you guys are about to turn into ghosts

"Next, I have other tasks to do, just follow behind me quietly. Don't make noise, or we might attract zombies. You wouldn't want to be attacked by zombies, would you?" Michal warned the woman.


Meanwhile, Michal took a moment to assess her.


She was tall and voluptuous, with beautiful curves.


Despite the paleness and weariness on her face, it couldn't hide her delicate features and the beauty that radiated from her.


She was definitely a great beauty!


Especially her eye-catching long legs—straight, white, perfectly proportioned! They were even more attractive than those of any other woman Michal had seen.


Truly a pair of legs with perfect proportions!


"Yes, I understand," the woman nodded.


These past days, she had been hiding in the infirmary while zombies continuously headbutted the door outside, scaring her tremendously.


"Okay, then let's start heading to the dormitory buildings," Michal said.


"Ah? To the dormitory buildings? It must be full of zombies now! Maybe we shouldn't go there," the woman gasped in fright.


The zombie outbreak had occurred just as the weekend started.


At that time, all the students and teachers were basically in the dormitories.


Now, whether student or faculty dormitories, they were all heavily affected by the zombie outbreak!


There could be tens of thousands of zombies inside!


Going to the dormitory buildings now would be suicidal, wouldn't it?


"I'm actually looking for zombies! Don't worry, you'll be safe with me. Let's go," Michal said confidently.


Seeing the confident expression on Michal's face, the woman finally nodded.


The five zombies at the door were all killed by Michal, which was enough to demonstrate his strength. He wasn't afraid of zombies and could handle five at once, so all she could do now was trust Michal.


"Okay," the woman nodded. Then she followed behind Michal, and they both headed towards the dormitory buildings.


On the way, the woman said to Michal, "Hello, I don't know your name yet, my name is Penelope."


"I'm Michal. I'm a student at this school," Michal replied.


"Ah? A student?" the woman was surprised and then said, "I'm Penelope, a teacher here. Teachers are supposed to protect students, I didn't expect to be protected by you. I'm quite ashamed."


Hearing her words, Michal took a good look at her.


This female teacher looked very young.


At first, Michal had thought she was a student of the school.


Now, hearing her say she was a teacher, and seeing her dressed in a white blouse and a professional pencil skirt with a pair of semi-transparent black stockings, which were frayed from escaping but still hinted at a unique allure, made sense. Her outfit was typical of an office lady.


"Now I see you're a teacher, you look very young," Michal responded.


"Thank you..." Penelope blushed and lowered her head.


She was only 23 and had just started working. Her skin was soft and flawless, so she was often mistaken for a student.


Each time she was thought to be a student, she felt very happy, as it implied she still looked young.


The two of them continued chatting as they walked.


Suddenly, several burly men appeared, blocking their path. These men were armed with baseball bats, javelins, and homemade spears.


Michal squinted his eyes at them.


These men had dark skin and strong physiques, with muscles bulging under their clothes—they were clearly the school's sports students!


During the apocalypse, these sports students were practicing on the athletic field, not in their dormitories, which is why they survived!


Indeed, some other sports students had turned into zombies, but they had been dealt with.


The open space of the athletic field allowed for maneuvering. If they had encountered zombies in the dormitories, escape would have been difficult.


Seeing Michal and the beautiful woman behind him, the faces of these sports students revealed mischievous grins.


One of them called out to Michal, "Hey, aren't you that guy, what's his name, who worked as a security guard while still in college? Michal, right? Can't believe you, a stinky guard, are still alive!"


"Ha ha ha! They say a scourge lasts a thousand years! This poor sod, didn't expect him to survive until now!"




The group began to mock Michal.


During peace times, Michal had become the laughing stock of the whole school because he worked part-time as a security guard. Almost everyone knew him, and some had even posted photos of him standing guard at the community gate on the school forum for people to comment and laugh at.


Michal couldn't understand.


He was self-reliant and worked while he was studying; what was wrong with that?


Wasn't that better than those rich kids who only asked their parents for money?


Was there anything shameful about being a security guard?


Wasn't it also earning money through hard work?


Did one's job really have to dictate one's social standing?


Seeing the scornful smiles on their faces, Michal's expression suddenly turned cold. He warned them, "You idiots, don't want to live anymore?"

If these people had appeared in his own villa community, Michal wouldn't hesitate to kill them.


In the school, Michal had no plans to establish any connections, so he initially didn't want to bother with them.


However, his words immediately angered the other party.


There were four athletic students, all strong and armed.


A mere security guard daring to speak to them like that? It was unthinkable!


"Kid, what did you just say? Did I hear you right? You want us to die? Ha, ha, ha! Have the zombies eaten your brain?"


"Damn it. A loser daring to talk to us like this? You're asking for it!"


"Now it's the apocalypse, there are no legal constraints! We could kill you and nothing would happen, you know that!"


"Kneel down and apologize to us, hand over all the food you have, leave your weapon for us, give us this woman, and then, you can get lost," the leading athlete said menacingly to Michal.


"Heh, yes, there are no legal constraints now, killing you all would be no issue," Michal let out a cold laugh.


Since they were asking for it, there was no need to be polite.


Having only fought zombies since his attributes were enhanced, Michal had not yet battled other humans. Now, he could see how many seconds these four athletes, stronger than ordinary people, could last against him.


"You... what are you trying to do? Can't we, as fellow students, talk this out? Why must you fight? Don't bully others just because you outnumber them!"


At that moment, the female teacher stood in front of Michal, shielding him with her body.


In her view, these athletes were just using their numbers to bully Michal, and as a teacher, it was her duty to stand up for him.


Although she was very scared, trembling all over, she resolutely protected Michal.


Moved by the teacher's action, Michal was somewhat touched.


The athletes, hearing Penelope's words, scoffed and said:


"Heh, classmates in the apocalypse? You're too naive.


Penelope Teacher, right? I've heard of you, the youngest and most beautiful teacher at our school.


These past days, we brothers have had our fun with many female students, but we haven't had had our fun with a teacher yet!


Come on, follow us back to the equipment room! We're going to have some fun with you. Just don't end up like those female students, who didn't last more than a few days..."


"Ah!" The female teacher, upon hearing the athletes' words and seeing the lewd expressions on their faces, was startled but did not step back.


At that point, Michal couldn't watch any longer.


He picked up his fire axe and charged at them.


Seeing Michal rush towards them, the athletes' faces changed.


"Such speed!"


"What's with this guy!"




A scream.


One athlete's arm was chopped off by Michal's axe, and blood sprayed out instantly.


"Ah, my hand, my hand!" the injured athlete fell to the ground, clutching his arm and screaming.


"Damn, this guy is strong! Tiger, attack!" the leader shouted.


"Whoosh!" A whooshing sound followed.


It was an Sneak Attack!!!


With his extremely fast reflexes, Michal reached back and caught an arrow in his hand!


He turned to see, not far behind him, another athlete hiding behind a large tree, holding a bow and arrow!


However, at that moment, the athlete showed a shocked expression. Terrified and trembling, he said:


"Holy shit, catching an arrow barehanded? Are you... are you even human?!"


Michal coldly laughed: "Heh, I'm not sure if I'm human, but you guys are about to turn into ghosts."


Then Michal charged at them, like a god of death, swiftly taking down all the athletes.