Chapter 47. Love is like a hurricane.

Little by little the evening arrived. 

At that time, there was no one alive on the entire Saraka Island. 

They all died at the recruitment meeting organized by Karl and Blackbeard. 

Even if there were still some left alive, they were forced to leave for the beech after they were rewarded with a quick death. 

Most of the Kuja Pirates also left the place and returned to Amazon Lily. 

Therefore, at this time, near Saraka Island, there was only one pirate ship left: that of the Blackbeard Pirates. 

After Burgess and four other members, along with the Empress's team of seven Amazons, virtually eliminated all of the pirate ships stationed around them. 

Karl allowed the members of the Kuja Pirates to take most of the supplies. However, there were still many resources left. 

All the owners of those ships died on the island and the rest were things without an owner. What a shame that they were wasted. Wouldn't it be better to share them with everyone? 

Of course, after the evacuation, they also destroyed and sank most of the ships docked in the harbor. 

It's a great bloody play, since, being a great battle, leaving the pirate ships intact would be a bit realistic and open suspicions. 

After doing all this, they all took a lot of food and wine from the ship, then returned to Saraka Island, found a place away from the square, and prepared to hold a banquet. 

After all, the smell of blood in the square was too strong and somewhat decadent with such a strong stench. 

At that time, their supplies were so rich that they filled almost all of the ship's warehouses, and there were still a few leftovers! 

They are not afraid of a shortage of supplies at all, they could hold their banquet for ten and a half days in a row with no problems! 

In this way, the seven Amazons took a large amount of food, asked for help from two men in the group, took the materials directly on site, made bonfires and cooked food, preparing for the banquet. 

This kind of work was relatively familiar to them. 

If it was only Blackbeard, Karl, and the others in the kitchen, they would probably only be able to eat some convenient food, such as ham and pork legs. 

(T/N: Imagine, Blackbeard's pirates don't tender official chef, you can imagine the crew with rough men with no culinary talent, just put a fire and hope the meat doesn't burn) 

It's very convenient to have these girls on board! 

After about two hours, at eight o'clock in the evening, finally, under the work in the kitchen of the seven Amazons, everything was ready! 

"Zehahahahaha, let's get started, brothers, drink!" 

At that time, the empress didn't sit down with the Amazon warriors Lily like Daisy and Ran. Instead, he took the initiative to jog to Karl's side and stood behind him. 

Beside Karl, Burgess held a large, fleshy leg and spun frantically. Suddenly, he felt a stabbing cold hit his body... 


As soon as he turned around, he saw the Empress's icy eyes that almost killed him in seconds, which made him feel a chill. 

In a panic, she choked on her fleshy leg and almost couldn't get the bite off. 

"My lady empress, sit here, sit here, I'll go..." 

Not daring to even show resistance, Burgess was quite sensible this time and quickly ran across the table to give up his seat to the Empress. 

What a joke! The day's events are still fresh in his mind and he doesn't want to become a statue. 

"Zehahahahahaha, Karl, I'm so happy, our pirate group is developing so fast that we should toast and drink well for such success!" 

On the other side of Karl, Blackbeard held a bottle of wine. The two clinked their bottles and then poured themselves together. 

Seeing this, the empress on the side took out her own wine glass, looked at Karl who was pouring wine with her head held high, held out her wine glass, and gently touched the bottom of the other's wine bottle... 


Seeing that her small actions were successful, the empress and as a collegiate in love was euphoric 

He gave a gentle yawn, and then took the glass of wine. Her cute face flushed and she took a few sips for herself. 

The Empress's small movements naturally did not go unnoticed by Karl. 

Seeing her appearance, the corners of Karl's mouth rose slightly, but he didn't say anything and let go. 

"*Cof*....*Cof*....This two bosses, do we have any plans for the future?" 

Seeing Blackbeard and Karl put down the bottles of wine in their hands, Doc Q coughed a few times and asked the two of them. 

"I think the two bosses' plan should be implemented soon, right?" 

"With my current strength, in the first half of the Grand Line, apart from the World Government and the Navy, no one should be able to stop us." 

"This is a great opportunity to make the Blackbeard Pirates famous!" 

Besides Doc Q, although Van Augur was drinking, he refused to let go of his rifle and said he agreed. 

Although Laffitte and Burgess didn't speak, it was obvious from the expressions on their faces. 

These people are not the ones who can stand loneliness. They have now acquired extremely powerful abilities. Although they haven't really started developing them, their hearts are excited! 

Along with the addition of Empress Shichibukai, they are now even less afraid of other Shichibukai threats! 

Some people's words are correct. 

Aside from the New World Yonkou, from the perspective of the integral force, there are only the threats of the World Government and the Navy in the ocean, which may pose a relatively large threat to them. 

Others, there are very few people who can get them into trouble who don't belong to these factions! 

Therefore, these few newcomers who have just joined want to know what the plan is that Karl and Blackbeard have been talking about. 

"Aren't you in a hurry? I, Teach, have been patient for a long time, and you can't take it anymore as soon as you get on the boat?" 

"Zehahahahaha, you guys are very suitable for my Blackbeard pirates!" 

Blackbeard laughed a few times, and then looked at Karl beside him with a hint of questioning in his eyes. 

Okay, let's talk, they are all in the same group, there is nothing to hide. 

The meaning of Blackbeard, how could Karl be unclear? He was afraid that these people had joined for a short time and were unreliable. If your news leaked, it would be a big deal! 

However, Karl, who has a larger, practically divine perspective, is obviously not worried about this. 

These four, but will accompany Blackbeard to the top as the veteran crew members to ascend Yonkou! 

The most important thing is, are you so worried about being useful now? These guys know everything about the kidnapping of the world noble, do you need to doubt more? 


Hearing this, Blackbeard nodded, immediately got up, waved his robe, and announced, "The plan of the two of us is to capture the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, 'Hiken no Ace'!" 

@SOMBRIO, thank you very much for your power stone, all support is appreciated dear reader. 

@unsec1066, thank you very much for your power stone, really every contribution is fabulous. 

@Mattow, thank you for those 3 juicy power stones, thank you so much dear reader. 

@G_1016, thank you for two more stones of power, with this there are already 8 stones, this king thanks you from his heart. 

@DragoCoffee, I just don't have words to express your great constant support, this king has no new words to tell you dear reader for these 64 power stones you have donated to date.