Chapter 110

When the door closed behind the man, Konstantin stared at her for a while longer, then turned to his comrade.

- This is all very bad.

- I don't understand. How can you prove that the girl is lying? I have no idea!

Triumvir looked at the knight with interest.

- Do you think she's lying?

- Of course she is. Who among us would want that?

- And if she is not lying?

Now Alexander was already thinking. What if she's not lying? To find out everything that happened to her, it's a matter of a few drops of blood. And then... When he heard from the headman about the rape, he somehow immediately decided that the girl had sinned somewhere on the side, and now she was just covering her boyfriend from her father's anger, making a scapegoat of a formidable magician, to whom the father could make a claim and afraid. But if she's telling the truth, then...

- And who could be the "standout"?

- The whole idea of celebrating spring with the locals was Alexey Gennadyevich's idea.

Alexander could only whistle. Ousted from all responsible positions, the former deputy general director seemed to have calmed down and accepted it. But too often dissatisfaction and criticism of the Triumvirate's actions came from his entourage. No, outwardly everything was decent. And all the decrees were carried out. And then in the morning it turned out that everything was done a little bit wrong, or jokes were quiet in the morning before going to bed. In short, a small but unpleasant and unhealing wound.

- I'm going to bed. You go to bed, too. The duty officers will wake you up if the headman comes again today. When we know the details, then we'll be able to puzzle it out.

- I remind you that you have to go to the Baron.

All I could do was grimace. The invitation to visit the city came a week ago. But the weather had forced a postponement. No, of course, wearing a wide-brimmed hat with falling fields or a hood, it was possible to ride in the sunshine to the city, and most likely it will have to do so, but while there was an opportunity, with the departure delayed. Sergey and Gennady, who had gone to the city as soon as the roads allowed, had been on a bender for more than a week - drinking in taverns and beating the faces of locals, and in the daytime they slept off their nightly libations of alcohol, which of course they hadn't taken a drop of in their mouths. The messenger who had brought the baron's invitation and was actively asking for a night's lodging told about the bender - it is not clear what his subconscious mind had drawn to him in a dream, but Stephanie only had to appear before his eyes and the young man lost his temper and was embarrassed.

- Sleep! All questions to-night!

At dusk the headman Peskov arrived and brought his daughter. Looking at the girl standing before him, Alexander could not find words. And this child was raped? She was no more than thirteen years old! One could only hope that she made it all up. Approaching the girl he took her hand.

- Tell me everything.

But the story was no longer necessary. The magic Sergei had devised required only contact with human skin. For about five seconds. The man did not even notice that his blood was taken, there was no wound, no unpleasant sensations, but a few drops of his blood were absorbed by the vampire. The technique had been tested on the prisoners and perfected to the point of automatism.

Krapivin! The scoundrel Krapivin, once again did not restrain his sexual impulses in his fist. But this time his victim was a twelve-year-old girl! A child! Yes, let the locals as much as they want to consider this age "marriageable", for Alexander it will always be a child. Not listening to what the headman's daughter was telling him, he was thinking feverishly about the situation.

They would find the culprit quickly, just bring him in and show him for identification. But what next? Local tradition demanded a wedding. But what the fuck kind of wedding? Giving this child into sexual slavery to a scumbag? The anger and rage was making my head spin. I wanted to go and rip the rapist's heart out. But he almost killed her! She had become a girl in his hands, and while he was raping her, he had drawn quite a lot of blood from her. Good thing he didn't even last a minute.

"We must convene a council! I alone will decide on the execution!"

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