untainted lily

Later,Michal ignored the so-called celebrity and joined Simona and Wendy at the dining table, bringing out the food to share.


Each of them received a sausage, a bottle of milk, and a piece of bread.


This was their lunch for the day.


Due to the food shortage, they had to ration their meals carefully.


Despite the meager portions, Simona and Wendy looked excited.


As they carefully unwrapped their bread and took a bite of the soft loaf, their faces showed expressions of satisfaction.


Delicious! Even ordinary bread felt like a rare delicacy in the apocalypse.


The aroma of the bread wafted through the air, reaching Vera's nose.


She couldn't help but sniff the air.


"Mmm, it smells so good!"


She desperately wanted to eat it.


Her stomach growled loudly.


As a celebrity, Vera's diet was always strictly controlled and planned.


Especially since she had recently taken on a new role, she had been dieting to maintain her weight.


This had left her even hungrier than others, with less fat reserves to draw on.


Now, smelling the bread, she felt she couldn't hold back anymore.


Her stomach felt like it was being gnawed by ants, the pain unbearable.


She looked longingly at the others eating, but no one paid her any attention.


A renowned celebrity, ignored and sidelined.


Vera couldn't handle the drastic change and felt a wave of grievance. Her eyes turned red.


Michal, however, didn't bother with the crying celebrity.


After eating, he began another simulation.


This was his last simulation opportunity for the day.


He had to make good use of it. Once the simulation succeeded, he needed to go out and gather food.


If this simulation failed, he wouldn't be able to search for food today.


Michal was cautious.


He wouldn't leave the villa without running a simulation first.


With the system's help, he would eventually rise to the top and become a super strongman.


With several beautiful women around him, he had plenty to enjoy.


Any accident that led to his death would be a huge loss.


The simulation began.


Michal went to the villa door, opened a small crack, and used ice needles to kill five zombies.


After waiting for the 15-minute cooldown, he killed another five.


It took 45 minutes to kill all 20 zombies.


Since the simulation could only run an hour into the future, Michal had 15 minutes left to gather food and return to the villa.


The convenience store was close, so 15 minutes should be enough time, even with unforeseen circumstances.


Michal dashed out of the villa, crouching low, and quickly made his way to the convenience store.


He encountered no trouble and entered the store smoothly.


But once inside, he noticed something was off.


There was much less food than before. He and Simona had already been to the store once, and the shelves were full then. He remembered exactly how much food they had taken.


The significant decrease meant other survivors had also been there!


This realization made Michal frown.


"It seems some people are already risking their lives to search for food. More survivors will likely come to this store, so I need to gather as much food as possible."


Michal quickly began stuffing food into his backpack.


He prioritized easily carried, high-calorie items.


After a minute of gathering, his backpack was full, the zipper barely closing.


He left the store.


A few meters away, he picked up a rock and threw it at the store's glass window.


"Smash!" The sharp sound attracted nearby zombies. Three zombies ran toward the store.


Satisfied, Michal returned to his villa.


With three zombies guarding the store, other survivors would be less likely to enter.


For Michal, those three zombies would be easy to deal with, adding a layer of difficulty for others.


"The convenience store's food is mine. Anyone wanting it has to deal with those three zombies first!" Michal thought.


Having secured the food, Michal ended the simulation.


He then acted according to the plan.


After successfully gathering food from the convenience store and returning to the villa, he emptied his backpack.


Wendy and the others were thrilled at the sight of so much food.


Wendy's eyes widened as she asked Michal,


"Michal, you went out to get food again? Weren't there dozens of zombies outside? How did you manage to get out?"


"Just killed them all to clear the way," Michal replied matter-of-factly.


"Kill... kill them? But there were so many zombies!" Simona and Wendy were astonished. Even Vera looked incredulous.


"Was it that hard?" Michal shrugged, ignoring the shocked and admiring gazes, and started sorting the food.


After counting, he said to the group,


"I gathered 12 pieces of bread, 58 sausages, and 21 packs of beef jerky this time. From now on, you each get an extra pack of beef jerky with your meals."


"Wow! Extra food? That's amazing!" Wendy exclaimed, her face lighting up with joy.


"Thank you, Michal. You're so good to us!" Simona said happily.


Previously, as the class president, she had always looked down on Michal. But now she realized he was completely different from what she had imagined.


He was a super strongman, with a meticulous mind and a brave heart. In the apocalypse, he was an exceptionally reliable man.


Her initial disdain slowly turned into admiration and adoration.


In the distance, Vera watched with a complex expression.


Her heart was still struggling.


Did she really have to submit to this security guard?




He was just a security guard!


And she was a big celebrity!


But if she continued to starve, she would eventually die.


What should she do?


She started to cry again, covering her mouth to muffle her sobs.


After counting the supplies, Michal put everything back in his room.


Then he took a shower and went to rest.


He had simulated three times today and even fought ten zombies up close to save a worthless celebrity.


Michal was exhausted.


Lying in bed, he quickly fell asleep.


When he woke up, it was already dark.


Just then, he heard a knock on the door.


Hearing this, Michal couldn't help but sneer.


The aloof celebrity?


So that's all it took for her to get this hungry in just a few hours?




So that's all it took for her to get this hungry in just a few hours?


"Come in!" Michal called out.


The celebrity, Vera, slowly pushed the door open. Her eyes were red, showing she had been crying for a long time.


As soon as she saw Michal lying on the bed, tears welled up in her eyes again.


At 25, Vera had been in the entertainment industry for seven years.


She possessed exceptional looks, comparable to top-tier stars.


The reason she was still only getting low-budget TV roles and hadn't become a top star was that she refused to succumb to the industry's hidden rules.


Whether in acting, appearance, or figure, she had already reached the standards of top-tier actresses, even surpassing many of them.


But what was the use?


If she didn't climb into the director's bed, she would never get a breakthrough. Being a third-tier actress, playing minor roles, was the best she could hope for.


But Vera refused to compromise. She believed her talent would eventually lead her to success; it was only a matter of time.


Who said there couldn't be a pure, untainted lily in the murky waters of the entertainment industry?