Why haven’t any of us gotten our periods

Michal thought it might be time to establish a new base.


He decided to scout the surrounding terrain and find a better location to establish a new survivor base.


With this decision in mind, Michal, in front of everyone, took off at supersonic speed, leaving the base.


Seeing Michal fly at such speed, the new survivors were wide-eyed.


They exclaimed, "My God, what was that? A sonic boom? Supersonic speed?"


"Is that even human? Even a flying superhuman can't fly that fast! How can a body withstand such speed?"


"The fastest flying animal is the swift, reaching speeds of over 300 kilometers per hour. The speed of sound is 1,224 kilometers per hour! And he's faster than that?"


"That's insane!"


"I didn't expect this base to have such a powerful guardian. It's reassuring to join this base!"


"Incredible, that speed is beyond belief!"




The veteran survivors, seeing the newcomers' astonishment, grinned smugly. They said, "You don't know God Michal? Haha, you're clueless!"


"God Michal is the most powerful superhuman! He's transcended humanity and become like a god!"


"Your leader was funny. He thought he could be the boss here. We were all secretly laughing. We knew that when God Michal arrived, he'd be finished!"


"Haha! He was indeed finished. But he was smart enough to beg for mercy, or his fate would have been worse!"


The veteran survivors laughed heartily.


To them, Michal was an omnipotent god-like figure.






Back at his villa, Michal continued his routine of searching for supplies during the day and working on his Harem at night.


Twelve days later.


Michal's supplies had doubled again.


The quantity had reached an uncountable level.


Even supporting a base with 10,000 survivors could last for decades!


He also completed a 27-kill streak.


And received the reward for the 20-kill streak.


Today, Michal checked his attributes.


"Name: Michal"


"Age: 18"


"Height: 185 cm"


"Weight: 80 kg"


"Strength: 1500"


"Speed: 1500"


"Stamina: 1500"


"Spirit: 1500"




Future Simulation Level 6 Virus Immunity Level 6 Ice Control Level 8 Dark Space Level 8 Zombie Control Level 5"


"Equipment: Dark Cloak, Black Light Katana"


"Special Talent: Enhanced Genetic Traits"


"Special Item: One Ability Advancement Scroll"


After completing a 15-kill streak at the nearby villa, Michal was somewhat unlucky not to gain a new ability. However, his basic attributes had increased to 1500 points, which is 30 times that of an average person.


His movement speed reached 280 meters per second, and his flying speed was 560 meters per second!


Additionally, his other abilities had leveled up.


Moreover, he received an Ability Advancement Scroll as a reward for his 20-kill streak.


This was Michal's first time obtaining an advancement scroll.


He examined the properties of the scroll.


"Ability Advancement Scroll: Using this scroll will advance one of your abilities, making it even more powerful!"


Michal hesitated.


The levels of his current abilities were already very high.


Future Simulation allowed him to simulate the future ten times a day, up to six hours ahead. Given Michal's current strength, he rarely needed to use this ability.


Zombie Virus Immunity, which could grant immunity to up to level six zombie viruses. No level six zombies had appeared yet. Even if they did, with 12 times the attributes of an average person, they wouldn't be able to touch him, making this ability practically useless.


Ice Control at level eight allowed him to create infinite ice needles and any frozen objects at will. With just a thought, he could freeze the entire neighborhood, turning everything into ice sculptures, making this ability overwhelmingly powerful.


Zombie Control was at the lowest level, but with zombies only reaching level three, he could already control level five zombies, up to five in number, making this ability almost redundant.


Dark Space at level eight expanded to 80x80x80 cubic meters. There was no way he could fill it up completely! Michal wanted to stuff it full, but the rate at which he gathered resources couldn't keep up with his rate of upgrading, leaving him feeling overwhelmed despite his capabilities.


Michal sighed internally. Being invincible had its own set of troubles...


Which ability should he advance?


Michal eventually decided to leave the scroll unused for now. If he gained a new ability in the future, there might be a more desirable one to advance. The advancement scroll seemed to be a rare reward from the 20-kill streak, making it hard to come by again.


After leaving the nearby villa, Michal returned to his own villa.


Wendy, Vera, Eileen, and the others had already prepared lunch, waiting for Michal to return. Seeing him come back, their faces lit up with joy.


Thankfully, Michal knew to return and wasn't whisked away by the temptresses in the neighboring villa!




At the dining table, everyone chatted while eating.


Wendy spoke first, "I don't know about you all, but my body has been acting strange. It's been almost a month since the apocalypse started, and my period hasn't come. Could it be that the zombies scared my body into having issues? How about you, girls?"


Hearing this, all the women looked up.


Simona said, "Same here! I hadn't even noticed until you mentioned it! Why hasn't my period come?"


Ballet teacher Eileen added, "Me too. It's really strange. I used to be so regular, but now it's over ten days late!"


Celebrity Vera chimed in, "I'm also late… I didn't dare bring it up before."


Judy, Phyllis, Nancy, Nelly, and White Fox said, "We're all experiencing the same thing! What's going on? Could the virus in the air during the apocalypse be changing our bodies?"


As everyone discussed, Michal kept his head down, focused on eating.


Michal's mouth subtly curved upward.


At this moment, Tina spoke up, "Do you think it's possible? I mean, is it possible that each of us might be pregnant?"


"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" everyone said in unison, immediately dismissing the idea.


Wendy turned to Tina, "As a top student, you should know basic biology, right? A woman only ovulates for three days a month, and only during those three days can she conceive.


Even if you have intercourse during those three days, there's only a 25% chance of getting pregnant! Most sperm aren't strong enough, and often none of them make it to the egg!


So how could we all be pregnant? Do you think Michal is a sharpshooter with a perfect hit rate?"


Nearby, Michal's smile grew even broader.


The women nodded in agreement, "Yeah, yeah, there's no way we all got pregnant at once. Even if he's an enhanced human, he can't strengthen sperm, can he?"


"Even if one of us got lucky and conceived, it's impossible for all of us to be pregnant, right?"


"Exactly! It's impossible, absolutely impossible! What are the chances?"


Listening to the women's conversation, Michal could barely contain his laughter.


At this moment, Wendy noticed Michal and said, "Why are you smiling, Michal? What's so funny?


Tell us, is this your doing? Why haven't any of us gotten our periods?"


All the women turned their attention to Michal, the suspected culprit.