Who tied you up there

In just one day, Michal not only found fresh meat but also eradicated all the zombies in the entire neighborhood.


That's every single zombie in the area!


Isn't that a bit too strong?


Is he even human?


Michal wore a proud smile:


"I've been amazing for a while now; you've already experienced this on my bed, haven't you? So what's there to be surprised about? From now on, you don't have to stay confined to this villa."


Wendy was the first to show a delighted expression: "That's fantastic, truly fantastic! Hahaha! I didn't expect we'd be able to leave the villa so soon. I'm so happy!


I want to swim in the neighborhood pool, play on the courts, work out in the gym, I want to train my glutes! In a month, I'll challenge you again, and then we'll see who begs for mercy!"


"Oh, you're brave!" Michal didn't expect Wendy to say this.


But she was Overestimate herself, thinking she could make him beg for mercy?


Do you really think training your glutes in the gym is a cure-all?


You think you can train enough in a month to make me beg for mercy?


Who knows how much more I'll have improved by then!


You think you can keep up with my progress just by working out in the gym?


That's wishful thinking!


Tina said: "Judy, let's train too! Let's not talk about killing Michal, but at least after training, let's not be the ones who end up dead."


"Yeah!" Judy nodded repeatedly, fully agreeing.


"We're going too, we're going too!" the other girls said.


Amidst everyone's joyful smiles, the food was finally ready.


Everyone sat down together at the dining table to eat.


Penelope was initially unaffected, but ever since these students misunderstood her relationship with Michal as being something indescribable, she was too shy to even look Michal in the eyes directly.


Everyone was talking and laughing, except for her, who was looking down, her face red, continuously eating.


The next day, Michal woke up at just past 10 a.m., the sun already high in the sky.


Michal stretched his back, appreciating the life of waking up naturally every day.


Back when he was in school, he had to get up for classes every morning, and even on weekends, he had to wake up early to stand guard and work as a security guard in the neighborhood.


He hardly ever got to sleep in.


Now, he could sleep every day.


Plus, living downstairs were several extraordinary beauties, making him feel more pampered than an ancient King selecting concubines.


After getting up, washing, and eating breakfast, Michal started on his plans for the day.


Just then, Michal received a system notification.


"Congratulations, host, you have killed a total of 22,000 zombies, earning 2,200 attribute points!"


Michal was stunned:


"Ah? 2,200 attribute points?!"


Then he realized, saying: "It must be because the ten dormitory buildings at the school burned down overnight. It directly killed over 20,000 zombies! That's really awesome!"


At that moment, Michal's base attributes were at 325 points.


2,200 divided by 4, each basic attribute could increase by 550 points.


That's a total of 875 attribute points added!


Now, Michal's basic attributes had reached 16.5 times that of a normal person!


He was truly a superman among supermen!


"The dark space has been upgraded again, having such a large space and not using it is simply a waste, so I must hurry to collect the food from the large supermarket."


"And as time goes on, the survivors are getting hungrier, they might start looking for food, so if I go late, the large supermarket might already have been looted, leaving not much food."


"And, with my basic attributes at 16.5 times that of a normal person, this strong, it's time to leave the neighborhood and test my combat abilities!"


So Michal began his first simulation of the day.


This was Michal's first time stepping out of the villa area and onto the main street, and he had to be cautious.


After all, those five athletes at the school had almost caused him trouble.


The main street could be even more dangerous, possibly.


The simulation began.


Michal jumped directly over the three-meter-high villa gate. Outside, the road was filled with cars that blocked the entire street.


Some cars had even crashed into the roadside, some even caught fire and burned, turning into charred wrecks.


The drivers inside were burned into blackened skeletons.


In some cars, the drivers hadn't escaped in time and were gnawed to bones by zombies.


Looking at these tragic bodies, Michal felt a pang of emotion.


Luxury cars worth hundreds of thousands, unaffordable to many after a lifetime of work, used to be the rich's bragging assets. Now, they had become mobile coffins, marking their final resting places.


Michal continued walking forward; the supermarket was only about a kilometer from the villa area, and he encountered no zombies on the way.


But the closer he got to the supermarket, the more zombie corpses he found by the roadside.


And Michal only realized after getting closer that these zombies were all cleanly sliced in half—some decapitated, others cut at the waist, their upper bodies still alive and crawling on the ground using their hands.


Some were even vertically chopped, their heads and bodies evenly split into two halves!


Seeing such a scene, Michal was utterly shocked.


"Goodness, who did this? Could it be another superpower user? I haven't gone far, and I've already found dozens of zombie corpses. This person must be incredibly powerful."


What shocked Michal the most was the assailant's weapon.


Each zombie was cleaved in two, whether chopped horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, slicing through them as if cutting tofu.


Michal glanced at his well-used fire axe and suddenly felt it was less appealing.


Although his fire axe had armor-piercing capabilities, it would get stuck in the zombies' skulls every time.


Unlike this other person's weapon, which cleanly bisected its targets.


Thus, Michal became alert.


If the assailant really was another superpower user, this would be the first Michal had encountered. He didn't know how strong they might be.


So, he had to proceed with caution!


As Michal continued moving toward the supermarket, he encountered more zombie corpses.


Finally, under a large tree in front of the supermarket, there were about a dozen zombies that had been chopped to death.


A black katana was stuck in the ground.


Seeing this, Michal was completely stunned.


"What's going on here? The trail of zombie corpses ends here, and that weapon is covered in zombie blood. That person must have used it to chop up the zombies. The zombies are all dead, so why drop the sword on the ground? Could something unexpected have happened?"


Michal walked over to check.


He wanted to pull out the katana.


After all, it was an extremely sharp treasure blade, too good to pass up.


Just then, Michal heard a weak cry for help: "Help... help me!"


"Uh?" Michal was startled and quickly scanned the surroundings, but saw no survivors.


"Help!" The weak voice came again, and this time Michal finally pinpointed the direction.


He suddenly looked up, shocked!


A woman was bound by her hands and feet, hanging in mid-air, and beside her was an unconscious man.


Nearby, dozens of zombies were also bound in the air!


Some of the zombies had turned into mummies, while others were still struggling, indicating they were tied up at different times!


Michal instantly became cautious and took a few steps forward, asking the woman, "Who tied you up there?"


However, just as he finished speaking, a vine swiftly extended, wrapped around his foot, and flung him into the air. Michal felt the world spin, and by the time he realized what was happening, he too was bound by his hands and feet, hanging in the air.