The intelligence gap between people is apparent from this

After dinner, Penelope quickly found an excuse to take a bath, rushing into the bathroom. After her bath, she immediately found a room to hide in.


Continuing to chat with this group of girls made her feel as though she was becoming increasingly inappropriate!


Despite never having had a boyfriend, their rumors had escalated to her having battled with Michal for hours!


She was so embarrassed!


In her room, Penelope lay on the bed and then lifted her feet, stretching them straight with the soles facing the ceiling.


Looking at her pure and slender feet, she couldn't help but admire them, exclaiming, "They really do look great! I even love my own legs! They're just perfect!"


Michal had already taken a bath and was resting in his room.


Having eliminated many zombies and some athletes today, he felt quite tired.


He took out bread and milk from the dark space to eat.


As he munched on the food, he planned his next steps.


"The convenience store and the school cafeteria have enough food for us for quite a while, but in a post-apocalyptic world, one must always be vigilant.


What if I'm lucky and find hundreds of female survivors? We wouldn't have enough food.


And the 20x20x20 dark space is too big; it's still mostly empty, holding only about a third of its capacity, which irritates me. I must fill it up completely!"


"So next, I'm going to scavenge for food outside the neighborhood. There's a large supermarket just over a kilometer away, with much more food than the cafeteria and convenience store. If I can gather all of it, I should be able to fill the dark space!"


"With my current strength, even if I encounter dozens of zombies outside the neighborhood, I can fight back, and if there are hundreds or even thousands, I can escape. My speed is six times that of a normal person, so even if I can't defeat them, I can run. Those zombies definitely won't catch up."


With that, Michal resolved to start scavenging at the large supermarket the next day.


Then, he'd really have more food than he could eat!


"Knock, knock, knock!"


Just as Michal was pondering, someone suddenly knocked on his door.


Michal was startled.


Who could be knocking at his door at this time?


Could it be the female teacher, Penelope?


However, he hadn't hinted for Penelope to come to his room.


After all, during the simulation, when Michal was being mobbed, Penelope stood protectively in front of him, which moved him deeply.


This teacher had shown him ample kindness, and he intended to treat her with the greatest kindness in return.


Pure-hearted, kind people should be treated kindly by the world.


So he had let Penelope go to have dinner with Vera and Wendy instead.


Thus, Penelope did not need to force herself to be Michal's woman.


"Come in!" Michal called to the person outside.


If it was Penelope, Michal could clarify things with her.


But the person who entered was not Penelope, but Judy, whom Michal had forgotten about.


So it was her.


Michal looked surprised.


Judy had been rescued by Michal along with Tina, and she was considered a school beauty as well—fair-skinned, beautiful, and with a tall, full figure, she was the secret crush of many male students at school.


However, compared to the scholarly beauty Tina, Judy's looks were slightly less impressive.


Therefore, after his encounter with Tina, Michal had completely forgotten about Judy.


Now, seeing her knocking and entering, Michal realized.


She must have been starving for days.


It must be unbearable for her.


Indeed, Tina was a smart person.


On the first day of being brought back, she had knocked on his door, so she didn't suffer from hunger any longer.


Judy, on the other hand, was a bit foolish—she had unnecessarily starved for an additional day.


The intelligence gap between people is apparent from this.