you no longer had a choice

Even a first-level ability user would be instantly killed by it.


It seems that as time goes on, the chances of ordinary people surviving in the apocalypse will become smaller and smaller.


Entering a survivor base is the only way.


And if the survivor base doesn't have enough ability users, it might still be overrun by zombies!


Thus, the competition between ability users and zombies won't stop. Whoever evolves faster will have the chance to win!


So awakening abilities doesn't guarantee safety.


Zombies are also constantly getting stronger!


Following the hospital's signs, Michal continued towards the pharmacy.


But the number of zombies he encountered along the way kept decreasing.


This made Michal vigilant.


Because even though the sound of him blowing the zombies' heads wasn't loud, in the quiet hospital, it could still carry far.


Logically, more zombies should have been attracted!




All the zombies had been killed by a skilled person, but this was unlikely because the zombies at the entrance weren't dead; it was impossible for someone to bypass the entrance zombies to kill the ones deeper inside.


So there's only one other possibility.


The zombies had a leader among them, restraining their actions!


So that's why they suppressed their instinctive hunting desires.


Sure enough, as Michal continued deeper, he saw a group of zombies sitting in front of the pharmacy as if they were having a meeting!


Michal was a bit shocked at this sight: "What's going on? Even zombies are having meetings now?"


Leading the group was a zombie wearing a white coat. In life, he must have been a doctor.


Although his face looked pale, he didn't have the sloppy, drooling, and ferocious appearance typical of zombies.


He almost looked like a normal person.


Except his pupils were still white!


He sat at the front as if he were speaking to the other zombies.


A zombie that could speak!


Michal immediately recognized it.


This was definitely a third-level zombie!


Moreover, this was the first time Michal had seen a third-level zombie outside the Stone tablet test!


A third-level zombie's basic attributes are six times those of an ordinary person!


Even a top-ranked ability user like White Fox would probably be instantly killed if they came here!


To deal with a third-level zombie, you'd need at least a second-level ability user!


A second-level ability user's basic attributes are four times those of an ordinary person. Although still two times less than a third-level zombie, zombies only have ordinary attacks, while ability users have powers that might allow them to win.


At this moment, the zombies also noticed Michal, and they instantly stood up.


Beside the third-level zombie stood two second-level zombies, surrounded by dozens of ordinary zombies!


Such a powerful setup could probably break into a survivor gathering place led by someone in less than 10 minutes!


Even the survivor base where Scarface was might not be able to withstand an attack from a third-level zombie!


At this moment, the ordinary zombies looked at Michal with eyes full of a desire to attack.


However, without the command of the third-level zombie, they suppressed this desire and didn't move recklessly!


The third-level zombie, in a stuttering voice, said, " tasty, meat, you… surround!"


"Swish!" All the zombies moved instantly.


The two second-level zombies divided the ordinary zombies into two groups, surrounding Michal from the front and back.


The third-level zombie stood in place, observing everything, ready to command the battle at any moment.


Watching the zombies' actions, Michal found it very familiar.


It was just like in the Stone tablet test!


The third-level zombie commanded the battle, and the other zombies followed its orders, forming an organized, premeditated, tactical zombie army.




Catch the leader first!




Although the distant third-level zombie was already on guard, the next second, it was directly shot in the head!


It didn't even know what happened.


Seeing their leader instantly killed, the other zombies lost their backbone. Without organization and discipline, they directly charged at Michal.


Michal waved his hand.


All the zombies' heads exploded instantly!


Looking at the third-level zombie's body on the ground, Michal felt a bit regretful.


"My zombie control has only just reached level 2, so I can only control up to two second-level zombies. If I had reached level 3, I could control this third-level zombie and wouldn't have to kill it!"


Michal shook his head: "Looks like I'll have to work overtime tonight and get with the fourth rich lady school belle to level up my zombie control skill!"




After eliminating these zombies, Michal finally walked into the pharmacy as he had hoped.


He began scavenging the pharmacy.


He collected all the medicines into his dark space, even taking bandages, tape, syringes, saline, glucose injections, and various medical instruments.


After doing all this, Michal started to head out of the hospital.


As he passed by a patient room, he suddenly heard a faint sound from inside.


Michal stopped cautiously.


Immediately, the door to the room opened a crack.


An eye peeked out from the gap.


Upon seeing Michal outside, the fear in the eye instantly turned to joy.


The door was opened.


A voice full of surprise came from inside:


"Ah! It's a human! Oh my god! It's so great! I can't believe there are still human survivors!"


Michal took a closer look and saw that inside the room, there was a young female doctor and a young female nurse.


The female doctor appeared to be around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old.


The nurse looked even younger, probably just over 20.


Both were very beautiful, though their faces showed signs of weakness, pallor, and thinness. Nonetheless, their delicate features still revealed their beauty.


At the same time, there was a zombie corpse on the hospital bed.


Michal realized that when the zombie outbreak happened, the doctor and nurse were probably treating the patient on the bed, who then turned into a zombie.


But they were lucky.


The patient had been in a car accident, with both legs recently fractured and operated on.


Even as a zombie, he couldn't get up to attack them and was instead killed by these two women...


This zombie was probably the most unfortunate one among all zombies.


Michal asked, "Are you the doctor and nurse from this hospital?"


"Yes, yes!" The two women nodded quickly, then, with tears in their eyes, said:


"We've been trapped in this room for over ten days! We were about to starve to death! Fortunately, a patient's family left two boxes of milk, which kept us alive until now! Otherwise, we'd have been dead already!


By the way, has the disaster outside ended? Have all the zombies been killed?"


Michal shook his head, "No. Not only have they not been killed, but they've also evolved into second and third-level zombies. They're 100 times more terrifying than ordinary zombies!"


"Ah!" The two women were frightened, their faces instantly turning pale.


They had witnessed the horror of zombies when the apocalypse broke out.


Now, the thought of second and third-level zombies being 100 times more terrifying was overwhelming.




How could these weak women survive?


"It's over, it's over, we're doomed!" The female doctor showed a look of despair.


The nurse, similarly, covered her face and started crying.


At this moment, Michal said:


"Don't be too upset. Even though second and third-level zombies are very strong, I can take you to a safe place."


The two women looked at Michal in disbelief: "You can take us to a safe place? Is there still a safe place in this world?"


"Of course, there is. The place where I live is safe," Michal said confidently.


The two women asked, "But didn't you say zombies have evolved to second and third levels, 100 times more terrifying than ordinary zombies?"


Michal replied, "But my strength is ten thousand times greater than theirs! Come on, you'll understand once we get there."


Seeing Michal extend his hand to them, the doctor and nurse hesitated.


Although they desperately wanted to be rescued in this apocalypse, following a complete stranger felt very dangerous.


What if he had bad intentions?


How could two weak women resist?


Noticing their hesitation, Michal continued, "Even if I had bad intentions, couldn't I do whatever I wanted to you right here? Why would I need to trick you into going somewhere else? From the moment you opened the door and appeared in front of me, you no longer had a choice."


Hearing Michal's words, the female doctor finally gritted her teeth, as if making a difficult decision in her heart, and nodded, "Alright, you're right. We'll go with you!"