The base took in survivors

Several people quickly hid behind a burly man.


The burly man was the only ability user among these survivors and the strongest person in their group.


However, even the burly man was visibly shaken upon seeing Michal.


Looking at Michal with wary eyes, the burly man spoke cautiously, his voice trembling slightly:


"brother, are you here for food too? You can take whatever you want from here, and we'll go gather supplies elsewhere. Let's stay out of each other's way, alright?"


The wholesale market spanned a long street with stores on both sides. The people in those stores had long turned into zombies or were killed by zombies, leaving the street deserted.


Since Michal had arrived, the survivors decided to collect resources elsewhere. After all, the market was big, and Michal couldn't possibly take everything by himself, right?


Michal nodded at the man's words. "Sure, no problem. But you might want to speed up your collection."


Seeing the respect and fear in the eyes of these survivors, Michal didn't see any need to harm them.


After all, after the apocalypse, survivors were precious.


They were valuable resources.


It would be best to draw them into his survivor base.


The more people in his base, the more resources they could gather.


"Thank you! We'll go to the end of the street to collect supplies!" The survivors were relieved and grateful, finally able to relax.


They quickly moved to the far end of the street with their backpacks.


Although the main bulk of rice, wheat, flour, sweet potatoes, and potatoes was at the market's head, they dared not compete with someone as powerful as Michal, who could fly. They had to settle for the end of the street.


As these survivors left, Michal began entering the stores one by one.


"Wow, a rice wholesale shop! Thousands of bags of rice! I'll take them all!"


"A flour wholesale shop, with thousands of bags of flour?! All taken!"


"A warehouse full of potatoes? At least dozens of tons! All taken!"


"A warehouse full of sweet potatoes? All taken!"


"Noodles, rice noodles, instant noodles, sausages? I'll take them all!"


"Is this... a baby formula wholesale shop? All taken! This stuff is invaluable!"


With the system's genetic enhancement, Michal could successfully reproduce every time.


In 10 months, Michal would have enough children to form a football team!


Baby formula would come in handy!


Michal continued to gather supplies.


Even the clothing wholesale shop, snack wholesale shop, daily necessities wholesale shop, and toy wholesale shop were completely cleaned out by him.


The fruit wholesale shop still had many fruits, but most had already spoiled.


The remaining good fruits included long-lasting ones like apples, pears, pomelos, and sugar cane.


Fruits that spoiled easily, like bananas, peaches, and mangoes, were no longer edible.


Michal collected all the good fruits into his dark space.


He gathered dozens of tons of fruit.


The items in his dark space wouldn't rot, so these fruits could be stored for a long time.


Michal collected items into his dark space as he walked further in.


Before long, all the stores behind him were cleared out, and he had reached the end of the street.


At the last wholesale shop, the burly man and several survivors were stuffing their backpacks with items. They had only filled half their bags.


Seeing Michal approach, they were startled and showed fearful expressions.


The burly man nervously asked Michal:


"Is there something you need, sir?"


Michal shook his head. "No, I just reached the end here."


The survivors looked confused.


What does that mean?


Reached the end here?


Did this guy not want the items from the shops at the front and only want those at the back?


It seemed like an excuse!


The front shops had all the good items.


The back shops were just miscellaneous goods and fruit wholesalers, making it hard to find high-calorie staple foods.


Seeing Michal following them to the end, they quickly realized Michal might have already taken everything from the front shops.


The burly man carefully said, "Sir, why don't we leave now? You can take whatever you want from here. We don't need anything."


"Don't make it sound like I'm bullying you. I told you to hurry, and you were too slow. How is that my fault?" Michal walked over and, with a wave of his hand, collected everything from the shop into his dark space.


The survivors were stunned.


Their faces showed expressions of disbelief:


"What the hell? What just happened?"


"Where did everything go?"


"Did it all disappear?!"


"Are we seeing things?!"


They initially thought Michal didn't want to share the supplies, so he had moved from the front to the back of the street. Now, seeing his actions, they understood.


Michal had already taken everything from the other shops, and this was the last one!


They couldn't comprehend how Michal did it. This wholesale street had at least thousands of tons of supplies.


Yet, everything vanished in just a few minutes?!


Michal addressed the group: "Sorry. You were too slow. You didn't even fill your backpacks. I've taken all the supplies from this street. You'll have to find another place."


One survivor looked dejected: "This wholesale market was the only place with substantial supplies around here. We've already scoured the other areas. Without this market, how will our 100+ survivors live?"


After the apocalypse, the nearby survivors banded together, forming a group of over 100 survivors.


Led by the burly man with the ability, they united.


It wouldn't be long before they could develop this wholesale market into a full-fledged survivor base.


It's a pity that all the food in the wholesale market has been collected. With over a hundred people, they have no idea where to find food, let alone establish a base.


Another survivor added, "Yeah, it looks like we're going to starve! Among us, only Brother Egbert has powers and is strong. The rest are basically elderly, weak, sick, and disabled, no match for the zombies! We're doomed!"


"This wholesale market is the only place within a dozen kilometers with the most food and the fewest zombies. It took us several days to clear out the zombies here. Other places like supermarkets are too crowded, and now they must be full of zombies. With our strength, we don't dare to go in!" another survivor said helplessly.


They cleared out all the zombies on this wholesale street, losing quite a few companions in the process. But then Michal came and took all the food, reaping the benefits without any effort. Unfortunately, Michal's strength is too great, so they could only grumble among themselves.


Egbert, the burly man, spoke to the group, "If you want to blame someone, blame our slow actions, not others. Don't talk nonsense!"


He understood the gap between himself and Michal. As a fellow power-wielder, he knew how strong Michal was. Just the oppressive aura Michal exuded was terrifying. Michal could probably kill everyone here with a flick of a finger, and yet these people dared to complain—it was practically suicidal!


In the apocalypse, there were no rules. Food went to the strong. Michal had the ability to take all the food, so naturally, he would take as much as he could. If you had that ability, wouldn't you take all the food on the street? Would you leave any for others? Only a fool would do that. So the burly man understood the situation well, his face showing no anger, only resignation.


Michal, hearing their complaints, thought for a moment and said, "You have over a hundred survivors in your group?"


"Yes," the burly man quickly replied respectfully.


Michal said, "Alright, about 20 kilometers from here is the Lakeview Garden Villas. Have you heard of it?"


The burly man's eyes lit up, "Lakeview Garden Villas? I know it! I used to be a taxi driver! I've been there, it's a wealthy area!"


Michal continued, "That's right. Now it's a survivor base, very safe, no zombies can breach it. And I'm the owner. I promise, if you lead your group there, you'll get ten pounds of food for free. You can spread the word in this area and on the way there. The more people you bring, the more rewards you'll get. For every person you bring, I'll give you a pound of rice. If you bring 1,000 people, I'll give you 1,000 pounds!"