Chapter 42. Is a tenryūbito nothing more than a pig ready for slaughter?

The strong aura that suddenly appeared made the nerves of the many Kuja Pirate warriors guarding the empress boarding the ship instantly straighten up. 

The swords were drawn, the bows completely taut and all immediately piositated into an attack form, pointing to the connecting channel between the front deck and the back deck. 

"Zehahahahahaha, man, it seems that they don't take us seriously!" 

"Who said it wasn't, hey, what's the point of this?" 

Blackbeard and Karl's voices, full of derision, came from the passage that connected the front and back decks. 

Obviously, the two of them weren't afraid at all and were still walking in the direction of the Kuja Pirates. 

After all, this is their own territory. How dare outsiders show off in their own home? That didn't make any sense! 

"No... don't...!" 

"Get out!" 

At that moment, the Empress stood up and gave orders to all her subordinates, holding onto the wall with one hand. 

Evidently, not only had she not recovered from the scene she saw earlier, but she was even more affected. 

He trembled even more and his face was flushed, though not out of shyness, but because he had understood that the owner of this ship, the "culprit" who had actually kidnapped the tenryūbito, had returned! 

"Yes, Hebi-hime!" 

After receiving the order, more than a dozen female warriors responded with shrill voices. 

Then they sheathed their swords and returned the arrows to their quivers. His movements were quick and orderly, showing a fairly well-coordinated workout. 

"It seems reasonable." 

"'Pirate Empress,' Boa Hancock, what are you doing by boarding our ship?" 

Karl, Blackbeard, and the others appeared from the hallway, reaching the back deck. 

There were no accidents; they saw one of the Shichibukai, the 'Pirate Empress', Boa Hancock. Looking at the open room and the Empress's state, Karl immediately understood what was happening! 

BUT... The Queen's unrepentant appearance in that moment made Blackbeard feel a little strange.

This so-called Shichibukai, how could he show so much shame to them? 

This time it was his turn to scratch his head! 

Hadn't they come to arrest them and rescue the tenryūbito under the orders of the world government? 

"What happened exactly...?" 

With trembling fingers, Hancock pointed to the hut of live animals. 

When he uttered this sentence, he trembled more evidently, though he had already done his best to make his performance seem as natural as possible. 

But in vain; not to mention Karl and Blackbeard, even Laffitte and the others had already realized that something was wrong! 

"Zehahahahahaha, my nakama was upset when he saw this tenryūbito pig, so he tied it up, it's that simple, is there a problem?" 

After realizing that the Empress didn't have any hostility or plans against him, Blackbeard relaxed and directly explained the reason. 

Of course, their words did not tell the whole story and they simply admitted that they had kidnapped San Leschar, not to mention the blackmail to which he was subjected. 

Hearing Blackbeard's laughter, Karl pursed his lips in disdain and said, "That's right, even that trash, dared to yell at me and demand that I kneel!" 

"Isn't this calling death? If it weren't for the consideration that killing him in the street would alter some of our plans, do you think he would still be alive to this day?" 

"I would have cut it down long ago, and you wouldn't be seeing this stupid pig alive!" 


Hearing this, the Empress couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. His face was filled with disbelief, and his beautiful eyes stared at Karl without saying a word for a long time. 

The reason... Is it that simple? 

A tenryūbito collided with him and then tied up the other party, using and imprisoning the unspeakably pampered and treasured tenryūbito as beasts? 

Not even as beasts? 

The Empress felt violent waves in her heart, how familiar this scene was! 

Once upon a time, didn't the tenryūbito do this kind of thing? They always treated people who bumped into them like beasts, but now they had changed roles! 

How daring it is to use the Tenryūbito's method to treat them, and in an even more extreme way than they do! 

In her past, the empress had never dared to think about such a possibility. 

As proud as she was, ever since she left Mary Geoise, her heart seemed to have been deceived. 

Not to mention seeing the tenryūbito, just hearing these three words terrified her, and she couldn't break free. 

But now, in front of his eyes, such a scene had indeed happened. This pirate, who looked quite young, had done such a terrible thing. 

"But... This is a, tenryūbito!" 

"This princess has never seen such a situation, someone dares to do something like this to a tenryūbito...!" 

The Empress looked at Karl a few feet away, with a somewhat stiff expression. Obviously, at this moment, she was so shocked that she felt numb and a little dazed... 


Hearing this, Karl raised his eyebrows, sneered in the direction of the live animal hut, and deliberately raised his voice: "Isn't it still like a dead pig, locked up by me?" 

"Tenryūbito? What's so cool!" 

"As long as you have enough strength and confidence, this trash is just a bunch of pigs to you, just kill them!" 

"In my place, the status of the beasts is nobler than theirs!" 

Karl's voice reached everyone's ears. 

This time, not only the rmoperatrix, her sisters and subordinates, but even the four new crew members behind Karl and Blackbeard, including Laffitte who had just joined, were a little confused... 

Unexpectedly, his first mate was so crazy to such an extent! 

Kidnapping and extorting the tenryūbito, even if he dared to kill them! 


In the hut of the living animals, St. Leschar, who heard these words, shook his whole body like a sieve, hugged his hood, and hid himself in a corner, not daring to say another word... 

"It's not impossible..." 

"No one dares to kill a tenryūbito!" 

@ DragoCoffee, thank you, thank you very much my most loyal reader, 48 power stones that I have counted, however, wednovel says that there are 58, honestly there are so many that even this king does not go to count hahahaha. 

@Daniel_Chagua, thank you for your second stone of power dear reader, this king really appreciates it enormously.