Chapter 25 Killing Another Foul-Mouthed to Set an Example.

Blackbeard was on the high platform, next to Karl, looked at the people below and asked aloud. 

This time everyone was silent, no one dared to provoke or scold, and the field was silent again for a while. 

Although the pirates were still very eager for the Devil Fruit, no one dared to snatch it from them... 

What a joke, the lessons of the past are in front of you, and now the corpses are so incomplete, who would dare to take action against them? 

Facing these two monsters, one with powerful strength and the other with a rare Devil Fruit skill, no one dared to move disturb the situation immediately, and they were completely shocked! 

"I... I participate!" 

"I'm also participating, the two bosses, what's the proof, tell us?" 

"Yes, I have decided to fight, get the Devil Fruit skill, and follow the two captains!" 

After a while, several voices suddenly appeared, breaking the silence! 

This was another group of pirates who appeared in the darkness. They saw all of this secretly and immediately set out, wanting to give it a try, wanting to turn a bike into a motorcycle! 

Gathered around the square, not all the pirates of this island were present. 

However, by now, almost everyone knew about the movement here... 

Devil fruit appears! As long as you pass the test, you can get it! 

When Blackbeard had just announced this news, someone spread the information, which surprised pirates all over the island! 

At this moment, pirates from other places on Saraka Island were rushing here one after another! 

And the fight that happened here just now, what Blackbeard did, all the pirates who had just arrived or were still on their way knew about it. 

Someone had already used their life to help them prove that it was impossible to rob them, he would only kill them! 

Therefore, these batches of pirates went directly to the test. As soon as the opportunity appeared, they rushed to the front, looking at the devil fruit in Karl's hands with burning eyes, asking about the conditions to pass the test! 

"Done, do you know we'll be here first? We've already queued up here, go back!" 

"Yes, you just arrived here, what team are you on?" 

"you, who are you? You stepped on my hand, you let go of your foot ! #@#!¥!" 

As more and more new pirates arrived, they were all rushing to the front, squeezing out the pirates who were already there directly, and the field was a bit chaotic for a while. 

"Who told you to take the place, and don't around!" 

"You still want to snatch the devil fruit from the two captains, it seems that you are really tired of living!" 

"You'd better get out of here, be careful, or I shot you to solve yourself without the help of the two bosses!" 

The new group of pirates, obviously taking advantage of the situation, changed sides "quickly" 

After knowing what happened here before, they immediately began to use the situation to their advantage, borrowing the names Blackbeard and Karl to overwhelm each other against them! 

Using the names of the two most prominent as a shield and switching sides like every pirate to attack other groups... 


Another group of pirates turned red with anger, but they couldn't refute them. 

In fact, it is! Among the people Blackbeard just killed, there are people from his group! 

Annoyed and angry, the pirates stopped arguing and immediately attacked each other, and for a while. 

The chaos in the place turned into a small-scale tumult! 

Several waves of pirates fought together and the swords saw blood, which was quite brutal. After a while, the blood stained a large area red! 

"Zehahahahaha, what's Karl like? They're doing it, do you want to step in?" 

Blackbeard asked Karl. 

As we watch the small-scale tumult then spread wider and wider, with more and more groups and individuals participating, it seems that the old and the new grudges are counted together. 

However, it became apparent that Blackbeard not only didn't want to stop the chaos, but seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, as if he liked this kind of scene. 

"You don't have to, wait for everyone to arrive to start." 

Hearing this, Karl shook his head slightly, but his face showed a disgusted expression. 

"Blackbeard, use your skill and grab that idiot, I'll cut him down!" 

"Which of them...?" 

Seeing Karl point at a tall pirate who was fighting in the middle of the crowd, Blackbeard was stunned for a moment. 

It seems that this pirate was from the group that had just arrived and was taking advantage of the chaos to attack the pirates who originally wanted the Devil Fruit. Apparently, he had said something about taking the place and mentioning that the two of them are idiots. 

Thinking of this, Blackbeard's face suddenly darkened! 

Hey? Who dares to call Blackbeard and Karl trash? 

No wonder Karl's face was unhappy, it turns out that these two were insulted for no reason. 

Blackbeard, his face darkened, used his new Kurouzo ability and instantly pulled the tall pirate towards him. 

"Uh... Two captains, what's going on?" 

Although he was being absorbed, this pirate was obviously an idiot. He thought that the two bosses in front of him had taken an interest in him, so he was selected from the crowd. 

At that moment, the pirate was looking at Karl and Blackbeard with excitement and hope, not realizing at all that he had just said something offensive! 

"Nothing, I just want to remind you that before you reincarnate in your next life, first learn how to talk!" 

Karl's face was cold, and without further ado, he took Blackbeard's Yufu sword and ran it around his neck... 

The pirate didn't react until the world in front of him went dark, not understanding what had happened. 

The powerful fluctuations from the top of the high platform caused many pirates below to panic for a moment, and the originally animated battlefield fell silent. 

However, after realizing that Karl and Blackbeard weren't targeting them, everyone was relieved... 

"Wii~ hahahaha, it's so lively!" 

"Go away, that devil fruit, he has decided to be mee!" 

"Who dares to compete with me?!" 

Suddenly, a tall, burly man over ten feet tall jumped out from an unknown distance and slammed into the crowd. 

The huge body crashed hard, shaking the floor tiles directly into dust, and where it jumped, there were several pirates who were directly impacted, spit blood, and were knocked unconscious on the spot! 

"'Champion' Jesus Burgess! He's here too!" 

"This time, the pressure is great. In the hands of this lunatic fighter, few people will survive. To compete with him, we..." 

"What are you afraid of? There is someone stronger than him on this island, let him be crazy, someone will punish him!" 

"As long as we stay, maybe we have a chance to find out and become everyone's enemy!" 

Some pirates not far away, after seeing this new humanoid beast, retreated one after another, for fear of being affected by this product. 

And seeing the arrival of this person, many pirates also felt a lot of pressure and felt that there was no hope of competition... 

No way, strength is not a level, there is no way to fight. 

However, here are all the pirates who have seen strong winds and waves. Although they are afraid, they quickly have a certain mental formality and have no plans to give up. 

Although Burgess's name is a bluff, the appeal of the Devil Fruit is obviously more than him! 

As long as you get, let alone a Burgess, ten isn't enough! 

After all, how could the devil fruit that can appear in the hands of those two "monsters" be bad? 

Therefore, although Burgess was quite violent and wanted to shout at many pirates, no one took the initiative to retreat. 

At most, stay away from it. Before the test begins, don't have a head-on conflict with this guy. 

"Is it him? Is he even here?!" 

@G_1016 thank you so much for sending two power stones, this king appreciates it quite a bit. 

@NordicRazor, thank you so much for giving another powerstone, this king is happy for your contribution  

@Daoist5RvI4q, truly from the bottom of my heart thank you for donating 10 power stones counting all the donations. 

@ DragoCoffee, this king I can't express in words how great you are, 18 power stones, just magnificent. 


This king has already escaped from the clutches of his bed, to celebrate Saturday there will be a double chapter 
