Chapter 149 Creating the Genesis Contract

John left his bedroom to find all the women had taken seats on the comfortable sofas and chairs with drinks in their hands.

John headed towards the bar to pour himself a drink as he admired the view. He had to admit that it was a wonderful sight having five beautiful women relaxing in his living room as they talked and laughed with each other.

"Quite the sight right?" Middle suddenly asked as John was pouring himself a drink.

"Indeed." John agreed with a nod before looking towards oldest who was sitting on a sofa and talking to Alea and youngest who was being teased by Sarah again.

"How are you able to sit on the sofa? I thought you were non-corporeal." John asked curiously.

Middle looked at her other selves before replying.

"We are not too sure, for the majority of the time we are non-corporeal and can float and pass through anything." Middle began to explain.

"However we also have the ability to make it so we can interact with objects and people in a physical way like this."

After saying that middle ran one finger down over John's chest with a teasing smile.

"Careful middle or you will make some girls jealous." Eldest called over causing John and middle to look in her direction and see everyone looking over.

"I was purely demonstrating how we can touch solid objects when we wish." Middle retorted.

"And that required you to run your finger down my lover's chest did it?" Sarah asked accusingly.

"Perhaps." Middle replied with a shrug before adding.

"But he is not your lover yet."

"Humph then let's make this official." Sarah said impatiently before she touched her access band and said.

"Tia, are you available? We require your assistance."

The others were quite surprised by her impatience before Adria sighed and said.

"Are you seriously that impatient to have John penetrate you?" 

"Excuse me? John replied.

"Pardon?" Tia suddenly said as she appeared from Sarah's access band before adding.

"This better not be the reason I was requested by Sarah Lapis." 

"My apologies Tia." Sarah said before continuing.

"We requested your presence because we wish to form a Genesis contract with your mother as witness." 

 "Is that so?" Tia said with mild surprise as she looked har the three Elmyra's.

"Elasha, my daughter." All three said with loving smiles.

Tia didn't respond to their greeting which made them all show sad looks for a moment, something John noticed.

"What are the details of the contract and who will be the intended parties?" Tia asked.

"Err, how exactly do we explain what sort of contract we want?" Sarah asked, looking around.

The girls considered this before youngest spoke up.

"A lover's harem contract." 

"What?" Tia asked clearly confused.

"Daughter listen, listen, the six of them." Youngest said before indicating John, Adria, Alea, Sarah, Shizu and Vulxis.

"Are going to form a harem and be lovers before all the girls marry John in the future."

"....." Tia just stared at youngest for a moment before she turned to look at each of the individuals in question.

In the end she simply replied by asking.

"And why do you need a Genesis contract for this?"

"To make sure that none of us present, or those who may join in the future will ever harm the others in the contract." Alea replied.

"Those who may join in the future?" Tia repeated before asking.

"There might be more in the future? How many more?"

"Well now this is unlike you daughter, you were never so inquisitive about such things before." Oldest said with a chuckle.

"Need I remind you that I am not only your daughter." Tia replied.

"You need not." Oldest replied again but this time in a sad way.

"I think it would be best if we got back on topic." John advised as he saw the sad look once more in the three Elmyra's eyes.

"Very well John." Tia replied, causing everyone other than John to show surprised looks before middle asked.

"Daughter, why do you address John so simply?"

Tia looked at middle before turning back to Sarah and asking.

"How do you want the contract to be formed.?" 

The three Elmyra's each shared a look when Tia didn't answer middle's question.

It was Alea who responded with the instructions.

"The contract will state the following."

"That whoever becomes a party to the contract must offer up something irreplaceable and of great value before they can join."

"Should a party do anything in the future that a majority of the other parties deem as having hurt or damaged one or more of the other parties then they will lose the thing they are offering up and possibly be removed from the contract."

"A new party can only join the contract if all other parties already part of the contract agree to let them join."

"A party can only leave the contract if all other parties agree to let them leave the contract."

"The contract is to be made available only to women with the exception of John Michaels."

"The contract is to be available to women of both Atlantia and Genesis."

There was silence for a moment after Alea finished speaking before Tia asked with a surprised look.


"Correct." Alea said with a nod.

"Only Elrinira?" Tia asked.

There was silence for a moment before Alea said.


"Alea are you sure, that means npc's other than Elrinira could join in the future." Vulxis asked.

"I am aware, even if it is like this it is still not confirmed if Elrinira will want to join, or even if she does whether we will let her." Alea responded before adding.

"All she asked of me was to form a harem and that's as far as I will go for her as thanks for her warning, if however she does prove worthy to become our sister in the future that will change."

"Alea, are you sure about this?" John asked with a stern tone before adding.

"You can still stop all of this before it's too late and there is no going back."

Alea looked at John with a smile while the other girls all had sad looks in their eyes before Adria asked.

"John, do you truly not want to be with us?" 

John sighed and shook his head before explaining.

"I never said that, you are correct when you say that having a harem is a man's dream… well most men anyway."

"However I like to think that I am a man of my word and I gave my word to Alea that after the banquet we would try being together."

"If she decides that she still wants that I will honor my word, however if she is sure about this harem and is truly ok with it going ahead then I would consider myself truly lucky to be able to claim you five as my girlfriends."

As John finished all the girls smiled at him before Alea turned back to Tia and asked.

"What's next Tia?"

"State the individual who is the main party on the contract." 

"John Michales." All the girls said.

"Princess Alea Keagwyn." John said, causing everyone to look at him in surprise.

"But why? This is your harem." Alea asked.

"In name only, you decided to create this, you gave up on something to make this happen, you should be the main party on the contract."

"Very well." Alea said with a sigh.

"Do the rest of you agree?" Tia asked.

The others all nodded.

"Very well, we will begin with the leader, Princess Alea Keagwyn, state what it is that you are offering up."

Alea took a deep breath before stating.

"I Alea Keagwyn, crown princess of the elven race, offer up my title of princess and my right to inherit the elven throne."

There was silence for a moment as Tia and the three elmyra's all looked at Alea in shock.

"Alea, do you know what that would mean?" Oldest suddenly asked.

"I am aware great grandmother, if I lose my title as princess then there will be no successor to the elven throne, in this case those who covet the throne will do all in their power to claim it."

There was silence again before Tia spoke up once more.

"Princess Adria Bristle, state what it is that you are offering up."

"I, Adria Bristle, first princess of the human race, offer up my title as princess."

"Again?" Middle asked in surprise.

"Sarah Lapis, state what it is that you are offering up."

"Well it won't be her title of princess this time." Middle commented.

"Shush." Oldest instructed.

"I, Sarah Lapis, offer up my rebirth character in Genesis."

This time it was Tia who responded.

"You do understand what that means right? You will start anew with a basic character like everyone else from level zero, it will be a brand new character with nothing."

"I understand." Sarah said.

Tia simply nodded before saying.

"Princess Shizu, state what it is that you are offering up."

"I crown princess Shizu of the Kitsune race, offer up my title of princess and my right to inherit the kitsune throne."

"Empress Vulxis Noxmeila, state what it is that you are offering up." Tia said.

"I, Vulxis Noxmeila of the draconian race, offer up my title and position as empress and my right to the draconian throne."

"Seriously?" Middle asked, unable to stop herself.

"Wow." Youngest said while Oldest just nodded in surprise.

"John Michaels, state what it is that you are offering up." Tia requested.