Chapter 28

Alexander only shook his head and went on his way.

When they returned an hour later, laden with a considerable number of poles and sticks, they were met by the man's enthusiastic and grateful look. It was evident that he was rather expecting another disappointment and meanness, and in no way expected any real help.

With so many helpers and so much material, the tent quickly began to resemble a normal shelter, both from the sun and from the weather. All that was left was to throw more branches, cover it with moss, and build a screen for the fire - and it was possible to live quite tolerably well.

Eugene, having taken the remaining poles, carried them to the general storehouse, and Alexander, having talked a little with the man and listened to his and his wife's gratitude, went for a walk around the camp to assess whether anyone else needed help in the camp. Wandering around the camp from one tent or dugout to another, he helped with advice and deeds.

On the whole, he could be proud of his work and the work of the people who were in distress with him. In less than two days people had settled down in a new place - and not only had shelters, but also erected sometimes serious structures as shelters. Naturally, it was too early to celebrate the victory, but it was encouraging.

Almost near his dugout, he heard a growing argument and even a quarrel. The rumor said that Konstantin was arguing. What it was necessary to do to bring out of himself a calm and phlegmatic guy, Alexander did not even imagine.

Going to the sounds of a furious verbal battle, he expectedly found it near the "staff" tent. His ears did not fail, this time it was Kostya (Konstantin) who was arguing with Alexey Gennadyevich for a change, and Eugene was standing aside and saying something quietly to one of the girls-accountants.

As it soon became clear, this time the reason for the conflict was not organizational issues. After a little bit recovering from the first shock and having adjusted the household, some people were drawn to romantic adventures.

The lack of clothes on everyone, except Alexander, contributed a lot to that. Shining naked parts of their lovely bodies and smelling charming, the girls were an excellent catalyst.

The head of the planning department, Maxim Ivanovich Krapivin, was a friend of Alexey Gennadyevich and the nephew of the firm's chief accountant. Even in the best conditions of his former life he was not distinguished by a strict moral character. Here, having got into such frivolous conditions and seeing so many previously desired and familiar objects around, he could not keep himself in control and pressed one of his aunt's subordinates against a tree.

The girl, naturally, did not appreciate such signs of attention. She timidly and quietly refused such a "prominent" man in caresses, removing his hands, all the time pawing her. So it went on exactly until the moment when the whole scene was discovered by Alexander's companions, who came to the "headquarters" tent.

And everything would have ended with a couple of harsh words to a sexually horny man, but only Alexey Gennadyevich was watching the whole process of "courtship", which looked more like violence.

The buddies could not tolerate such an attitude, which threatened to destroy the team. Maxim Ivanovich, having received from Evgeny a strong blow in the chest, flew away for several meters, and Konstantin arranged a loud quarrel with Alexey Gennadyevich, who, as it turned out, did not see anything wrong in such a thing. And among the excuses for his friend's actions were those for which he himself should have been kicked in the ass.

- She's been twirling her ass around all day! What, so now normal male reactions are forbidden? No one was going to rape her. If she wanted to, she could have left.

- Now I have a natural male reaction to punch you in the face.

Mutual claims became non-normative. Listening, Alexander realized that Eugene was saying to the girl not at all what should be said in such a situation.

- You should have beaten him between your legs and your head against a tree, you have no less strength than he does!

It was really true, vampires, as it turned out, were creatures whose physical strength depended not on their sex, but only on the amount of blood they drank and its "energy". Whoever had more of the "best" blood was stronger. And the presence or absence of something between the legs did not affect the strength at all, as well as the muscles in other parts of the body. Realizing that it was time to take the situation into his own hands, Alexander went straight to the disputants.

- Okay. Stop it, hot Finnish guys! Zhenya (Eugene), Kostya (Konstantin), you have things to do, - and seeing his colleagues' incomprehension, he hinted, - You have something important to do with your hands.

Eugene immediately realized that it was about magic and the need to finally tell the rest of their team about it. Kostya (Konstantin) did not understand the hint and he, heated by the argument, had to be dragged away by force. Alexander took his place opposite Alexei Gennadyevich. A lot of people gathered around. People attracted by the noise kept gathering and gathering.

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