Chapter 5

Roaring for about a minute, Alexander realized that he no longer heard anyone else coming at his voice. His nose also confirmed that all the people were around him.

While he was shouting, summoning people, Alexey Gennadievich, the deputy general director, stood up next to him, the same boss who was unlucky enough to be the senior at the upcoming event.

Being a close friend of the company's CEO, he was also a person of great cunning, with an undeniable talent for leadership. The latter reconciled people with his main flaw.

As soon as Alexander attempted to speak, Alexey Gennadievich abruptly stopped him and gestured for him not to interrupt.

"I ask everyone to calm down and give me the opportunity to speak," began the leader, "clearly, we are in an extraordinary situation, and we are all somewhat bewildered. Let's discuss the situation at hand since we've all gathered together so successfully. My name is Alexey Gennadievich. I am the deputy general director. Although most of you are well acquainted with me. We have all become victims of some incomprehensible event and find ourselves in a rather delicate situation."

"It's a curse for our sins! The Lord has punished us! We will all die and burn in hell!"

A plump woman of somewhat untidy appearance stepped forward, her naked body looking even more repulsive than her face. Olga Viktorovna - Alexey Gennadievich's assistant and his main accomplice.

A woman distinguished by remarkable fanaticism and a certain degree of exaltation. The entire company suffered from her hysterics, and no department could function without her inspection and reporting of all its sins to her boss. No one liked her at the company except Alexey Gennadievich.

"Olga Viktorovna, dear, I kindly ask you to be quiet..."

"Alexey Gennadievich, can't you see..." the woman burst out.

"No, I can't see, and I ask you... no! I even command you to be silent and not interrupt me," the director's voice added steel notes, clearly indicating his highest level of tension.

Even in the most difficult moments, the deputy general director never allowed himself to raise his voice, always maintaining a smile on his face and the most benevolent tone of speech.

But now even his favorite, Olga Viktorovna, irritated him.

"And why are you shutting the woman's mouth!" exclaimed a tall man standing in the third row, "We are all here on the same terms, we are all in the same trouble. Don't shout at women!"

"Let's not start sorting out relationships now - who's right and who's wrong, and how one treats women," a middle-aged man squeezed into the front row, followed by a woman, "Alexey, excuse me, I didn't catch how you addressed me, everything you started to say is correct. We don't need to panic now and engage in personal discussions. The main thing now is to determine our next steps and try to figure out what happened."

"Gennadievich, I am Alexey Gennadievich. And thank you for your help, although I didn't need it," the deputy general director addressed the newcomer.

And then, loudly addressing the crowd, he continued, "Now the most important thing for us is to reach out to people so that they can help us."

Everyone nodded in agreement. This suggestion from the speaker clearly evoked general approval.

"I'm sure they're already looking for us, and we just need to move together towards the people so that no one gets lost and we can provide each other with the necessary support."

With the director's very first statement, Alexander fully agreed. But the last remark caused him obvious rejection. He could hardly imagine a hike of several hundred people through the forest, especially people naked and accustomed to city life. It was beyond doubt that such creatures had gathered here. It was enough to look around.

"Alexey Gennadievich, how do you imagine our walk through unfamiliar territory? This is not a city park. There are no paths or trails here. This is a real forest."

"Alexander, I appreciate you for gathering all the people together, it was very right and timely. But let me do my job. This young man just now said it correctly. There should be one leader. I have been appointed responsible for all of you. And I intend to bear this responsibility to the end. Therefore, please do not interrupt me and follow my instructions clearly."