Chapter 43

Alexander moved away from the wounded woman and glumly looked at the two hysterically crying girls. Then he simply walked up to Alexey Gennadyevich and hit him in the face, sending him into a small flight and knocking him out.

- How many of you were there? - Krapivin was pressed against a tree and the young man's steely hand squeezed his throat.

- Twenty-two.

Seventeen unlucky attackers were also present. Five men had lost their lives for the ambition of their leader.

- Back to camp.

The camp greeted them with silence and interested stares. Smelling the new actors was not difficult at all.

Having piled the senseless bodies of the captives near the dugout, Alexander turned to Eugene.

- Go to the center to the tent and make sure this asshole doesn't do anything else. Also tell the men what happened. And bring everyone you're sure of back here. We'll feed them human blood. Kostya (Konstantin), think about who you're going to feed them too. And bring them here. Like Leonid, that man we helped, Slava (Vyacheslav), I think, and so on.

Seeing that he was understood and left to carry out his instructions, he stood for a while and thought.

- Semyon, guard the carcasses and don't let anyone near them. Though...

Grabbing one of the men, he dragged him into the dugout.

- Still, don't let anyone in.

With these words he went to the center of the camp, where he broke through the crowd and tried to enter the headquarters tent, but the road was blocked by Olga Viktorovna and looked angrily into his eyes.

- Are you satisfied?

Having taken in a lungful of air to say everything that had boiled over, Alexander abruptly changed his mind and simply turned his back to her. Looking around at the gathered people, he gathered his thoughts. The morning would come in a couple of hours and the entire population of the camp was in place. All but five of the dead. Naturally, Eugene hadn't had time to tell everyone anything, but it wasn't necessary.

A keen ear gave corresponding advantages: what was told in one place became known in another.

The whole camp was alerted at the moment when Alexander and his comrades left in their battle gear. And their return was accompanied by events not at all ordinary.

One of the girls was dragged in their arms, almost alive, two more girls were crying hysterically, and most importantly, they brought prisoners into the camp. The vampires were used to each other's scent by now. These ones smelled different, which meant that the emotionless bodies brought in could only be locals.

Looking up at the sky and making sure the low clouds were still in place, Alexander made a new decision.

- Silence. Listen to me! - Having achieved what he wanted, he continued, - Alexey Gennadyevich went on an adventure and attacked the camp of people near us. He attacked unsuccessfully... Five of our comrades died.

The crowd exhaled in amazement.

- It is not yet clear what the consequences will be. We've tried to cover all traces, but we'll know how much we've succeeded only later. Right now, we should all be ready to leave the camp and go to a new place, if necessary. And so, everyone go immediately to my dugout and line up in a line. We will drink human blood.

The last statement caused a stir. People reached the outskirts of the camp. Eugene came closer.

- Have you changed your mind about drinking only those who are for us?

- No, I haven't changed my mind. The best blood goes to our supporters. Everyone else gets a few drops. So they get a soldier's memories. And most importantly, remember how you all lay down after your first dose of human blood. We have to give people a chance. If the soldiers follow the trail and come out here, there will be a massacre.

- Let's hope we covered our tracks well.

- It's best to be prepared for the worst. So anyone who wakes up, let them pack up at once.

The friends went to the dugout and came across the same pandemonium as at the headquarters, only Semyon was somehow trying to contain it.

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