if it's worth the gamble."

"Also as your level goes up you will find in the future that any treasure chests you find will be locked, you either need to locate the key that is somewhere nearby, ether on a person or hidden, use a skeleton key or if you have a thief in your party they can get a skill at there third class level that lets them pick locks.

John and Vulxis nodded in understanding before Sarah turned around without looking at the chest again and moved further up the hallway.

"Come on, more animals to save and bandits to kill."

They moved up the hallway to the third set of doors and this time Sarah went to the left.

As they listened at the door they heard what sounded like muttering inside and also paper being moved around.

Slowly pushing the door open they saw that the room behind it looked like a very basic office.

It had a few shelves around the wall filled with books and also a table and chair against the wall at the other end, sitting in the chair with their back to the door was an individual who appeared to be muttering while hunched over the desk.