I am the leader of this survivor base

After all, half an hour surely wasn't Michal's limit!


This realization made White Fox look at Michal almost as if he were a deity.


This man was truly extraordinary!


Calling him a god wouldn't be an exaggeration!


"Alright, I lost, so now I'm your lackey," White Fox said to Phyllis with a face full of resignation.


Despite being a noble power user, she still honored her bets.


Since she had made a bet with Phyllis at the start, she naturally had to follow through now.


Phyllis said shyly, "How could I dare! Just don't bully me in the future."


"Oh, you little minx, saying I bully you. Are you playing the victim in front of Michal? Such cunning! Let me pinch you!" White Fox playfully reached out and pinched Phyllis's side.


"Ah! Help! Michal, look, she's always bullying people!" Phyllis screamed and ran, hiding behind Michal, clutching his black cloak like a chick seeking shelter.


The playful interaction seemed to have brought Phyllis and White Fox closer.


While the two women were bantering, Scar Mouse's focus was entirely on Michal.


He couldn't help but exclaim, "Boss, you look so cool! Especially this cloak—look at that texture, it doesn't seem man-made! Absolutely stunning!"


White Fox and Phyllis, hearing Scar Mouse's words, snapped out of their shock.


Initially, they had been too stunned by Michal's ranking to notice his outfit.


Now that they looked closely,


they were amazed!


Especially the pitch-black cloak—it wasn't just any darkness, but a pure black that seemed to absorb all light.


Phyllis couldn't resist touching the edge of Michal's cloak, even rubbing it against her cheek.


She showed a blissful, satisfied expression.


Then she looked at Michal in disbelief and said, "So smooth, so comfortable! I've never seen such material! Michal, where did you get this cloak? This soft fabric would make the best underwear!"


Michal: "..."


He patted Phyllis's head and said, "This Dark Cloak is for showing off, not just for looking cool. It's my reward for completing the Heaven Board test. How about it? Looks cool, right?"


"A reward from the Heaven Board test?!" Everyone was shocked.


Their eyes were all on the black cloak.


Filled with envy!


Scar Mouse said, "If it's a reward from the Heaven Board test, it must have more functions than just looking cool, right?"


Michal smiled, "Of course. The reward for being number one on the Heaven Board isn't just about looking cool. As for its true function, I'll tell you all in time.


Now, gather everyone in the survivor base. I have something to say to them.


By the way, let me ask, how did this base operate before?"


Michal did have a secure villa area, but very few people lived there—only a few beautiful women.


Thus, he wasn't familiar with the actual operations of a survivor base.


Scar Mouse explained, "The primary source of supplies for a survivor base is through collection. Not only do power users lead collection teams, but ordinary survivors also need to team up and collect resources. To survive in this base, everyone must turn in supplies.


Typically, a family needs to turn in something like a loaf of bread or two eggs each day, or useful medicines or items of equivalent value.


If they have nothing to turn in, they get kicked out.


So, the more civilians there are in the survivor base, the richer the base becomes.


Population is always a critical resource.


In return, power users are responsible for protecting the base, ensuring that civilians inside are safe from zombies."


"I see," Michal nodded.


The actual operations of a survivor base were indeed different from what he imagined.


In his villa area, he collected supplies alone, supporting many women.


A real survivor base relied on civilians to collect and turn in supplies.


Michal said to Scar Mouse, "Alright, I understand. Gather everyone and let me know when they're assembled. I have an announcement to make. Also, inform the entire base that I, Michal, am now the new leader of this survivor base!"


"Got it, boss! I'll notify everyone to gather at the gym in the villa area! Once everyone is there, I'll come get you!"


Scar Mouse nodded quickly and then hurried off to inform everyone.




Soon, Scar Mouse had gathered all the survivors in the gym.


Michal, along with White Fox and Phyllis, arrived at the gym.


Michal nodded to Scar Mouse.


Scar Mouse understood and dragged Black Tiger's corpse out, throwing it in front of everyone.


The survivors were startled.


The sight was gruesome!


Absolutely horrific!


Black Tiger was dead, beyond dead, his hands and feet gone, leaving four bloody stumps.


His eyes were wide open, unseeing.


His head had been blown open, with the skull missing, and his brain gone.


Michal had deliberately not blown up his face to use him as an example.


The corpse was covered in blood, with a shredded mouth.


In short, it was a gruesome sight.


Seeing their former, imposing leader now reduced to such a state, the survivors looked at each other, not daring to make a sound.


They had no idea what would happen next.


They could only wait anxiously for their fate to be decided.


Michal, dressed in his stylish black outfit, stepped forward and addressed everyone:


"My name is Michal! I killed Black Tiger, so from today onwards, I am the leader of this survivor base! Who approves, and who opposes?"


The survivors looked at each other.




Even the mighty Black Tiger had been killed. How could any of them dare to oppose?


Seeing no one spoke, Michal continued:


"Since no one objects, from now on, I am in charge of this base. If anyone disobeys or tries anything behind my back, they will end up like Black Tiger!"


The latter part of Michal's statement was cold and oppressive, making the survivors shiver in fear, their backs drenched in cold sweat.


Then, under everyone's watchful eyes, Michal started walking in the air, ascending step by step into the sky.


Seeing this, everyone was stunned.


How... how is he doing that?!


He can walk on air?!


Is he human or god?!


In midair, Michal looked down at the people below.


His black cloak flapped violently in the wind, resembling the black wings of a war god.


The crowd gazed up at Michal as if looking at a lofty deity.


Their eyes involuntarily showed signs of reverence.




One survivor, overwhelmed by Michal's aura, couldn't help but drop to his knees.


Immediately after, the rest of the survivors also knelt down in unison.


Even Scar Mouse, standing nearby, almost couldn't resist the urge to kneel.


"Michal, this... this is too cool!!!"


He realized then that this must be the power of Michal's black cloak!


Walking on air!


Hovering in the sky like a deity.


Absolutely stunning!


As the crowd knelt, Michal spoke slowly: "From today onward, the supplies you have to turn in daily will be halved! Additionally, I will lend each of you 50 pounds of potatoes for planting.


The villa area has vast open spaces. The football field, green belts, and lawns can all be cultivated into fields for planting.


However, after one year, you must repay me 200 pounds of potatoes!


Furthermore, 20% of all crops grown in the villa area will need to be handed over in the future."


With that, Michal began to scatter potatoes from his dark space.


It was as if it started raining potatoes from the sky.