Chapter 178 What the hell, is that a grim reaper?

"So do we have any idea where in the western continent Shizu and this Eliphas are?" John asked.

"It seems they are in the orc capital of Kudzil Drir." Adria replied.

"I guess that's where I'm heading then." John said.

"Wait a moment." Adria said before saying.

"Although our two races are not as aggressive towards each other as they once were, I think it's a bad idea for you to just walk into their capital city alone."

"Well you're definitely not coming with me." John said adamantly.

"But.."Adria started but John cut her off by saying.

"But nothing, if it's a bad idea for me as a regular human to enter the orc capital, it's an even worse idea for you, the human princess too." 

"Besides, I may have a way to disguise myself." 

"Oh!" Adria said with curiosity.

"That's if the preview was correct." John said before taking a breath and saying.

"Wild Morph: Druidic Avenger."

John's mantle seemed to extend slightly before it fully covered and obscured his head and face while the bottom of the mantle lengthened to almost the ground.

The arm part lengthened all the way to his wrists.

After that all the remaining visible parts of his gear turned black with red tints and seemed to carry a ghostly hue to it while wisps of black smoke seemed to break away from the edges of the mantle before vanishing.

[You have transformed into your Druidic Avenger Form]

[Stats will not change however you will deal double damage to entities now of the mortal plane]

[*Notice* Because of the nature of the Druidic Avenger form that covers your face, your skill Viel has altered.]

[Viel now has the ability to hide all your information including your name while in the Druidic Avenger form]

[Would you like to hide all your information when you enter Druidic Avenger form from now on?]

[Yes] [No]


[Information hidden, you can change what information is hidden at any time you are in your Druidic Avenger form]

Adria, Bengal and Fanya all watched in surprise as John's form changed.

"Wow you look so cool." Adria said before adding.

"You look like a grim reaper."

"So is my disguise good enough?" John asked.

"Definitely, just don't take too long." Adria replied.

"Don't worry I am only going there to pick them up." John replied before turning to Bengal to ask.

"I'm ready lady Bengal, where are you going to transport me exactly?" 

"How about the throne room of the palace?" Bengal asked with a chuckle.

"Probably not the best idea." John replied before saying.

"How about I just ask Nine Tails where they are."

[Vincarna: Hey whereabouts are you? I'm coming to collect you and Eliphas.]


"Come on Nine Tails pleasseeeee." Said a female orc who was hugging Shizu's arm and looking at her with pleading eyes.

Shizu sighed before replying.

"I already told you Eliphas, I have been invited to go join the pride rock raid." 

Shizu was sitting outside an orc restaurant across from the auction house in the orc capital of Kudzil Drir.

Sitting next to her and hugging her arm was a beautiful female orc.

Like all orc's she had green skin, however unlike male orc's who had teeth that jutted out of their jaws, female orc's had a more normal looking mouth.

She was also fairly muscular, just not as much as the other orc's that were seated at other tables around them.

All orc's trained in melee combat, even if they were magically gifted they were expected to train, just not as much as non magically gifted orc's.

She also had long ear's similar to an elves with long black-gray hair and green eyes.

"How is that even possible? I mean we are around the same level so there should be no chance you can join a raid of that level." Eliphas asked.

"I'm afraid I can't answer that as it's not my secret to tell." Shizu replied apologetically.

"Well then can I come with you? It's been so long since we got to hang out and I don't want to part from you so quickly." Eliphas asked.

"It's not my decision, if you want to go you need to ask Red Rose." Shizu replied with a smirk as she knew the relationship of her two friends.

"Booo, I don't want to ask that bitchy princess, you know how she feels about my people, not everyone from the eastern continent is like you and so accepting of orc's." Eliphas replied with a pout before asking while hugging Shizu's arm closer.

"Can't you speak to her for me?"

Shizu sighed before saying.

"I can try."

"Yay thank you." Eliphas cheered before kissing Shizu on the cheek.

"You orc's and your public affection." Shizu replied while shaking her head.

As was about to message Adria she received a message herself.

Upon seeing who it was from she couldn't help show a beautiful smile.

This smile caught the attention of all the males secretly paying attention to the two beauties while Eliphas also saw the smile and asked.

"What made you show such a beautiful smile?" 

Shizu replied with a simple chuckle before she opened and read John's message.

[Vincarna: Hey whereabouts are you? I'm coming to collect you and Eliphas.]

[Nine Tails: I'm sitting outside a restaurant opposite the auction house, also what do you mean you're coming to collect us both?]

[Vincarna: Bengal made a deal with Adria, she seems to be fond of this Eliphas and wants her to join us when we go to pride rock.]

[Nine Tails: And Adria agreed?]

[Vincarna: Eventually, though she wasn't too happy about it at first.]

[Nine Tails: I bet she wasn't, it must have cost Bengal something for Adria to agree, especially after what Sarah has planned.]

[Vincarna: You mean about Elrinira supplying her with two suspicious bottles?]

[Nine Tails: It seems you found out, pity, I think Sarah wanted it to be a surprise though I'm guessing Adria had no choice but to tell you.]

[Nine Tails: So what did Bengal give in exchange for allowing Eliphas to join us.]

[Vincarna: The ability to talk to animals.]

[Nine Tails: All animals? I'm jealous, even though I'm a kitsune I only have the ability to speak to fox's.]

[Vincarna: DOn't be, you along with the others will gain this ability.]

[Nine Tails: Really?]

[Vincarna: Yeah, ok stay put I will be with you shortly.]

Shizu turned to her friend before saying.

"Well Eliphas it seems I don't need to speak to Red Rose on your behalf, someone already did it for you."

"Who?" Eliphas asked with confusion.

"Bengal." Shizu replied.

"WHAT!" Eliphas said in a loud voice attracting the attention of many people before she asked.

"Why would Lady Bengal do that?" 

Shizu was about to reply when someone interrupted them.

"What did Lady Bengal do baby?"

The two ladies looked over and saw a large muscular male orc leading a group of males that walked towards them.

"Who are you calling baby Droktar?" Eliphas asked with a snort.

"Come on baby, I thought we had reached the stage where we can use our real names, right Shelur?" Droktar replied with a smirk.

Eliphas frowned before replying angrily.

"Did I give you permission to use my real name in Genesis? Just because I slept with you once you think we are together now?" 

"Of course Shelur, that night was fantastic, let's repeat it." Droktar said obviously not getting the hint because he then turned to look at Shizu and allowed his eyes to wander over her sexy body before saying.

"Though I won't complain if you want to invite your foxy friend to join us."

Shizu's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"You better be careful what you say in front of my friend Droktar." Elphas said in a warning tone while looking at him in disgust.

Droktar, not noticing the two womens looks as he was to bust showing off to his friends, said.

"Why? What can a skinny little fox girl do to me? If I'm not careful I might break her in bed later." 

Droktar and his friends burst out in laughter after he finished speaking.

Eliphas noticed that Shizu's tails had started to sway in a dangerous way that meant she could attack Droktar at any moment.

While she would love to watch her friend beat this dumb ass up, it would not be good for a Kitsune of the eastern continent to attack an orc in Kudzil Drir.

Just as she was about to say something in response they all heard a yell come from the middle of the road that separated the restaurant that they were all at and the Auction house.




"Teleportation should not be possible in the city."

As they all looked over towards the noise they found the orc's and other natives of the eastern continent that had been going about their business backing away from a black figure that stood in the middle of the road looking around.

The figure who was covered entirely in black with red tints seemed to give off a ghostly feel as black smoke detached from his body before disappearing.

"What the hell, is that a grim reaper?" Droktar asked in shock.

"What! Why can't I read any of their information?" One of Droktar's friends asked.

As she heard this Shizu decided to try inspecting the individual along with all the other players present.
