expanding harem

Simulation ended!


This simulation had been a huge success for Michal.


Not only did he obtain a close combat weapon, a katana, but he also acquired supplies from an entire large supermarket.


Most importantly, he gained a beautiful, long-legged policewoman with a figure rivaling Tina's!


It was quite a fruitful haul!


Honestly, Nancy's appearance was exactly Michal's type. From the first moment he saw her, he was attracted to her.


He genuinely liked this type.


In his heart, he resolved to get this police school goddess into bed as soon as possible and start a family with her!




Michal immediately began to follow the previous simulation's process.


Everything went very smoothly.


When he returned to the villa from the supermarket, he had indeed obtained a precious katana and brought back the stunning beauty Nancy!


Michal was very happy.


It seemed like tonight he could experience the thrill of being with a future police flower!


Thinking of her angelic face and devilish figure, Michal thought it was going to be amazing.


"Michal, you're back? Come eat!" Eileen and the others smiled happily as Michal returned, inviting him to the dining room.


Michal nodded and said to Nancy, "Let's eat something first. You must be hungry too."


"Okay." Nancy nodded, feeling a bit reserved.


She looked at Eileen and the others in the villa, her expression becoming complicated.


She had originally thought Michal was alone.


She had made up her mind to become Michal's woman.


But now…


It seemed that he already had several female companions.


And each one had her own unique charm and was very beautiful.


Although she was confident in her own appearance, the idea of becoming one of Michal's many women made her feel a bit uncomfortable.


Would these women accept her?


Would they be against her?


Would they make things difficult for her?


Nancy ate her meal in silence, her mind a whirlwind of emotions.


Worry and fear.


Eileen, Simona, Penelope, Tina, and the others observed Nancy.


Simona was already gnashing her teeth in jealousy.


Such a beautiful girl!


In terms of looks, she was even comparable to the top four campus beauties, Wendy and Tina!


Where had Michal found such a stunning beauty this time?


Now, in this shelter, there were four women more beautiful than her!


They were the superstar Vera, long-legged teacher Penelope, the cold campus beauty Wendy, the academic star Tina, and busty girl Eileen!


She was so beautiful and had a figure even more voluptuous than Eileen's!


She had a devilish figure!



How could anyone live with this!


Simona was on the verge of collapse.


She couldn't compete in looks or figure; what was the point of trying?


Although she was collapsing inside, she didn't dare show it on her face.


This beauty had just been brought to the villa and was already eating with them, indicating Michal's special regard for her.


Even Tina, as an academic star, had to serve Michal in his room before she could eat. Nancy, however, could eat without doing anything. That was not something others could compare to!


Eileen was well aware of this too.


She smiled and offered Nancy a piece of meat: "Eat more, dear. You're so thin, except for your big chest. Everything else is small. I made these dishes. See if they suit your taste."


"Huh? Oh, yes! It's very good, thank you." Nancy said nervously.


She hadn't expected these people to treat her so well.


In the Black Tiger Base, relationships between survivors were not so harmonious.


Everyone was constantly on guard against each other.


Though they were allies in competition, they were also competitors for survival resources.


They could even turn against each other if necessary!


"If you like it, eat more. I'm glad my cooking suits your taste. What's your name? Where are you from? I'm Eileen, the former owner of this villa and a dance teacher," Eileen said kindly.


"I… I'm Nancy, a former police academy student. I met Michal on the road, and he saved me. I'm very grateful to him," Nancy said honestly.


"Oh, a police academy student. We were all saved by Michal. We're all very grateful to him. Now that you're joining our big family, we'll get along well!" Eileen nodded.


"Mm-hmm. Thank you, Eileen." Nancy smiled, feeling a bit happier.


She found Eileen very approachable and kind.


Watching Eileen and Nancy talk, Simona and the others had complex expressions on their faces.Thinking to herself, "As expected of Eileen! She really knows how to handle people. With just a few words, she got the new girl, Nancy, on the same page! Experience really does count!"


So, Simona and Tina also put on enthusiastic smiles.


They said to Nancy:


"Yes, yes, sister, eat more, don't be shy around us. Everyone here is easy to get along with and nice to talk to. Consider this your home now, no need to be so reserved. Relax and take it easy!"


"Oh, okay. Thank you, everyone. I'm really happy that you all accepted me so quickly," Nancy said sincerely.


Michal, seeing everyone getting along so well, nodded in satisfaction.


Penelope, the teacher with the beautiful legs, ate her meal with a complex expression on her face.


After a day of inner struggle, she had decided to go to Michal's room tonight, to actually have a substantial sex relationship with him as rumored, hopefully being able to have an extended session just as the rumors suggested.


But now Michal had brought back another beautiful girl. Tonight, he would likely spend the night with this new girl, meaning her plan would have to be postponed again…


When would it be her turn?




She felt like a withered grass in the desert, desperately in need of rain.


If she kept waiting, she would…she would break down!


After dinner, the new policewoman Nancy found a room on the first floor to settle in.


Michal returned to his own room.



After taking a shower, he lay on his bed, looking at his long black katana, absolutely enamored.


His basic strength had improved, greatly enhancing his close combat ability. He had been in need of a close combat weapon, and just yesterday, he mentioned lacking a weapon. Today, he got this treasured sword.


His luck was incredible!


He took out a new towel from the dark space and continued to wipe this top-grade weapon.


The black blade, powerful and gleaming with a cold light.


Its straight form exuded sharpness and toughness.


It seemed capable of piercing through any enemy!


After cutting down hundreds of zombies and more than a dozen survivors today, the blade remained sharp enough to cut through hair.


Michal looked at it, his eyes filled with affection.


A master once said that you should treat your weapon like your lover.


Because a weapon might accompany you longer than a lover! And a weapon can save your life, while a lover only drains your energy.


As Michal was happily polishing the blade, there was a sudden knock on the door.


Hearing the sound, Michal calmly put away the sword.


He had admired the sword enough; it was time to show his own "sword."


He wondered who was knocking today.


He hoped it was Nancy.


Licking his lips with anticipation, Michal called out:


"Come in!"


The door opened.


Sure enough, it was Nancy.


She had taken a shower, her long black hair still a bit damp, draped smoothly over her fair shoulders.


Her long white legs were straight and slender, and her curvy figure was very eye-catching.


Seeing Michal's smiling expression, Nancy blushed. She stammered to Michal:


"Um... I... I came to thank you for saving me today."


"I know, Come, get on the bed. Let's have a good chat, talk about the future, talk about dreams, talk about expanding our family..." Michal said with a mischievous smile.


He had thought it might be Vera, Simona, or Wendy, Tina, and the others at the door.


He hadn't expected that on Nancy's first day, without him even hinting at anything, she would understand and come directly to him.



Good! The young can be taught!


'Expand our family?'" Nancy looked puzzled. When she realized what he meant, her face turned even redder:


"I... I thought... we were just ordinary friends. I just wanted to thank you verbally... Expanding our family now, isn't it... a bit too fast?"


"What friends? Your brother entrusted you to me. How could I just be your friend? At the very least, I have to be your boyfriend!"


"Of course, if you want to thank me verbally first, that's fine. I don't mind. Then we can expand our family!"