Chapter 21

The formidable predator roared fearfully and suddenly fell on its back, crushing the man hanging there with its weight. But Alexander didn't care. His fingers penetrated the wound. The blood was already being absorbed.




All the blood to me!

With some daze, lying under the carcass of the beating bear, the man realized that the blood was indeed being absorbed at a tremendous speed and it was because of his desire. He was getting what he wanted.

Much faster than expected the bear died, giving all of its blood to another predator more formidable than himself.

Climbing out from under the carcass, Alexander stopped thinking about the fact that he had acted as a most good pump. He was reminded of a recent conversation about clothes and the sun. Looking at the huge dead bear, all he could see now was its hide.

"Geez, that would make a nice blanket. I'll have to carry the carcass back to camp."

The skin of the wolf he had killed earlier was too tattered by the ravenous men. The girls tried to remove it, but the result was too little to make anything resembling a cape. This pelt, on the other hand, was completely intact.

- We'll have to haul it!

The funny thing was that the problem of transportation was not the weight of the bear, but the bow and arrows, which could not be placed so as not to break them with the carcass.

The solution was to put them on the dead bear, and the bear itself was shouldered and brought back to camp pretty quickly. In which no one woke up. Even the brand new smell of the bear did not awaken the sleepers.

Dumping the carcass at the entrance to their dugout, Alexander climbed in and went to sleep with a clear conscience. Again without thinking about the guards. No, to be frankly honest, the thought had crossed his mind, but was dismissed as unworthy of attention.

As we know thanks to zombie TV, the morning starts with coffee. The witty ones say that the morning begins not with coffee, but with a morning trip to the toilet, and the vulgar ones remember the morning erection. Though the latter can't concern the most half of mankind, but jokers are there.

The morning in the vampire camp began with hunger.

Again, it's worth clarifying. Yes - the first thing the most responsible of all, at the first signs of dawn, made sure that the sky was still tightly covered with clouds, and then came the feeling of all-consuming hunger.

Getting out of the dugout and looking at the sky through the branches of the trees, Alexander was surprised to find a couple dozen people hanging around in the immediate vicinity of his dwelling place.

A few girls from the accounting department, drivers, a few complete strangers - apparently from among those who were vacationing in the sanatorium.

- Igor, what's going on?

The driver he called out was first frightened, and then embarrassed.

- Well, we... it...

To the entrance to the dugout sharply approached girl-accountant, it seems Yulia. Or Sveta.

- We're hungry. And you've got a whole bear right here.

- There's no blood in it.

Alexander didn't pretend not to understand what kind of food they were talking about. The men were clearly determined and extremely tense. They needed help, not ridicule. Quickly orienting himself, he shouted into the aisle of the dugout.

- Seryoga, Oleg, Semyon. Come out!

Soon all the inhabitants of his temporary home came out.

- Wow, what a beast, when did you get here?

- At night, but that's not the point. People need blood. See how they look. Let's go hunting! Grab your weapons, no bows.

Even from afar he noticed Alexey Gennadyevich coming towards them.

- Alexander, what have you got here? - clearly from afar began his boss.

His face showed that hunger or, to be more precise, thirst was tormenting him too, but he was shy to talk about it and could not as easily as the accountant said that he wanted to "eat".

- This, Alexey Gennadyevich, is the bear I killed at night. Also, me and my guys are going hunting. Please organize people so that their blood consumption is civilized and without chaos. There's plenty of wildlife to go around. And by mid-day, I think we'll have enough to feed everyone. We just have to be patient. We'll bring the carcasses to the center of the camp, where we all gathered together...