I was born this perfect

Thus, hearing the news of a change at the top of the Heaven Board, the president's first thought was that General Jackson had taken the top spot.


The secretary shook his head, "No, not General Jackson. It's a newcomer named Michal! Judging by the name, he seems to be from the Kyushu Empire!"


"What?!" The 80-year-old president's previously kind face twisted with a hint of menace.


The Kyushu Empire had surpassed the Sun Empire ?


This meant the Kyushu Empire now had two people in the top five on the Heaven Board!


He immediately decided, "Order General Jackson to continue testing! I want him to reach number one within ten days!


Additionally, send a team of power users to the Kyushu Empire to find this Michal. I want all his information within a month!


Also, what is the status of the bio-enhancement and cybernetic augmentation units? And the aliens in Sector Nine?"


Seeing the president's determined expression for the first time since the apocalypse began, the secretary broke out in a cold sweat, nervously replying:


"They are still in the experimental phase, not yet ready for deployment. The alien weapons in Sector Nine are still being tested."


The 80-year-old president resolutely said, "End the experiments within three days and deploy both units! Combat is the best test! Also, order the scientists in Sector Nine to accelerate their progress!"


"Yes, sir!" The secretary stood straight, saluted, and then left the president's office to distribute the orders.




In the Sun Empire .


In the Prime Minister's office.


A secretary rushed in frantically, shouting, "Prime Minister, something terrible has happened! Prime Minister, something terrible has happened!"


"What kind of behavior is this?" The Sun Empire Prime Minister scolded, his face showing displeasure.


The secretary wiped the sweat off his forehead and quickly said, "Prime Minister! Something terrible has happened! General George is no longer number one on the Heaven Board! A new name has taken his place!"


"What?!" The Sun Empire Prime Minister's face showed incredulity. "How is that possible? General George is exceptionally gifted and unbeatable! How could someone surpass him? Summon General George immediately; I need to speak with him!"


The secretary replied, "General George was furious upon discovering his rank had been overtaken and has already entered the Stone tablet to begin retesting!"


"Hmm. Alright," the Prime Minister nodded.


He initially intended to order General George to retest anyway but found that General George had already taken the initiative, showing how much his honor meant to him.


"Who replaced General George at the top?" the Prime Minister asked.


The secretary answered, "Someone named Michal. Judging by the name, he seems to be from the Kyushu Empire."


"Smack!" The Prime Minister slammed his hand on the table, his face filled with even greater fury.


"The Kyushu Empire?! Unbelievable! Issue my orders! Send our elite power user squad to the Kyushu Empire immediately. Find this Michal and eliminate him at all costs. And what about the ninja village?"


The secretary wiped his sweat again and said, "The Deputy Prime Minister is still in urgent talks with them."


"The Sun Empire is on the brink of survival, and those ninjas are still indifferent?! Are they still part of our empire? Damn it! Order the Deputy Prime Minister to expedite negotiations and ensure the elite ninjas are mobilized!" The Prime Minister issued his final command.


"Yes, sir!" The secretary bowed deeply and left the Prime Minister's office.




Bear Empire.


In the presidential palace.


The secretary rushed in frantically, "Mr. President! The top rank on the Heaven Board has changed! The new name is Michal, likely a power user from the Kyushu Empire!"


The president of the Bear Empire, known for his stern demeanor, showed a serious expression, "Oh? The Kyushu Empire has such a talent? It seems we need to act quickly. How is the research on the power enhancement serum progressing?"


The secretary nervously replied, "It's still in the animal testing phase."


The president began issuing orders, "Begin human trials within three days and restart the Poseidon Project! Also, order General Chimaev to enter the Heaven Board test immediately!


Additionally, in three days, send a power user squad to the Kyushu Empire to investigate this Michal.


Instruct our agents in the Sun Empire to go into silent mode. From now on, focus all efforts on the Kyushu Empire."


"Mr. President! The Poseidon Project was halted during the previous union era. Restarting it could be..."


"Do as I say!" The president's face was resolute.


"Yes, Mr. President!"




Kyushu Empire.


In the underground bunker. The secretary's face was filled with excitement, "Commander Benjamin, the top rank on the Heaven Board has changed! The new name is Michal! It seems he's from our Kyushu Empire!"


"Oh?" Commander Benjamin's face showed surprise and he couldn't help but laugh, "Ha ha ha! This is great! Finally, the Sun Empire can't be so arrogant anymore!


Issue my orders: mobilize all members of the Hidden Dragon Unit to find this Michal, and bring him into our unit at all costs! Ensure we find him before the Flying Eagle Unit does!"


The Hidden Dragon and Flying Eagle are two power user units in the Kyushu Empire.


While they cooperate, they also compete fiercely, with neither willing to concede to the other.


Commander Benjamin led the Hidden Dragon Unit.


On the other side, Commander Carter of the Flying Eagle Unit received the same news and immediately issued orders:


"Everyone, your top priority is to find Michal! At all costs, recruit him into our Flying Eagle Unit! Use any means necessary—threats, bribes, even seduction if you must!


I want Michal standing before me within a month! We must beat Commander Benjamin to it!


If the Hidden Dragon Unit, which already has Jeremy at third place on the Heaven Board, also recruits this Michal who is now number one, our Flying Eagle Unit will never rise to prominence!"


"Yes, Commander Carter!"


After his subordinates left the office, Commander Carter's face showed a serious expression. He muttered to himself:


"Where has all that training gotten these guys? They train and test every day but still can't get the top spot on the Heaven Board. This Michal, a name I've never heard of, is likely just a civilian power user, yet he achieved first place! Truly a prodigy with exceptional talent.


I wonder if this Michal is also diligently training right now?"


At that moment, Michal was indeed busy—admiring the beautiful White Fox before him.


White Fox, after entering the room with Michal, was very proactive.


She displayed her perfect body without hesitation.


Michal couldn't help but stare at her flawless, tall, and graceful figure.


Not only was White Fox's skin snow-white and smooth like jade, but she also had no blemishes or body hair anywhere!


This was incredibly rare!


Michal couldn't help but ask, "White Fox… you…"


White Fox nodded, "That's right. I was born this perfect! Didn't I tell you that you wouldn't have met a girl as unique as me?"


"You certainly weren't wrong! Let me see what other special traits you have!" Michal excitedly pulled White Fox onto the bed. He couldn't wait any longer.


White Fox was the first female power user Michal had encountered. As a Level 1 power user, her physical strength was twice that of an ordinary person.


This meant Michal could fully unleash himself without worrying about accidentally hurting her.


Soon, the sex sounds of their sparring filled the room.

