You've been marked

Inside the supermarket, there were hundreds of zombies.


Since there were no hiding spots in the supermarket, ordinary people would be quickly surrounded and killed by zombies.


But Michal, entering the crowd of zombies, was like a wolf among sheep.


One person surrounded by hundreds of zombies.


He lifted his katana and started slashing. Each strike cut a zombie in half!


Seeing Michal's actions, the previously heartbroken and despondent athletic goddess Nelly was shocked.


"So powerful, so fast! "


"How is he doing this?"


"Hundreds of zombies are like crops waiting to be harvested before him!"


"His athletic ability is extraordinary!"


"Even the strongest athletes would pale in comparison!"


"His speed and strength exceed normal human limits! Is he a superhuman?"



As an athlete, Nelly understood human limits better than anyone.


Michal's current blade speed, reaction speed, and movement speed had all definitely surpassed human limits!


Watching Michal's movements, Nelly even showed a bit of admiration on her face.


Being an athlete herself, she naturally had a greater appreciation for men who excelled in physical prowess.


Michal was no longer just strong in terms of athletics; he had transcended human limits.


This naturally made him admirable.


What woman doesn't admire a strong man?


At this moment, Nelly even felt somewhat lucky.


If she had stayed with Dawson, she might have starved to death sooner or later.


Only by following someone as strong as Michal could she hope to survive better!


In less than 10 minutes, Michal had killed all the zombies.


He looked quite satisfied.


"Using this blade to cut down zombies is a pleasure, stress-relieving! So satisfying!"


"Michal, how… how are you so strong?" Nelly couldn't help but ask her question.


"Because I've always been strong. I have other strengths too. You'll experience them tonight!" Michal said with a mischievous smile.


Nelly understood his meaning and blushed.


She felt shy but also a bit expectant.


Michal teased Nelly a bit, then began scavenging resources, putting everything from the supermarket into the dark space.


After doing all this, he led Nelly to the next supermarket.


He used the same method to clear it out as well.


After emptying both supermarkets, Michal took Nelly back to the villa area.


The simulation ended.


The process was perfect, without any unexpected incidents, and he even gained Nelly as an additional reward.


The athletic goddess was truly a rare find!


Even Michal was looking forward to expanding his harem with Nelly.


So after the simulation ended, he immediately started following the simulated process.


He successfully brought back the goddess!


When he returned to the villa area with the goddess,


Vera and the others had already gone out to exercise in the villa area.


Since the entire villa area had been cleared and made safe, they liked to play around there after meals.


They would play basketball, volleyball, and the like.


So the villa was empty.


"You can find a room on the first floor, take a shower, and get settled. Tonight, come to my room, and I'll show you another one of my strengths," Michal said with a mischievous smile to Nelly.


"Got it…" Nelly nodded shyly.


Although she had mentally prepared herself, knowing that following Michal back would inevitably lead to this,


she couldn't help but feel a bit flustered.


Even though she had dated Dawson for a year, she hadn't even held his hand.


Now, she was about to make love with someone else, making her feel both nervous and excited.




At the villa's volleyball court,


Wendy and the others were playing volleyball.


They were all sweating and having a great time.


In the apocalypse, being able to play volleyball under the sun was an absolute joy.


However, they didn't notice a hawk circling in the sky above them.




At the Black Tiger Base, over 20 kilometers away,


Falcon reported to Black Tiger: "Boss, I found them. About 20 kilometers away, in a villa area, I saw Nancy along with several other girls! They all seem to be students from that villa area. Each one is a beauty!"

Hearing this, Black Tiger's lecherous face blossomed into a smile, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth.


He couldn't help but say joyfully:"Several schoolgirls? We're hitting the jackpot! Not only will I get Nancy back, but I'll also capture those other girls and make them all my concubines! Falcon, you can pick one first!"


"Thank you, Boss!" Falcon licked his lips lecherously and started choosing, using his hawk's vision to pick out which one he wanted.




At this time, Scar Mouse had also made his way through the tunnels to the supermarket where Bear had been killed.


Climbing out of the hole, he found Bear's corpse still lying there, now rotting and covered in maggots.


He quickly exited the supermarket and followed the trail of slain zombies to Michal's villa area.


Since Michal had killed zombies all the way to the supermarket, it was easy to follow the trail of bodies to find his place.


The villa gate was tightly closed.


In the guard room, two "people" in suits, wearing sunglasses and masks, sat inside.


They were zombies controlled by Michal using his control ability.


His zombie control ability had leveled up to Level 2, allowing him to control Level 2 zombies and increasing the number he could control to two.


These two zombies were stationed as gatekeepers by Michal.


To avoid drawing attention, he had dressed them in suits, masks, and sunglasses.


If you didn't look closely, you would think they were alive.


Even Scar Mouse was fooled.


He called out to the zombies, "Brothers, open the gate. I'm here to deliver a message!"


The zombies did not respond, but the sound was transmitted to Michal through them.


Michal shifted his vision to see Scar Mouse and found him familiar.


"Oh, this guy looks familiar. Right, he's one of those survivors. I thought I killed them all. Did I miss one?"


Michal was a bit confused. He had thought he had killed everyone in that group in an instant. He didn't expect one to escape.


He wondered why the man had come here. Was it for revenge?


With incredible speed, Michal grabbed his sword and dashed from the villa to the gate.


Seeing Michal, Scar Mouse immediately raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.


He knew that if Michal wanted to kill him, he could do it in an instant.


So, raising his hands, he quickly said:" Hero! I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm here to deliver a message! Black Tiger has found out about you and is planning to come for revenge!"


"Oh?" Michal narrowed his eyes. Then he opened the gate and let Scar Mouse in, saying coldly: "Tell me everything about Black Tiger's survivor base and why you're delivering this message. You'd better be detailed. If you can't convince me, I'll kill you."


After entering the villa area, Scar Mouse saw the hawk circling above the volleyball court.


He pointed to the sky:" That's one of the eyes of 'Falcon,' an esper from Black Tiger's base. He's using the hawk's vision to monitor everything here. You've been marked.


Especially those schoolgirls. Black Tiger is a notorious lecher. Falcon probably reported everything to him. If it was just for revenge, he might not have come, given the distance and danger. But with so many schoolgirls here and his lecherous nature, he will definitely come!"


"Is that so?" Michal frowned.


Then, with a wave of his hand, an ice needle formed in the sky and shot down the hawk instantly.