Chapter 34

The time for the night hunt was approaching. Those who had been appointed in charge of the hunting groups went to get their weapons. Oleg, warned that his friends had already run away to replenish the strength lost by magic, took the place of the storekeeper. Having issued the weapons necessary for hunting, he went again to the guard posts.

Realizing that tomorrow may well be just as clear, Oleg sent all the guards to bed, promising them a feed before the morning watch, reasoning that the camp would not sleep at night and the guards were not needed. Hunting, however, was also unnecessary.

Five vampires, driven by wild hunger, ran into a pack of wolves. The unconscious carcasses of live animals they had dragged in were quickly distributed and consumed.

For the first time he drank blood that had been obtained by someone other than himself, and Alexander calmly considered the events of the day. The decision to tell everyone about magic was maturing in his mind.

- It is necessary to tell everyone about magic.

Eugene, who had been lying on the skins in a state of blissful inactivity, looked at him.

- I think so too. But at first everyone will be like children playing for nothing and will quickly become hungry.

- It doesn't matter. We need to survive together, not just our little team.

- I agree.

Holding a general meeting turned out to be harder than putting one together. People themselves realized that it was time to talk about everything and began to gather in the center of the camp even before the shouts of comrades notified them of the gathering. But the meeting itself was more like chaos at first.

Many wanted to speak out and sometimes completely off-topic. Gennadievich could not cope with the duties of a moderator, although he tried his best. The balaganum lasted for about half an hour and even Alexander, to whom many people expressed words of gratitude, could not restore order. Finally everything was finished in the most colorful way.

Eugene soared above the ground, engulfed in flames and all this fantastic spectacle was accompanied by a loud siren. After making sure he had people's attention, Eugene removed all visual and sound effects and spoke. After telling people about magic and how to use it, he also warned about safety precautions and asked them not to push things to the point of extreme hunger.

Sergei spoke next, telling them that while he was on duty at the camp, he had conducted experiments, and by creating darkness around unprotected parts of the body, he was able to avoid burns, although the darkness was very dense and it was difficult to see through it even for a vampire, but it was quite realistic to cover hands and other parts of the body with it.

The discussion of magic turned to the more mundane matters of everyday life. The decision to switch to night life and daytime sleep was made instantly and by all. The official assignment of the functions of the main guard to Oleg was strongly opposed by Alexey Gennadyevich and his men, but nevertheless they could not go against the will of the majority, and for the first time in the new history of vampires, the official appointment to the post was made.

The rights and duties of the guards were outlined, as well as their privileges. Next came the question of duty during clear days. The experience of the first sunny day showed that such a service was necessary. After long arguments it was entrusted to Eugene to organize it, whose whole function was merely to appoint one man to the role of duty guard in the event of a clear day and to supply him with clothing and five sets of spare - so that he could issue and collect them on demand from the men. But even such - truncated, but nevertheless guiding functions, caused great fury to Alexey Gennadyevich, who demanded that both Oleg and Evgeny be subordinated to him.

This idea displeased not only Alexander and his team, but also many other people who openly accused the boss of poor leadership. Some even demanded an election and the election of a real chief.

The meeting again descended into squabbling. Some of the people were in favor of Alexey Gennadyevich, claiming that he took good care of the common good and even all day long, poor thing, did not find a place and kept his hand on the pulse of events. Others openly mocked him, accused him of stupidity and inability to lead, suggesting Alexander, Eugene, or Konstantin for the role of leader. The latter, in just one day, managed to win the sincere respect of many people.

Quite quickly the vampires split into two camps. Some wanted change and better organization, and saw the solution in holding elections and appointing Alexander as the chief.

Others didn't want to change the order established during these days and believed that Alexey Gennadyevich would eventually cope with the responsibilities that had fallen on his head. Since both groups did not represent an absolute majority, and among those who supported the deputy director there were those who still doubted him, the meeting ended with nothing but another conflict.

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