
After finishing their meal, Vera regained some strength. The two then embraced and fell asleep together.


Holding a stunning actress in his arms, Michal felt completely satisfied. In the past, such actresses wouldn't even glance at him, but now she had willingly climbed into his bed and lay quietly in his embrace. Finally, he felt what it was like to be a big director, and the feeling was simply amazing.


The next day, Michal woke up feeling refreshed. He decided to go to the convenience store and take all the food there. Since he had awakened his spatial abilities, he could store all the food in his dark space without any limitations.


After freshening up, Michal brought the food to the dining table, where Simona and the others were already gathered. Michal had control over the food distribution, so no matter how hungry everyone was, they had to wait for him to distribute it.


This time, Michal gave each person a bottle of milk, two sausages, a piece of bread, and a packet of beef jerky.


Wendy immediately showed a delighted expression, "Ah? Another sausage? We have more and more food to eat! Michal, you're amazing and so generous!"


Simona also expressed gratitude, "Yes, yes, we got another sausage. Michal, you're really great!"


"Eat up. I told you, with me, food will never be an issue. Soon, there will be endless food to eat," Michal said confidently.


He planned to raid the entire convenience store for food. Once he did that, they wouldn't have to ration their food anymore—they could eat as much as they wanted.


"Thank you! Following you really puts my mind at ease!" Wendy quickly nodded. Simona and Vera also showed grateful expressions.


After breakfast, Michal started his day's mission. He planned to thoroughly search for supplies, empty the convenience store, and then look for survivors. Female survivors could be brought back, but male survivors would be kicked out of the neighborhood.


The operation began. Michal used ice needles to take out 20 zombies at the entrance in just 15 minutes. He only needed to reload once with his 10-round ice needles magazine to eliminate all 20 zombies. After dealing with the zombies, Michal grabbed a fire axe and headed straight for the convenience store.


When Michal arrived at the convenience store, he was surprised to find that the three zombies he had previously attracted there had already been dealt with. Each zombie had its head smashed in, likely by a fire axe. Michal frowned.


"Someone came here for food. Seeing the three zombies guarding the store didn't deter them, which means they had the strength and courage. It must be one or several adult males," Michal thought, becoming alert. These people were his competitors.


At the same time, Michal felt fortunate. Thankfully, he had awakened his dark space ability early. Otherwise, the convenience store might have been emptied by now.


He entered the store and began to collect resources. Previously, he could only take what he could fit in a backpack, choosing high-nutrition food to fill up. But now, he could take everything.


"Bread, milk, sausages, bottled water? Take it all!"


"Snacks, candy, cigarettes, premium liquor? Take it all!"


"Pots, pans, household items? Take it all!"


"Rice, noodles, cooking oil? Take it all!"


"Knives, kitchenware? Take it all!"


"Condoms? Uh, no need for these..."


Michal quickly emptied the entire store and prepared to leave. As he stepped outside, he encountered four people—three men and one woman—each carrying a large backpack. The man leading the group was holding a fire axe, just like Michal.


They were surprised to see Michal. "Michal? You're still alive? Are you here for food too?"


 Michal recognized them—it was their security chief, Hank, along with two other security guards and a beautiful female resident.


"Yes, I came for food, but it's all gone. I didn't find anything," Michal said nonchalantly. He didn't want them to know he had taken everything, as it would undoubtedly make them envious. Although Michal wasn't afraid of them, avoiding trouble was best.


However, the security guards didn't believe him. Hank entered the store and, upon seeing it emptied, looked at Michal in disbelief. His eyes fixated on Michal, "The store is empty? Yesterday there was plenty of food here. How could it all be gone? You better not be lying to me, kid. I'm your boss, and you'd better tell the truth!"



Hank, the security chief, had no higher education and had been the head of security in this neighborhood for five years. When Michal worked part-time here, Hank always looked down on him. He saw Michal, a young college student, working as a security guard and thought Michal had no future.


He often complained that the HR department was only recruit a child to be a security guard.


Hank, who only had a middle school education, despised Michal for his higher education, better looks, and youth. He frequently badmouthed Michal, calling him an idiot, and boasted, "So what if he's a college student? He still has to work under me, a middle school graduate. I tell him to go east, and he dares not go west."


Other security guards echoed his sentiments, "Yeah, exactly. What's the use of a college degree? He still has to listen to our boss."


"That kid is pretty obedient. If he ever talks back, we'll beat him up together!"


Michal had heard these insults but ignored them to keep his job. Now, in the post-apocalyptic world, this job meant nothing.


Hank dared to speak to Michal the way he used to, which made Michal frown immediately.


Michal coldly said to everyone, "If you don't believe me, that's your problem. The food in the convenience store is gone. Look for it however you want, just don't bother me."


Hank's face changed at these words. This small security guard dared to speak to him like that? Was he tired of living? Hank was the security chief, a figure of authority in the security team, especially now that the apocalypse had begun. He had reunited with his brothers and found his favorite resident, Eileen, and things were progressing quickly between them.


Michal's appearance not only made the food from the convenience store disappear but also had the audacity to talk back to him in front of Eileen. Without teaching Michal a lesson, how could he maintain his dignity in front of Eileen?


Furious, Hank stepped forward and pointed at Michal, saying, "Kid, what did you say? What do you mean, 'don't bother you'? I'm the security chief, your boss. I have the right to question you. There was so much food here yesterday, and now it's all gone, and you show up here. If it wasn't you, who else could it be? Take me to your place. If I don't find any food, if I find out you took it and lied to us, you'll be sorry!"


Michal laughed and looked at Hank as if he were an idiot, "Hank, is your brain full of crap? Do you really think you're someone important? You used to have a little authority and acted high and mighty, but now that the apocalypse is here, you still think you're a leader? I'm warning you, don't bother me again, or you'll die without knowing how."