— No, but what do they eat in their caves then? I just can't figure it out.
— I've already told you, some kind of mushroom grows there in the caves. Rich in nutrients and very filling. It grows almost like mold — everywhere, abundantly and quickly. But I'm not sure, these are just rumors. Although what rumors, if the caves are densely populated. There are many gnomes and goblins there.
— You said there are no dwarves in our mountains.
Sergey raised his eyes to the sky.
— We don't have dwarves in our mountain. But there are many in other mountains. In general, the dungeons of this world are quite populated, and if so, there's plenty of food there. Goblins rarely indulge in cannibalism. They eat only for rituals with their tribesmen, they like eating gnomes, but they rarely get this dish on their table. Gnomes themselves never eat rational beings, I've explained this before — it's like eating shit to them. Trolls eat dwarves and goblins just for the hell of it, but trolls eat anything organic, whether grass, manure, or wood. They need a lot of food, so they hire themselves out to others. So they don't just eat moss from walls, but also meat.
— What about the mushroom? — Gennady was interested.
— Guys! There are so many questions I don't have answers to. This monk heard that the main dish of underground dwellers is some kind of mushroom, possibly moss or another plant, which grows massively in caves and is very nutritious. They never take it to the surface, as people don't go into caves. Gnomes trade with humans a little with some dried nutritious mixture, to which you just need to add water and it's ready to eat. It turns out to be filling and quite tasty, as they say. Travelers like this mixture, it's light and lasts a long time. Apparently, this mixture is made from these mushrooms. But it's very rare to find it for sale.
— What else interesting can you tell from the monk's memory?
— Do you know about other races?
— Haha. We only know they exist. Don't forget. For most of those present here, soldiers are all we've had on the table! — Semen joked again about blood, which immediately earned him several reproachful glances; his habit was starting to irritate.
— We need to pour valuable blood into bottles and share it among everyone, — Maria leaned back in her chair, — I could try to organize such express training.
— Well yeah. And we'll completely forget how to speak. Seryoga (Sergey), stop delaying and tell us, it's almost morning.
— Hm, this world is inhabited by humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, goblins, kobolds, hobbits, dragonids, trolls, and leshys. This is, so to speak, the list of intelligent races that the monk I killed knew about.
Elves look like humanoids, on average two meters tall, with small pointed teeth and ears. If you don't look at the teeth and ears, you can only distinguish them from humans by their height. Elf kingdoms are located to the west and southwest of us. Elves live for about three hundred years.
Dwarves look like humanoids up to one and a half meters tall. Strong build. Rough skin, extremely pale shades. They are completely hairless. It's impossible to mistake them for humans. They live in almost every mountain in this world. Where they don't live, they used to.
Orcs look like humanoids up to two meters tall. Teeth like humans, except for clearly pronounced fangs. Bright greenish skin color. Snake-like eye pupils. They are aggressive. They lead a nomadic lifestyle. They roam the territories to the south and southwest.
Kobolds look like humans, but beautiful humans. Height and everything else like humans. Differences in teeth, all sharp like elves, and in their eyes, their color is either red, orange, or purple. Among them, there are many mages, well, more than other races. They don't like to fight. Extremely skilled in crafts. Concubines are highly valued among humans. Orcs love to raid them in particular. They live in the southwest.
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