Chapter 7

For some time, everyone was shaken, silently staring at the fallen tree. Deciding not to delay any longer, Alexander spoke up as loudly as he could:

"I think everyone realizes that moving around naked, in unfamiliar territory, in an unknown direction is not the wisest idea. I suggest that right now, everyone starts gathering firewood and making fire, searching for water. And although my idea of shelters and shelters is not the most correct, it would be better for us to start making them. And while you all do that, I'll go scouting."

The crowd murmured approvingly. Some of the company's employees looked at the deputy director with confusion. The habit of obeying the orders of the senior leader does not disappear in a matter of minutes, even in such an emergency situation. Most of the employees clearly agreed with the thoughts expressed by their young colleague, but they continued to stand in indecision.

Alexey Gennadievich realized that he was losing initiative, but not seeing ways to prevent such logical actions and how to direct people on the way to an unknown goal, he made one last attempt to turn the situation around.

"And why, actually, would you go on reconnaissance? Why not, say, me? Or, for example, Sidorov from the logistics department?"

"That's the second question we should touch upon," Alexander clearly hesitated, not knowing how to continue his speech, "Because besides our very unusual movement in space and our unusual appearance..."

Struggling to find the right words, he composed the text in his head, trying to figure out how best to convey to people the idea of their somewhat stranger condition than just being naked in the forest, in an unknown location.

"You probably noticed that our bodies have changed, absolutely everyone," at these words, people began to look at themselves and their neighbors, "No, we didn't grow gills on our arms, but we no longer have physical defects that were there an hour ago. Notice, our skin is perfectly clean. All teeth are in place and healthy, and our sensations - listen to them!"

Absolute natural silence fell in the forest, several hundred people stopped making any sounds, even breathing became almost silent. Although everyone heard their own lungs working, and the lungs of their nearest neighbors.

"Notice how clearly we all see, how we hear the slightest rustles, and how accurately we distinguish smells. Frankly, there are a lot of smells."

"And it's true. I didn't pay attention to this right away," the man who had a squabble with Alexey Gennadievich sat down and began to sniff the fern bush under his feet, "I can smell everything!"

"Right. But even that's not all. Remember what brought you all here?"

People, confused, began to try to understand what it was that made them all stop with horror and go towards a specific goal some time ago.

"I'll answer for you," Alexander clearly acquired the confidence he needed, "Blood! Blood made you come here. I just killed a wolf and drank its blood."

The fear and horror that appeared in the eyes of the people in the front rows even gave him some aesthetic pleasure, although before he had not noticed such amusements. Alexander considered scaring others bad manners and always tried never to do it.

"But besides that, something else happened - I didn't just drink the blood, my body absorbed it directly through the skin, and along with the blood, I received... how to say it... all the wolf's memories of its life, its entire memory."

He fell silent, allowing people to ponder the exotic thing he had just told them about.

"God be with you, Alexander, what nonsense are you talking about! Have you taken drugs?" the deputy felt a chance to put the impudent youngster in his place and immediately took advantage of it.

"No, Sasha is telling the truth," Oleg approached them, "I also drank wolf blood and also saw its entire life. But even more - I felt some kind of wild power filling my body at that moment."

"Yes, that's right," Alexander intervened in the conversation again, "You all saw how I knocked down a not-so-small tree with just one blow. My body became much stronger after that."

As proof of his words, the man jumped in place. This jump would have done credit to any athlete in this discipline, and Michael Jordan would have died on the spot from envy. The people, once again, were stunned into silence.

"What strength, what jumps? Did you drink or get high? Is Orlov here? Orlov!"

A natural tank began to move through the crowd, and soon a huge guy emerged among the speakers. Mikhail Orlov - a lump from the transport department. An extraordinarily kind and strong guy. It remained only to marvel at how quickly Alexey Gennadievich could make decisions in some situations.