Chapter 133 Asyath Serin Genesis Agreement Banquet part 8

"Tia's answer was to make me a second character, it is common knowledge that I have my royal character in the palace who I use when royal duties require and a second character I use as my main character and level up." Vulxis continued to explain.

"However since it's common knowledge that this is what Tia has done for me, my main character's name is only know by my close friends and family while Tia also secretly made it so that I could start in the central continent instead of the northern continent, this way those who want to hinder my leveling will be looking in completely the wrong location."

There was silence for a bit as the two danced across the dance floor before John asked.

"Was it ok for you to focus on the dungeon with us recently?"

"It was fine, there were no major duties at the time since it was so near to this banquet and anything that did come up mother would've handled if it was not serious." Vulxis replied before adding.

"Worst case she would have messaged me and I would have had to excuse myself, luckily that didn't happen."

"Agreed, I'm not sure we could have beaten the final boss without you." John replied with a smile.

"Haha don't be so sure, with how overpowered you two are you would have still succeeded." Vulxis said with a laugh before asking.

"Do you know what we draconia look for most in our future partners and lovers?" 

"No, what?" John replied as they continued their dance, though John noticed that as Vulxis answered she allowed her body to press slightly against his own.

"Strength." Vulxis answered and for a second John could have sworn he saw lust in her eyes before it vanished.

John smiled before replying.

"I bet Sarah will be really popular with the draconians then."

Vulxis laughed, making the watching people wonder what they were discussing.

"Yes, once my people find out how powerful she is after her rebirth they will all want her, it's just a shame she already has her eyes on someone else." Vulxis replied with humor in her eyes.

"Tell this person to watch out, from how she kept comparing looting to sex during our dungeon run, if that person is crap in bed then she will prefer looting to sex with them."

"Oh I think he already knows." Vulxis said with a smirk just as the song ended.

"Thank you for the dance John but unfortunately as empress I can't stay with you all evening and must go mingle with the other delegates." Vulxis said.

"It was my pleasure 'Empress'." John replied putting emphasis on the word empress.

Vulxis rolled her eyes before turning to go mingle but not before saying.

"Good luck with Shizu, you're going to need it."

As John headed back towards the other women he noticed a certain Kitsune with seven tails looking at John with a smile that made John want to turn in another direction.

John also noticed that his three dates for the evening were all giggling with beautiful smiles while Sarah in particular stuck her tongue out at him when she noticed his gaze.

John shook his head and as he approached Shizu he said.

"I'm guessing Sarah spilled the beans."

"Correct now how shall I gain justice for my fellow Kitsune?" Shizu asked sweetly.

"You make it sound like I have done wrong to your entire race." John replied.

"While not all Kitsune choose spellcasters in Genesis the vast majority do, am sure you're aware why, correct?" Shizu stated.

"It's to do with your tails, correct?" John replied as he looked at Shizu's seen tails that seemed to be swaying slightly.

"Correct, we Kitsune have a natural talent for learning almost all of the different elements of magic, while not all Kitsune are born with magical capability like the elves, those that do generally have great talent in it." Shizu answered before continuing.

"Kitsune are all born with one tail, however only those with magical capability can gain more, from the second element we master we grow another tail."

"So you mean to say you have mastered seven elements?" John asked both surprised and impressed.

For some reason Shizu found that she liked how John was impressed when he learned of her talent, normally when men claimed to be impressed or complimented her in any way, she just brushed it off as she knew it was mainly fake.

Shixu could tell John however was truly impressed.

"I hope I'm as talented as you when I can learn magic. John said with a wistful look.

"What do you mean when you can learn?" Shizu asked, confused.

"I'm sure you have heard about how I came to be staying here right?" John asked.

"Yes, you're the human Tia mentioned in their human punishment…. Oh the MkIV access bands poison." Shizu said as she figured it out.

"Yup, it seems my poison will be gone soon after the banquet and I can finally take the magic aptitude test."

Shizu looked at John with her fox-like eyes that to John seemed to glow for a moment before her eyes widened slightly and said.

"I will be present when you take your aptitude test."

"You will?" John asked, surprised.

"Yes, as punishment for the whole dexterity stat and making my race's life more troublesome in Genesis you can't refuse." Shizu stated adamantly before turning to Alea who had been listening with the others.

"You don't mind if I stay a bit longer, do you Alea?" Shizu asked.

"Not at all, you know you're always welcome, Adria and Sarah are staying longer also since Alexis has a meeting with mother." Alea replied.

"Yes, apparently my mother will also be attending that meeting tomorrow." Shizu stated before turning back to John and saying.

"Well since that's the case are you not going to ask this princess to dance? Or do you plan to have me be the only one left out?" 

"That was never my intention, I just did not think it was appropriate for me to dance with so many beautiful women." John replied.

After taking Shizu's hand he led her to the dancefloor and soon everyone noticed that he was dancing with yet another one of the impossible princesses.

"Why do you think Shizu really wants to watch John's magic aptitude test?" Adria asked as she watched John lead Shizu to the dance floor while Shizu's tails seemed to be moving back and forth.

"I'm not sure but did you see how her eyes glowed for a moment? I think she used the Kitsune's special gift to read a person's magic and that's what made her decide to watch." Alea said.

"What do we do about this bastard? He has been happily chatting with our women while enjoying the feeling of their tits on his arms." Jordan seethed with rage.

He and Daniel had been watching the interactions between John and the now five women, how or why it even increased from three to five they could not understand.

"He needs to be dealt with both in Atlantia and Genesis, he is too difficult to get at while he is staying here in the elf palace so I say we focus on dealing with him in Genesis until we get a chance to finish him for good." Daniel replied in a quiet voice, though he was also seething with anger he spoke calmly as if this was not the first time he had spoken of such things.

"That's fine but do you even know his Genesis name?" Jordan asked but Daniel was forced to shake his head.

"I know his character name in Genesis and I would be willing to share it with you if we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement." A voice suddenly said from behind them, making them look round.

Aiduin stood there with a calm smile.

"Mr Petvalur, please enlighten us with your proposal." Daniel said.

"Of course Mr sanders, it's rather simple really, we all make that fucking hu… prats life difficult by ordering our subordinates or guild members in Gensis to kill him on site and interfere in any of his endeavours." Aiduin stated in a low voice before continuing at almost a whisper.

"If there is a chance while he is here in Asyath Serin or elsewhere on the central continent then I will deal with him, if he returns to the eastern continent it will be left to you."

Daniel and Jordan looked at each other before they both nodded and Jordan said.

"This is agreeable Mr Petvalur, no please kindly tell us his Genesis characters name."

Aiduin smiled before replying.

"Of course Mr Marks his character name is Vincarna."

"WHAT!" Daniel suddenly burst out causing quite a few people to look in their direction including three particular women who had been the talk of the evening.

"Daniel? Is something wrong?" Jordan asked as Daniel's outburst surprised him, he was usually a lot calmer.

"Bastard no wonder he said he knew my sister in Genesis, he is the one who killed her recently." Daniel cursed.

"That can't be good, all three of them together." Sarah commented as she glared at Aiduin, Daniel and Jordan.

"No it can't." Adria said before adding.

"I suspect they are planning something together, most likely some sort of action against John."

"I agree but unfortunately there is not much we can do about it even if we do suspect them, all we can do is warn John about it." Alea stated.