Black Tiger's ability

"That's right! It's me! You must be Black Tiger. You call your subordinates things like Giant Bear and Yellow Dog—what, are you running a zoo? And you dare to covet my woman? You should look at yourself in a mirror!" Michal sneered at the lecherous Black Tiger.


This guy was pot-bellied, dark-skinned, and short and fat, with a belly bigger than a woman nine months pregnant.


Even if he took off his pants, he probably couldn't see his own manhood, just his big belly.


And yet he had the nerve to have a dozen wives?


And dared to covet Michal's woman, Nancy?


He must have a death wish.


Black Tiger's face turned furious at Michal's words. Although he feared Michal's strength, being mocked in front of so many subordinates was humiliating.


Gritting his teeth, Black Tiger said to Michal:


"Young man, I advise you not to be too arrogant. While you might have some skills, daring to act so arrogantly in my base means you won't leave here alive!


And Nancy was my woman first. You stole my woman and dare to show off here?"


Hearing this, Michal couldn't help but laugh. This guy must be out of his mind, thinking that any woman he likes automatically belongs to him.


Who did he think he was?


Michal coldly replied:


"Your woman first? You think that just because you like someone, they automatically belong to you? Do you think you're me? If you dare to covet my woman, do you think I'll leave here before killing you?


And I've heard you have a dozen wives, right? Since you covet my woman, I'll covet yours. When you're dead, I'll take care of your wives!"


"You! You're going too far!" Black Tiger was infuriated by Michal's words.


He waved to his subordinates: "Get him, brothers! Kill him!"




No one moved.


Their faces were filled with fear as they stood watching Michal, none daring to make the first move.


After all, Michal had killed someone instantly upon arrival, and he was so fast they couldn't even see him move.


They knew that if Michal's blade came for them, they wouldn't have time to react before dying.


It was clear they were not on the same level as him.


Why throw their lives away?


Besides, from the moment Michal arrived, his eyes were fixed on Black Tiger, obviously targeting him. Michal hadn't shown any interest in killing the others. Why would they volunteer to die?


So, despite Black Tiger's command, none of his subordinates obeyed.


"Falcon!" Black Tiger couldn't believe his order had failed and started calling names.


"Oh, my head hurts..." Falcon clutched his head, still sitting.


He wasn't stupid.


His ability was for reconnaissance.


In terms of combat, he wasn't even as strong as Giant Bear. How could he fight Michal, who had killed Giant Bear instantly?


So, he feigned a headache.


"White Fox!" Black Tiger turned to the crazy woman.


She shouldn't be scared.


If she led the charge, the others would follow!


However, White Fox stood there smiling, biting her red lips, her eyes fixed on Michal, scanning him up and down. She winked at Michal, her face showing an infatuated expression.


"She's... she's acting lovestruck at a time like this?!" Black Tiger was on the verge of collapse.


"You, as the boss, don't lead the charge, so how can you expect others to? Come on, let me see your strength. Don't worry, I won't use my ability; I'll just use normal attacks. I won't let you die quickly. I'll make you watch as I play with your wives!"


Seeing that this so-called leader couldn't even command his own subordinates, Michal laughed.


It seemed this boss wasn't very respected, or maybe Michal was just too strong and had scared everyone.


Oh, the loneliness of invincibility...


"Kid, don't push me too far! I've been around for a long time, and I'm not easy to deal with! If you have the guts, don't use your ability. Do you think I'm a pushover? If you have the guts, don't back out! Just wait and see how you die!" Black Tiger said with a vicious look.


He was using reverse psychology on Michal.


An esper's combat power with and without their ability was entirely different.


An esper without their ability was only about twice as strong as an ordinary person.


This was why Scar Mouse, with his tunneling skill, was looked down upon by everyone.His ability gave him almost no combat advantage. That's why people look down on him.


Now, Michal dared to say he wouldn't use his ability and would only use normal attacks, essentially binding his hands and turning himself into a super soldier?


If that's the case, no matter how strong Michal is, Black Tiger felt he might still have a chance.


"You don't need to use reverse psychology. I said I won't use my ability, so I won't. If I used my ability, you all would be dead in an instant!" Michal said confidently.


"Good! You've got guts! Don't blame me, Black Tiger, for being ruthless!" Black Tiger gritted his teeth and said. Then, he extended his clawed hand and slashed at his own arm, instantly drawing blood. His five fingers were now covered in blood.


"Flying Blood Claws!!!"




Five blood-red claws flew straight at Michal.


This was Black Tiger's ability.


He could use blood to attack enemies!


He could even perform long-range attacks!


This was why he was considered the most powerful esper among the survivors!


Facing the flying blood claws, Michal simply dodged with a swift movement.


His speed had reached 16.5 times that of an ordinary person, while the basic attributes of a level one esper, such as strength and speed, were only twice that of an ordinary person!


What appeared to be extremely fast to a normal level one esper was slow motion to Michal.




The blood claws struck the ground, instantly carving five deep, 10-centimeter grooves into the hard surface!


Falcon and the others were shocked by this sight.


"Is this Black Tiger boss's ultimate move? So strong!!! If this hit a person, it would instantly cut them into five pieces!"


They always knew Black Tiger was powerful but had never seen him use his ability. Now they realized how terrifying he really was!


But the opponent was also impressive, dodging such fast claws with a single movement!