Chapter 3 Blackbeard: A Monster Joins!

Feeling Karl burst with terrifying and boundless energy not far away, Blackbeard was stunned on the spot and almost spat out his nose. 

Conqueror's Haki! 

How could he not know that after spending more than ten years on Whitebeard's ship, his old "father" possessed Conqueror's Haki, and at its peak, he could still use this power to reach the utmost pinnacle and be called the "Strongest Man in the World" in a worthy manner! 

Back then, only a few like "Pirate King" Roger or the "Golden Lion" Shiki could be called the strongest of the old era. 

This aura, which Blackbeard was familiar with, couldn't be more familiar... 

Although it still has weak power, it can only deter some unintelligent animals and common people, and it is useless for powers of his level. 

But this can grow. Karl in front of him seems very young no matter what. Isn't it natural to take this energy to its peak in the future? 

Owner of Conqueror's Haki, is there any problem? 

The answer is obvious, no! 

In an instant, the doubts and concerns in Blackbeard's mind disappeared and nothing was left... 

The Conqueror's Haki has come out, if there is any problem, it's his problem! 

"What's the problem? Black friend, you just... seem to have something to ask me?" 

After the physique was completely remodeled and the Conqueror's Haki gradually calmed down, Karl looked at Blackbeard, who was still confused, and asked with a half-smile. 

"Ah... No, no, what's the problem, I'm here to celebrate the new team formed with you, hehehe!" 

Blackbeard hadn't come to his senses for a long time, and in response to Karl's question, he shook and then quickly expressed his position. 

What a joke, what a joke, he found a treasure, Teach chose such an incredible first officer, or the first person, what about the strength of the card? Is it inappropriate to just fill it? 

Just make profits! 

How can he dare to have problems now? If he doesn't make this boy happy he goes and maybe runs away, I will be bitter for losing this great treasure, I will have no choice but to go and cry at my grandmother's house for such a loss. 

"It's okay if you don't. Let me introduce myself. My name is Karl." 

Karl smiled slightly, pretending to be a big shot, that's his strength, what Blackbeard was thinking a moment ago, although he didn't know it. 

But I can guess the general meaning. After all, if it were him, suddenly encountering a divine product. Am I afraid of having to walk and invite him to go with me? Dreaming too! 

It's just that Karl at this moment obviously doesn't need any explanation. The release of the Conqueror's just now is the best explanation! 

"It turned out to be brother Karl, Zehahahaha, Marshall D Teach!" 

"Just call me Teach." 

Blackbeard also stepped forward without hiding it and reported his full name, showing the importance he attached to Karl. 

It can also be overshadowed by Karl's little black brother's name. After introducing himself, Blackbeard quickly added another sentence. 

After some pleasantries, the two initially got acquainted... 

No, it must be said that Karl already knew Blackbeard initially. 

After all, in front of Karl, Blackbeard is like a transparent little person, except he doesn't know what color he's wearing, what else can he hide from him? 

A few minutes later, on a deserted island by the sea. 

Karl looked at the huge raft parked on the coast without saying a word and said, "Are you driving this thing to the sea?" 

"Don't make fun of me, I don't want to feed the fish as soon as I get out to sea!" 

The original Karl always thought that Blackbeard used a huge raft as a pirate ship after finding all the crew members in front of him... 

(T/N: Refers to his self before coming to the world of One Piece) 

I never imagined that this guy would drive this damaged 'ship' from the beginning of the dangerous maritime zone of the New World, to escape here! 

Moreover... how chic! 

"Zehahahaha, the conditions are limited, the conditions are limited, take your time, there will always be changes in the future." 

Listening to Karl's complaints, Blackbeard also felt somewhat embarrassed. After a few words, his expression became solemn, as if he had made an important decision... 

"Friend Karl, since you boarded my ship, I trust you unconditionally. There are some things you need to know." 

"We can't stay in one place for long. I always feel like someone is following me." 

Next, Blackbeard told Karl all about killing Thatch, taking the Yami Yami no Mi, and fleeing. 

"Oh? Does such a thing exist?!" 

Karl, naturally, was aware of this information, but he didn't want Blackbeard to suspect, so he cooperated with him very "smartly" to show off his acting skills. 

"Friend dark-skinned is truly extraordinary, he has such a terrifying ability and successfully escapes from the hands of monsters like the Four Emperors. It seems that in the future, there will be a place for you in the sea!" 

Karl began to do business promotion without blushing or skipping a beat, without the slightest shyness of his exaggerated acting skills... 

"Oh, but the consequences are not easy to bear!" 

Although Blackbeard felt a little weird about Karl's exaggerated defense, obviously that wasn't the point on his mind. 

The question is how Karl will react when he learns of his experience! 

After all, choosing to board his ship means turning against Four Emperors-level monsters and risking being hunted and killed in the future. 

This kind of risk is really unbearable for ordinary people. To avoid being stabbed in the back by his own people in the future, Blackbeard decided to expose himself directly and confess everything. 

Obviously, Karl's reaction left Blackbeard very satisfied! 

On the other party's face, he didn't see any fear of the Yonko. Instead, his attention was focused on his own Devil Fruit ability! 

This proves that Karl and he are equal in daring. 

Blackbeard felt more and more that he had found a treasure. As for those strange names, he had long forgotten them... 

If you can't change it, get used to it! 

"Karl, I think before we leave, we have to summarize our goals." 

"Going back to the first half of the Grand Line, I just want to find the crew and partners first. As for what to do next, I have no idea." 

"Zehahaha, now you're also on the ship, I want to hear your opinion." 

Upon hearing Blackbeard's question, Karl raised his eyebrows and seemed to realize something. 

According to Blackbeard's words, Karl discovered that his future route, development, and goals were all in a vague state... 

I still don't know clearly what I want to do! 

Those so-called Shichibukai statuses, going to the great prison to recruit people, stirring up the sea with one hand, and even being the "planner of the Marineford War" behind the scenes have not yet begun to sprout! 

"Isn't this an opportunity? First officer will be delivered