zombies level of intelligence is getting higher

Meanwhile, Michal was simulating potential future scenarios.


Today, he planned to clear all the zombies from the entire villa district. He had already eliminated many of them while searching for survivors yesterday. Now, all that remained was to take out the scattered zombies roaming around the various corners of the district.


By doing so, the entire villa district would essentially be cleared and turned into a safe zone where his women could move freely.


The villa district was well-equipped, boasting sports fields, swimming pools, gyms, and various sporting equipment. There was also a large man-made lake in the middle of the community where one could boat and fish.


Once cleared, they could fully enjoy the conveniences offered by the entire villa district and do whatever they wanted within its confines.


After walking around the villa district for a while, Michal hadn't encountered any zombies. Given the vast area and sparse population, and since he had killed many while rescuing survivors, there weren't many zombies left wandering.


He had locked the zombies from 10 high-rise residential buildings inside, preventing them from escaping.


A few minutes later, the first zombie appeared.


By now, Michal's physical capabilities had more than doubled that of an average human.


He didn't use his superpowers but charged at the zombie with an axe, easily taking it down. The fire axe chopped into the zombie's brain and got stuck in the skull.


Michal stepped on the zombie's head and forcefully pulled out the axe.


Michal shook his head and said, "Although the fire axe delivers heavy blows and can even pierce armor, it's not sharp enough. The axe is too thick and easily gets stuck in bones, which takes time to pull out and greatly reduces my efficiency."


Now that Michal's basic attributes had exceeded those of a normal human by more than double, his melee combat abilities were strong. Even without using superpowers, he could take down dozens of zombies on his own.


Unfortunately, his weapon was subpar and could not be used continuously. Each strike had a chance of getting stuck in a zombie's head, and it took effort to pull it out.


If there were many zombies, such delays could potentially put him in danger.


"If only I had a better weapon. Then, even if surrounded by 100 zombies, I wouldn't panic!"


Though Michal thought this, he didn't stop his hands and continued to take down one zombie after another with his axe.


In less than an hour, he had eliminated all the zombies in the villa district. He was able to clear them so quickly partly because he used to be a security guard here and was very familiar with the area, and partly because the district was large and sparsely populated.


The zombies in the ten high-rise residential buildings were locked in and couldn't come out.


After killing all the zombies, Michal passed by the high-rise residential area and heard a loud banging sound from one of the buildings.


He went over to take a look.


A zombie was relentlessly headbutting the iron door. The loud noise attracted other zombies.


Dozens of zombies gathered near the iron door, completely blocking it.


When these zombies saw Michal through the ornamental iron gate, they began ramming the door even more frantically. They also roared incessantly.


Some zombies even bit the iron door and broke off all their teeth without stopping.


The scene was utterly chaotic.


However, Michal was not afraid and remained calm. These ordinary zombies posed no threat to him at all, even without the iron door as a barrier. If the dozens of zombies inside were to charge out, Michal could easily take them all down without any effort.


Nevertheless, this phenomenon made him think.


"Normally, when I lock the iron gate, these zombies shouldn't attack it if they can't see any living people. But now, some zombies are inexplicably attacking the gate, which indicates that one of them knows this gate is the key to getting out. Their level of intelligence is getting higher."


Originally, Michal did not intend to deal with the high-rise residential buildings.


His initial plan was to lock all the doors of the ten high-rise buildings, letting the zombies inside fend for themselves and perish.


However, this method now seemed ineffective.


As the zombies became smarter, they could eventually break down the main doors and all pour out. That would be problematic.


While the villa district was vast and sparsely populated, the high-rise residential area was densely populated.


Each building housed at least a hundred families, adding up to nearly ten thousand people in the ten buildings combined.


At least several thousand of these had turned into zombies.


If these thousands of zombies were all to surge out, Michal, despite his enhanced strength, did not believe he could eliminate them all.


So, he still needed to find a way to thoroughly deal with the zombies in the high-rise buildings.


"ROAR!!!" Just then, a strong zombie suddenly charged at the iron door, roaring at Michal.


Its eyes were filled with madness, as if it wished it could break out immediately and devour Michal.


Unfortunately, their intelligence was still not enough.


They couldn't even manage to open the door.


But in a few more days, who knows?


"Damn, that scared me!" Michal cursed, and then with a burst of ice needles, he exploded the head of that strong zombie.


Then he walked over to a luxury car parked outside the villa, took a basin from his dark space, and drained the gasoline from the car's tank into it.


After filling the basin with gasoline, Michal carried it and threw it over the gate onto the zombies, instantly dousing them in gasoline.


He then took out a lighter and ignited the gasoline.




The flames blazed up instantly.


The zombies, not knowing pain, still showed expressions of madness on their faces.


They continued to slam against the iron door, and the flames quickly engulfed them, spreading upwards through the building, soon setting the entire building ablaze.


"The effect is good. Within a day, the whole building will burn down, and all the zombies inside will be turned to charcoal. It seems I need to burn down all ten buildings to kill all the zombies inside; otherwise, with their increasing intelligence, they might break through the iron doors."


Subsequently, Michal used this method to set the other nine buildings on fire as well.


The flames roared fiercely.


The ten high-rise residential buildings crackled as they burned.


Just then, from the top of one of the high-rise buildings, a survivor jumped down and with a "thud," hit the ground hard, their brain splattering instantly.


Michal was somewhat surprised.


He hadn't expected there to still be survivors inside the residential buildings?